I dont mind having no trails, as long as there is some story arch that gives a good indication where to go. Hoever this particular quest indicates that there is a note telling you how to reach Galroth and somehow i never got a note..
Problem is that combined with the lowered selfhealing Clerics tend to die first and foremost... They should not only tend to the agro part, but also repair cleric selfhealing in groups...
I really feel sory for you, you have earned my respect in the past, but you have thrown it out of the window today by reacting like a little spoiled child. Makes me wonder why? This attitude will get you nowhere, not with this game, and not in real life. There is a lesson to be learned here for everyone, as it is sad to…
Not only him, once our whole dnd group got killed by our mage, het got angry with us because we kept making jokes about the **** in his pants.. On a serious note, pvp is fun when done right. And the arcade style combat of this game is very much suited for pvp. I really hope someone will add a 3d dota pvp map, with pc and…
Well the fact that most people are not creative at all, was the reason why these boxes got sold in the first place... I allways created my own adventures and campaigns, tough i must admit that i bought a whole pletora of adventure books and campaign boxes for my "fresh" ideas.
Actually this worries me more, because this could mean that the recreation of old pnp dnd adventures and naming the so could be prohibbited. Point taken about addult content, means we need to ballance a thin line when NPCs need to say certain things, metaphors and things like that can help a lot here my best guest would…
I think this is the most important part of the foundry... it should allow scaling from single class to group content to multi group content.. They should add a new set of boss encounters, that people can tune themselves...
I dont know if they are in, but doppelganger can be lots of fun... Planning a whole campaign around a group of doppelganger pirates, just hope they are in or added very soon after release.
I think you cant sattisfy everyone at he same time, might be that hack and slash stuff gets rated way higher then story based campaigns, but that will not withold me from building camaigns that come lose to my pnp stuff.. .. But i can allready hear them out loud, to much reading, walls of text, cicky clicky click... For…
I dont see why they could not add multi group content (raids) to the foundry... But in the end people expecting the best loot commng from raids will be very dissapointed when they find out it are the same loottables in place
I dont mind what classes they push, but i want to see atleast one new class every 2 months, preferably more in th first year after release, 5 classes just doesnt cut it.. There are over 25 classes available in the 4th edition pnp rulebooks, where every pnp class as enought content for 2 or 3 neverwinter classes, how hard…
Which actually is good... I allready have to few powers, having to save one encounter power for a rezz would ruin the cleric combat even further. If they ever add rezzes, make them through targetting the corpse and using a popup action on that corpse...
Since they want to tone down cleric selfhealing in solo instances, they should make all cleric healing be 50% + 12,5%/team member. In this case clerics have lower healing when soloing, but enough selfhealing when grouped. Problem solved, goal achieved, everybody happy, they just need to do the math.