I'm not justifying this by any means, BUT the reason why people do that, its because even if you are having an awesome match, there's really no point to it, you lose, you get HAMSTER rewards, simple as that. Heck, I lost a match yesterday from 980-1000, and was second on the most points, yet got a crappy 300ish glory,…
You clearly are not a CW or another HR? Roots do just that, root you in place, so you can't even teleport away from melee because you just rubberband so much, for about 5-6 seconds, so yeah, you're pretty much just bait at that point. Roots suck for everyone. You can't even cast skills sometimes, because you're on a…
While this might be true on trivial stuff, You're certanly not gona keep your team alive just by astral shield, nor gona make the squishy CW or TR invincible while they stand on it. It has already been nerfed before, there's no need to touch it now. You clearly haven't played long enough to realize its only situational.…
Have you considered a thunderhead? I currently use a normal one, not the lesser, and its really usefull for stunning those sneaky sins that try to kill you with lashing blade, it seems to happen rather often. For Pve i'd go with barkshield, as the guy above me said, it mitigates initial damage nicely.
You do know that names are not unique on the server right? only @handle is, i've seen plenty of ppl called Aurelia for example, so its pretty hard to tell.
And the Fomorian Totemist Symbol [/QUOTE] I'd really like to know which boss on MC drops that one? i've done it without success on getting it, i'd really like to transmute mine to that one.
Its mostly used on PVP for the freeze effect it applies, and it also never misses (it will follow your target, even if they go behind a wall), hence why it becomes so usefull on 1v1 pvp. But for pve, i wouldn't recommend it, if thats your case.
Nobody its forcing you to transmute if you don't like the price. Every piece of gear you wanna change the appearence with another's, its gona cost you a solid 60k AD, always been that way. I'ts just a way to make your stuff look "prettier" I've pretty much changed every piece of my gear to look different, its something to…
If you really want people to stop exploiting, and take ages to do a dungeon, just put an invisible wall before the bosses,that only opens if you kill all the previous mobs before that boss, could be done thru a quest count. Then just watch half your playerbase rage quit.
Its the level 40 green cleric armor, something like, chain armor of the youth? I can't tell you exactly cuz I changed it to another top just yesterday.
Way too exterme, while I agree a penatly its needed, It should not be two hours Also i can see the voting system not working at all, when someone refuses to vote no to the leave option, and the people who voted yes, will just not help the team, nor try at all to win, making it miserable for the people who wanted to stay.