I keep forgetting about this and try to log on. OOPS! Sorry. I do wish you'd make end game enchantments more readily found or available, like Bilethorn, etc. I know there is something else too but can't remember it.
As far as I'm concerned, you, the developers, unnamed due to cowardice, are destroying Neverwinter. This so called MOD 21 is a disgrace and insult to D&D. This is the poorest joke for a mod, I have ever seen in my 60+ years of gaming. You have no idea how to design games. Money is not going to help you when you have no…
I agree. 80th level Hunter Ranger and I lost almost 50% damage dealt on everything. I had to change every enchantment just to keep even. Yeah, it's very broken. I almost don;t want to play anymore.
80th level Ranger, in second quest to find Artifacts. Led to swamp village in Pirates Skyhold; second time; Found 1 item but no others after 30 mins. had to abandon quest due to missing items.