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  • Looks like Firemane lockbox is a go for PS4.
  • @zebular Question about the forthcoming Challenge of the Gods event -- I looked on the Neverwinter Wiki for a bit more detail about this, and it seems Challenge of the Gods is how you get Waukeen's Coins as well. I assume this wiki info was for the PC, but will we console guys get the Waukeen Coins in the event as well? I…
  • I don't know if this counts as a Threadjack, and if so, my apologies, but what other quests are there that offer unique rewards? Non-gold, non-equipment (or more unique equipment?) Like the bag quests, there's also the one in Neverdeath that offers a Professions Pack as an example. I'd like to make sure I have a knowledge…
  • > @ravenskya said: > Yesterday I put the box and key on my 18 and went to the tower district - opened it and got a mark of potency and a blue union stone, oh and 3 trade bars. I'd seen that supposedly opening in the Tower District produced better results, so I cracked some Glorious Lockboxes there. Got 2 Epic Artifact…
  • First, I'm a PS4 player, but I think the thread in our forum for this redirects to the PC thread. So, hi there, PC guys and gals! Given the options of Barbarian, Bard, Druid, Monk and Sorcerer, I'd say Druid. I recognize there's an "other" option, but I'm also thinking along the lines of "what does the game need most to…
  • > @bomber#0573 said: > ...Lol, in all seriousness though I have like 12 toons and still don't know which one I prefer the most. You are more than welcome to join us and see if our guild fits you. Full disclosure though as stated we are a new guild and still pretty small potatoes with around twenty members or so atm. We are…
  • null I really only cashed in a few to move basic artifacts to 29 for upgrade green to blue. I do have Wanderer's Fortune running, but I haven't even thought about having to refine enhancement shards and the like yet.
  • Has anybody cracked enough Lockboxes of either the Glorious Resurgence or Shaundakul variety to have a breakdown of odds for the real good stuff? I haven't pulled THAT many professions packs, but I pulled a LOT of Companion Augment Packs. I've got an ocean of Level 7 Runestones. More than I'd use, certainly. Still pretty…
  • Hey Bomber, I'd definitely be interested in joining up with Batttle Forged. I'm 30+, long time D&Der though NOOB MMO'er. I've only been playing for about 2-3 weeks. Neverwinter was the first to catch my eye because it's F2P and actually set in the Realms -- thought that was cool. I'm down for mic chat 95% of the time, with…