How you manage to maintain compile and test pipelines at 0 cost? I just spent few days at work updating those build pipelines due to legacy dependencies so I would love to know how to avoid this in the future while maintaining infinite backwards compatibility and using new features.
i went dormant during half-mod16 and all mod17, then again during all mod22, I was still logging in once in a while to check and if needed to resplenish my orders in the Zax (still have quite a lot of AD in reserve today, only 1 month after returning from my break, enough for at least 3 full cycles of 5x5k Zen +… wouldn't use on Green Dragon for sure.
If 50% of the people in the queue are gone, 50% of the queue will not be replaced when it comes through and queue will shrink. Imprecise science, but as long as we do not have access to the actual trade data from Cryptic, it is as good as any other model trying to explain the growing and shrinking of the ZAX queue
I didn't want to wait to get what I wanted and wanted it then and there so I relented and bought 20k zen. I checked both options on that day, both using a direct exchange using the ZAX, or buy 2 coal wards and put them on the AH. The AH won because even after the AH cut I still came out ahead over a hundred grand…