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  • Try bumping this thread: http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?180181-Guardian-Fighter-Feat-Bugs
  • Ok, Fight On may be reducing cool downs correctly, and it's just not showing up on the character sheet under recovery at this time. As for Armor Specialization. I can see what you are saying about the wording, but if unmodified AC is worth .5% DR each, then you should be able to see increased DR% when you mouse over the AC…
  • Nice guide and it's good to see all the interest in improving our playstyles. Anyone else noticed the feat bugs that we've listed for GF in the bug thread below? We've got 3 for sure so far, including Fight On not providing the cool down reduction listed. Looking for some support on the thread if you have noticed any…
  • Just checked on my character to see if I was receiving cool down bonus from Fight On. It doesn't appear to be working either. Can anyone else verify that Powerful strike is not providing the listed interrupt on Lunging Strike? I'm not wasting a respec when so many of these feats appear to be messed up at the moment.
  • Reconnecting with an injury after DCing out of PVP is becoming a pain as well.
  • When you earn over 1000 glory in a match, it won't show the 1 in the front, so you are really earning 1037 glory for that win. You have to watch your currency total to see what you actually earn.
  • I'm only level 50 at the moment, but my overall plan is pretty similar to nitemaresb's, go down the protector tree and then 10 into tactics. Currently: 5/5 Plate Agility 5/5 Shield Defense 5/5 Shieldmaster 5/5 Balanced Shield Fighter 1/1 Iron Guard Planned: 5/5 Fight On 5/5 Daunting Challenge -Picked Plate Agility over…
  • Your stat analysis certainly makes sense, but the OP asked for opinions backed up by facts. Granted my fact was from Novemeber 2012, but that was the last time I saw any official information on stats for the Drow. Even if we completely ignore stat bonuses across the races, I think Drow come out pretty low on the min/max…
  • Drow Racial Bonuses: +2 Dex +2 Cha Trance - Faster recovery at campfires Darkfire - Reduce enemy's defense rating Source: http://nw.perfectworld.com/news/?p=771211 The Dex boost and Darkfire are definite bonuses for a GF. And the Cha boost will help your companion perform a bit better. Trance is a wash as you are most…