It seems the new gifts are bugged. I was able to claim the 2 per account yesterday on my main and another toon, but now I cannot get the quest/coupon with any of my characters.
80 tradebars for 50 insignia powder is crazy when I can get 40 upgrade tokens for the same 80 tb. They need to cut the insignia price in the tradebar store by 50%, but I guess next mod we'll be able to buy powder directly so maybe it will be more reasonable.
I am very disappointed in the premium track on the First Contact battle pass, as I was with Chaos Between Realms. None of the companion or mount choice packs are account wide unlocks, and they are largely not legendary quality like in previous battle passes. Even if they were account unlocks, other than the Icosahedron…
Unless you get another playstation or a PC that will run the game, no. Furthermore, if you play on a platform other than playstation, you will not have access to your old account or anything you may have purchased on that account.
Considering how often I log in and see "Claim Valuables" blinking at me, but have no idea what I haven't claimed, this would be such a QoL improvement.
The Royal Sled would be a much better option here. It at least has a useful equip power for support classes. Also curious if the Mount and Companion choice packs contain account versions of the choices or a single pick? Because that will make a lot of difference in how much I want to buy the premium track.
The most irritating part of this whole thing is that the people who had time to just farm the merchant all day were able to get everything without a worry, while everyone who has other obligations in life and had to get to bed Wednesday night are the people missing out.
I've made the same mistake of blowing huge amounts of AD on crafting reinforcements with the wrong artisan. It sucks, but life is about learning from mistakes. The lowest commission cost an artisan can have is -75%. That will reduce the cost of a Major armor reinforcement to just over 31k. That's as good as it gets, and…
The systems have changed a lot since 2016. Class powers are mostly unchanged, but feats and boons are quite different than they were 6 years ago. The level cap is not 70, or 80, or 85, but instead 20 like traditional tabletop D&D. Additionally, the leveling experience has been streamlined and the number of leveling story…