Well there is something I am seeing that you aren't. I have a level 2 Alchemist and I need 100 experience to get to level 3. The only option I see is for 100 experience and the resource Bag of Gems is required to choose it. Needless to say its red. So for these 316 hours of game play I've been largely concentrating on…
No, you can blame skill whatever, but you do not know. I know. I have all lvl 2 Epic Gear. I've upgraded my Weapon and Armor enchantments to lvl 8. I've upgraded my Artifact of Power to lvl 60+. I've worked on all my enchantments having lvl 6 and 7 now and I am working the Epic Campaigns for Boons etc. What I say stands.…
I must say having known first hand the joy of playing Devoted Cleric which is underpowered vs any other class and serves no purpose in PvP other than to Heal and buttress other players the notion of selfish in this thread is one-side. I can't think of how many times I've played in this PvP that I consider to be a gross…