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What is the Arc Client?
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  • this sums up everything. They promised no wipe so people would feel safe investing time and money into the game, wiping now breaks that promise and its called fruad. Most people can go to banks/CC companys and tell them and those companys will do charge backs costing them more then just players but money as well. So anyone…
  • What changes for the GWF at 40? new skills that do more damage? or a single skill that gets all the others to hit harder? Do they get better single target dps? At 60 can they kill in pvp? at 29 i have yet to ever see a GWF kill much in PVP or even come near the top dps, have a hard time beliving that changes so fast in 11…
  • so many free loaders lol. Hey i wanna play 100% free and never need to spend any cash while costing you money to make a game for me and keep the servers going and add new content, but i wont pay a dime to you thanks!!!! that about sums up the OP and his type of gamer.
  • thank you very much soulwarrior.
  • It does say elf untill you chose then down below it say wood elf above the little bio stuff.
  • Just got up (went to bed after i posted) Should be is not 100% lol i do not wish to spend 40$ jst to find out i wasted my money.
  • Has open world forced pvp so no thanks. As far as this game, i gre up on 1.5 and i miss my old 2haxe plate wearing cleric that was a beast, but unlike some i can adapt and have fun in this game with the NEW rules.
  • Ok you play the game for free you buy two bags at 20$ and 1 epic mount at 40$ (thats a normal MMO price that is not free) then play how ever many months you want for free, seems fine to me. Only people who have a problem with cash shops are free loaders who would play and never spend a dime.
  • i crashed twice last night both times when i logged back in i was in a 2 person que that took less then 15 seconds. So there already seems to be one as i skiped the 7k+ lines both times.