There's so much that goes into the decision to delay or not delay a game, a lot of which isn't up to the developers, or even the publishers at times. Instead, much of this stuff rests on the shoulders of investors, who only want to see something tangible for their financial backing of a project. Regardless of whether the…
It would seem that a Ranger at, or most likely after, launch is realistic. Currently, there are two at-will abilities for Archer Rangers hidden away in the game files: Archer_Atwill_Aimed Archer_Atwill_Rapid Since these are the only indications, at this point, of an archer ranger, it's likely that we'll get this class…
I think adding it in would certainly be a bonus, though not a necessity. It was charming in DDO but only the first handful of times, then it just became extraneous and meaningless. For now, DM-specific text will suffice; in truth, I'd rather the devs work on something that truly needs to be in the game, than something like…