So... the bottom line is, it depends on whether you are PvE or PvP oriented. I imagine PvE players would want more balance between the two. With all the complaining about piercing damage in PvP, maybe deflection is the way to go since you would at least have a chance to deflect a piercing attack. Am I on the right track…
Roleplay around a table top works, but I find roleplay to be too tedious in much faster paced online games like this one. PvP would be more fun in a guild I suppose, but mainly for the communication aspect. Unfortunately my toon is nowhere near being ready for end game PvP, and my skills are even worse! :)
My post was purposely sarcastic. I like the game for allot of reasons, but its social qualities are not one of them. I've had very few social interactions playing this game, even in those times where there is ample time to socialize. Ever see a crowd waiting for a dragon to spawn? You can have 10 - 20 people there, all…
I think you are mistaking this for a social game, when in fact 99% of the time NWO is a solo grind. When you join a party (that is IF you meet the party GS requirements first) blow and go is the name of the game as everyone zergs everything as quickly as possible so they can hurry back to that AD/GS/Feed Your Artifact/Work…
It all comes down to perceived value. The big ticket items are way overpriced imo. I just can't justify spending $35 on a purple mount, or $10 on a coalescent ward. I know how hard I work to get my money. But when they had a 60% off sale on purple mounts recently, I went right out an purchased a prepaid card to get one.…
I assume you meant 13k GS. My toon has 13k GS, and I would still consider myself a newbie - I've only been playing since October. Yes, I que up for PvP on occasion, and yes mostly for the AD, but I don't consider myself as being a troll. If the opposing team is also a pug, I'll fight, but if we're a pug up against a…
Good advice, thank you. Darks seem harder to find than most others. Does it matter if you use other types of enchants or runestones to build up am enchant, or should they stay pure?
GS gives a myopic view of the toon and the person behind it. Dump GS as inspectable by others, and replace it with a "Renown" score that increases as a player completes quests, dungeons, campaigns, etc. It would be a much better gauge of player experience than GS. It shouldn't be too difficult to generate a list of…
I can see that watching YouTube vids... its like a military operation. I think everyone that PvP's, even casual players, should be on a mic. On another note, I haven't heard any raging lately, and thats a good thing. (knock on wood)
I don't mind telling you that here. My toon is a very fresh 60. HR combat Pathfinder with Glade Stalker gear GS 11.7k. Weapons are Grand Warden (?). I'm working on my boons, and have the first two in Sharandar, and the first in ToD. I went with power and critical strike boons. Looking at the later boons, I think I'll focus…
I get you now. Part of the problem is no one is communicating in the pugs, and everyone is just doing their own thing. As a new guy, it would be great if the experienced players talked more and helped out with some direction during the matches. I know I would respond to suggestions. And what is "BiS"? So many acronyms used…
After being totally owned in my small experience at PvP before this thread by overdriver, I thought I would give an update of my PvP experience after reading the tips. First, let me qualify by saying that I SUCK at PvP, and I know it. And thats okay. I don't get mad when I get pwnd, I laugh because I marvel at how good…
You are right. people DO read these posts, even if they don't reply. There are always lurkers on the forums. Thanks for posting these tips, your original post clears up a lot of things and answered many questions. I will probably continue to get pwnd, but at least I'll have an idea of what to do and whats going on. For…
Your short post has the most concrete information I have seen on pvp strategy in this game. Its a shame that people who have the know how haven't bothered to write a tutorial of some kind yet. I don't even know how to tell what color my team is for chrissakes! As for map knowledge, forget about it. I haven't stayed alive…
This is what brought me to the forums today. I'm a new player who mainly plays pve. I like the idea of pvp, but readily admit I suck at it. In my quest for more AD, I've had a few forays into pvp, and it was shall we say, a very unsatisfactory experience. Theres no fun in getting wiped out over and over by more experienced…
As newb I'm curious as to the difference in game mechanics between choosing need or greed. Does choosing need give an advantage of some kind? Obviously its a social no no in certain situations.
I'm new and have been playing solo. I'm not a power player, but I inspect allot other players charactors just to get an idea of how I'm doing compared to others, and feel like I'm doing alright. I don't have an MMO background, so it taking me a while to figure things out and get comfortable, but I'm having a great time.