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  • I had the same experience with warlocks on epic LoL. I'm not sure about burning guidance but a SW wearing broken diablolist set had nearly tripled my archer's damage. It's broken just like the buffed storm spell now. I remember seeing a ACT chart of a SW on feedback thread showing more then %50 of his damage from diabolist…
    in Hr & mod4 Comment by atarcan August 2014
  • What İ fear is devs reverting the last changes after negative feedback from other classes following mod 4 launch. Both SS and MoF paragon passives, i couldnt give them a try but all of them look too good to be true.
  • Spot on. This post points exactly what bothered me about Zax, but couldn't phrase it out without drowning in too much details. Well said sir, well said
  • Exactly. Have you been to kessels or tried lair of lostmauth in preview? They are the opposite of what we had before. We like it or not, the trend is less but more powerful/cc immune adds in PVE. Old trash clearing builds no longer work in new content, faster we adapt the better. I'll be more than happy to have a GF in…
  • @abaddon, This was the exact paragon feats I end up with on preview but after the most recent changes (paragon passives are buffed insanely) I couldn't decide between MOF and SS. I have a question, does focused wizardy (%30 increased single target damage) increases dot damage from smoulder, Ice conduit and FtF? Or in…
  • @OP, This is one of the best ideas I've read regarding PVP. Since leaderboard is about to be reset with mod 4, I believe it's a great time and way to seperate premade PVP matches from solo PUG matches. It's mostly like this as of now but still there is a high probability that even if you queue as a two-man team, you'll be…
  • I disagree. HR were mostly forced to build and gear for PVP because of our bad performance in dungeons. Since we are back on the PVE stage (archers) I'll definitely go for the new set for my HR. Why? Add infested, long and frustrating if you're not a CW or GWF, not effective for continious farming, people were complaining…
  • I believe nerf in enchantment drops is intended, their way of conducting business. See, tradebar wards became BOP, rising prices moved players to buy wards on the store and increase sales. (I bought around 6 during the sale for example. 375k price a piece was a steal if you had to incentive to open your wallet) Same is…
  • Feedback: Spell Storm Thaumaturge PVE-Solo Play I did a half an hour test run on Sharandar and İcewind Pass. Ability layout: Ice Storm+Oppressive Force.... Tab: Chill Strike Encounters: Sudden Storm+ıcy Terrain+Steal Time Some notes that I want to specially mention. Shard of Endless Avalanche: This spell does no longer…
  • So, you mean going full power instead? Care to explain it a little more?
  • Not an high end PVPer myself, but I play an archer in PVP on live and I can assure you only contest nodes alone against enemies if I dont have any other choice even though I went full defensive, not a 12k glass cannon sniper. Without benefits such as wilds medicine, constricting arrow and %20 DR of aspect of lone wolf in…
  • Thank you, I was looking for info about it. Much appreciated.
  • I have 3 characters and they are all different classes. Their initial stats are bad, except the last one. Stat rolls and races didnt matter much till end game. It's when one can truly understand how the class works, which stats BIS gear stacks and lacks etc. So I dont think it's realistic to expect a player to know all…
  • The problem is, CW's lost their appeal on damager trees. I'm waiting for the bugged skills to be fixed for a real testing but as of now my MOF oppressor build has better control AND damage then my SS Thaum build on preview. Can you see the problem here? Thaum and renegade trees are mostly taken out of the equation. If devs…
  • I swapped dread legion for this too. Power and crit bonus already offsets the loss on recovery and life steal. 2/2 bonus is somewhat meh but better than 450 recovery if you ask me
  • The only reason I can think of for increased casting times is dev's intend to alter weapon enchant effects based on casting time. There are locked or not disclosed changes and I believe this is one of them. They will probably buff the overlooked weapon enchants based on casting time of skills. (Mentioned by gentelmancrush…
  • Are you sure ArP acts as a control bonus against CONTROL IMMUNE targets? I haven't heard anything about this before but I'm sure ArP->DR and Control Bonus -> control resist are completely different things. Also fix on ArP is mentioned as a counter to these damage nerfs BUT didn't the encounters which recieved the heaviest…
  • I tried something similar to this tactic last night but I was the only CW so ahem, it didn't go pretty well. :rolleyes: I'll surely give this a try. Thanks a lot.
  • Hi, are you still recruiting PVE'ers, CWs specifically? I see there's a lean towards PVP aspect of the game but do you still have regular dungeon parties? Is TS3 or raidcall mandatory?
    in Black Lotus Comment by atarcan June 2014
  • This is exactly same with grimah's build. I'm currently using it too and I like it, it's fun but I have to admit Stox's build is much more effective. I'm almost always outdps'ed by wizards with that build...
  • I was one of the lucky ones to get companion in less then 20 runs. What suprised me is the price of shaman in AH. Wolf and druid was around 50k AD (Couldnt get it from the skirmish so I bought the wolf for 45k during the CTA) while I sold shaman for more then 150k. Either shaman is more useful than it looks or something is…
  • Armor is not the only BI Set around. For me, CW Black Ice weapon set stats is way more useful then my Ancient court set. T3 corrupt MH and OH is also better for my PVE loadout.
  • Does bronzewood stack with armor pen and migitation debuffs? For example, I have %20 arm.pen and use perfect bronzewood. When I hit a target who has %20 damage resistance, does it's resistance drop to -%16 or simply it lowers it to a maximum of %0?
    in bronzewood Comment by atarcan June 2014
  • I was wondering this as well. I have a lesser plague fire right now but I'm not sure whether upgrading it to normal will be better then going for a normal vorpal or not. I'm a PVE spellstorm thaum who doesnt have much AD to think higher than normal weapon enchantments... Thinking for PVE only, I will appreciate any…
  • Have you checked out the patch notes? "Heroic Encounters: Removed all loot drops except Black Ice Enchantments for Epic and Major Heroic Encounters. Final rewards on them will gain an additional 30 Raw Black Ice. This is to help with entity draw limits and performance." Does this include gauntlets/gloves too? By the way,…
  • Nvm, found another thread giving the stats...
  • I couldn't find 4/4 total stats for either set on wiki. Anyone have a link for corrupted and purified set stat totals?
  • I agree. 2/4 of skills in my rotation doesn't benefit from arp. So I tried lowering arp to 1.4k from 2k, increasing power by that amount. Didnt do the math but my damage does not seem worse, clearing content feels even faster. Maybe it's infact because of power rework idk but I'm happy with the result so it doesnt matter i…
  • I'm in IWD right now cant even move a step, let alone get out of the map... Literallt stuck in the map and whatsmore, stuck and killme commands do not work... Disabled or lowered every single graphic option I could find but no... I'm sure it's not hardware issue. ı dont have any lag in areas other than IWD Pass.