A GF walks into a dungeon and the CW says, "Hey, I haven't seen you in a while. What happened, you look terrible!" "What do you mean?" GF replies, "I'm fine." CW says, "But what about that wooden leg? You didn't have that before." "Well," says GF, "I was in a battle in a dungeon and a dragon bite my leg but the surgeon…
nice post! the thing that interests me as GWF with radiance stone are: When you put rings/belt with 243 power and 133 def or 133 recovery, do you get bonus from rec/def stat to your armP/power? I have GWF feats to grant me extra power from def and extra armP from recovery.
Well,from my exp in CN its not about GS its all about weapon enchants,thats the thing that makes difference. If a party is not equipped with minimum of greater weapon enchants i don't think they have much chance @ CN full run. There was bunch of times when my party had control on adds on last boss but the Draco HP was…
So... People from my guild exp CWs ~15K GS all run 2/4 dread and 2/4 fabled and all have advised me to drop HV and to aim for 2/4 DR + 2/4 fabled, since apperntly I lack power. I am spellstorm/thaum build ~13K GS with HV 4/4 and ~4200 power,2300 armP,3300 rec,30% crit,... So, would i benefit from +900 power and -450…