Unable to authenticate: Connection to the account server timed out meh expected at this point i guess maybe tomorrow i play after everyone gets a free round of leg mounts again lol
this is 100% HAMSTER if this dont get rolled backed or if the mounts dont get removed 100% BS dont do this u know it is very bad thing get it fixed this is was on preview and it wasnt fixed and u left it in fix your boo boo like a grown up
i think what pvp needs is this 1st : it needs a que where all boons companions and mounts are disabled it just based on gear and skill 2nd: enchants need to be nerf'ed to rank 10s since this is currently what u can get quickly and easily from lock boxes or AH just doing these things would get new players to the game to que…
this is what 6 mods in a roll DC got nerf... waiting for our skills to simply say xx in pvp / xx in pve ... u know to balance the game right .. so our pvp nerfs dont wipe out our usefulness in pve
"Various powers that previously did not proc weapon enchantments at all have been updated to properly proc them." http://www.arcgames.com/en/games/neverwinter/news/detail/10818654
ya i dont even RED because i am a dc and hate down right hate fbi there is 0 point for me to even look at that dungeon and i dont want the 30 min block or making the party i que in with mad because i would leave it almost instantly ..... only saving grace is u can ask the party to vote kick u wich kinda helps sence no 30…
ya but u want all 3 to be gold phases not 1 phase to be broken and have to work around that is my point. yes we still got gold and gold rewards just saying it is still broken in the fact u can not win that phase when it keeps filling to 99% but not 100%
bug: FBI stuff last boss sometimes hits the invisible wall at the entrance of the bridge and it restarts the whole fight last boss also has very poor showing for its skills most of the splats that should be on the ground dont show or only show at the last .5 seconds making impossible for some if not all melee to get away…
currently this is wai due to the fact pali's share with companions and companions share with pali and yes having a DC there matters ALOT because u and pali give each other power which is then shared to companion then shared back to u. also yes the green balls in CN are very very buggy they get caught in all kinds of places…
plz look into exultation DC skill.... the fact that it targets companions is killer to it... also 1st boss of elol care to make the trinket that opens the pit up appear after both the boss and his mount is killed ... currently if boss is killed first it pops up and blocks/line of sight u from the mount or other players...…
first boss of elol after u kill the main rider the symbol pops up in the middle of the room even tho u still havent killed the dragon he was riding. that symbol acts as a wall and line of sights u from your party and the dragon.
The spell mastery version of ray of enfeeblement has been adjusted to no longer have 2 charges. The initial cast is now doubly effective, achieving the same results that previously required using both charges on the same target. As a result of these changes, the effect of the feat "spell twisting" now works correctly with…
we need trails of the old dungeons i would like to think that most if not all of us would love to see harder( as in hopefully mechanic wise {tong is a great example of this} ) of the old dungeons like pirate king, karrundax, frozen heart, and others. i know lots have suggested this in the past for a very very long time.…
just let taunting companions lower the agro of the player that summoned it by like 20-40%... that way the player simply has less agro than the companions and anything that adds agro or taunts like gf or gf marks will always be above the companions this way ... tho i would check and make sure that this cant be exploited and…
attacking the dummys in trade of blades causes u to jump in and out of combat .... this is part of the reason it is hard to give bug reports on some things. were mobs die and i leave combat is understandable, fighting the dummys should keep me in combat for just a few so we can look at and record what the problems are.…
#thelongranger this is not a bug but i would love if u looked into exultation skills the fact that it targets compainions makes the skill about useless ether make a aoe or something elce plz plz plz i would love to use this skill more often.
so far at lest 3 times i have gotten loot from bosses and it is a place holder icon that is 6 loots because ther is always 2 of them that gives nothing also this https://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/neverwinter#/discussion/1231344/graphic-bugs