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  • you can 'fake it' with some between the wall glitches... saw it in another foundry someone else did and started exploring it myself... Ok... Take something like the spiral stairway interior (think it's unique clock tower or something like that - just search for unique in room search)... now put a small dungeon hallway next…
  • You need at least a 'boss' tune for some major achievment. sewers would be like ambient type stuff.
  • Uh, is creating new accounts to bypass stuff like this violation of tos or eula or something?
  • put invisible walls around the doors that disappear when objective before the unlock door is complete. and yes, it is confusing and annoying... half of my doors work fine, and the other half didn't.
  • I solved the 'key' problem of if they trash one of the keys in my quest, or close a door after they unlock it where the door ate the key, etc., by putting teleporters in the rooms you can lock yourself in to, or a hallway off of that room accessible only via that room, etc. Teleporters mainly lead back to the first main…
  • what's the 'name' in the filter fopr the ones that are not passthrough?
  • not too much of a hassle UNTIL you try creating an entire maze map... when you are doubling the count on each and every single wall you put in. Some floor tiles, etc. can work but more variety, etc. would be useful... if you want to do something like I started on my first quest creation where you have a 'maze' of tar you…
  • Is there a 'penalty' for no mobs in a quest on the end treasure loot? I've been thinking about possibly making maze based quests that have zero mobs in them at all... but not sure how boring that would be, or if some type of 'penalty' would apply for no mobs, etc... of if that would be bad since some might consider it an…
  • I think a horse is an npc itself in foundry... so you so you might be able to make him walk using some paths... then maybe copy path with a different npc to make it mount... but getting those paths to line up would likely not be easy to do... alternative might be to 'fake it' with both on the same invisible platform that…
  • I'll have to check those out. The drawbridge works too... I love the water planes since they are 1000x1000 so you can put a lot on them. Thinking about maybe doing a whole quest that is based on waterplanes with different textures (clear, murky, etc.). With them you can sort of create 'rooms' that are huge... and a ground…
  • Thanks for running through it. Sorry it took so long. Yes, I need to probably go back in and change up the last 10 minutes or so so there are some easier options there in the dialogue branches. This being my first foundry creation, I was sort of just trying to explore the tools... It's made me aware of a lot of potential.…
  • Brainstorming/To do list: - Dialogue (redo the green torch section) - yellow + blue=green but there was no yellow torch, lol... that's what happens when you are working on this type of stuff at 1 am.... Right now the torch handle gives the key after you solve the problem, but it's not exactly easy to understand that ... so…
  • I can't remember which room it is but one of the default rooms (one that I used in the quest I just published last night) have a like ledge thing around the border and it's all sunken in under y=0 in the middle... in theory anyone using that room in a map where mobs are on the lower level would breaking TOS? Why is the…
  • What exactly is an 'exploit'? Maybe it might help to define it so that authors know what to not put in there, etc. For example, I was thinking about making some quest where you have either one route that is full of encounters or one that is full of traps and no encounters, etc. Would that be an 'exploit' since the traps…
  • Lex Luthor hasn't been killed by Superman yet, even though there's been plenty of chances for it to happen... Dr. Klaw still is always hindering Inspector Gadget's plans all the time.... but Darth Vader finally died when he had a change of heart... Villians can sometimes become the good guys. Arch Nemesis are needed in…
  • try invisible clicky on top of door if you really need them to talk to the door.
  • instead of interactable... try 'unlock door'
  • Is anyone else experiencing this bug or am I alone? It took quite a while ut I got a lot more stuff set up in my quest over the weekend despite the bug... using component tree helped a little, but the bug was still there. Took me a few hours to hook up one part of the story where I have about a hundred items all instantly…
  • All this easy mode stuff in all these quests... I'm just setting up each dialogue to allow easy or hard based on what you say in that dialoge... on an individual basis, not an entire quest basis... Kinda sucks... but just remember K.I.S.S. method - KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID... or Keep it Simple Silly... whatever.. just…
  • Hiding them in a room and not making the encounter a "kill monsters" part of story might be suitable? Not sure if it's possible, but I wonder if you can delete individual monsters from an encounter and leave the other part of the group there? I don't think you can but maybe you can?
  • Lol. Too true. Seriously love wizard since you can usually kill most stuff before it gets to you with the ranged attacks.
    in Class Comment by artgod July 2013
  • try urchin
  • 'mods' have been available on many games since the first Doom came out, etc. Nowadays developers are just making it easier for the anyone on the street to do it rather than those more technically inclined.
  • uh, your own play thoughs should not count because YOU created it, so know how to 'exploit' the map to your own advantage, via shortcuts, etc. It's like having a DM play in their own real world pen and paper rpg without any other 'players'... it can be done since you can use your imagination and dice, but it'll be a lonely…
  • on DM messages, I've been trying to consider if investigate item or reach point is really better... In some cases, I think reach point seems to work best... If you need to spawn message immediately, set it to area and put the reach point right where last objective was or very close to it so player is already there and it…
  • workaround for the bug I found last night is to use pull down menu and carfully look for NEVER or COMPONENT IN PROGRESS if it shows up in the weird little glitchy window you can barely see through the main box... COMPONENT COMPLETE is either on top of or below those other two if you can find them depending on if you are in…
  • as far as stackables go, I'm cheating a little... Simply put description of item in name and x5, x25, x100, etc. in the description box... then have interact withs 'eat' the item and replace it with another one... so like the 5 coins turns in to 10 or 100 as your stack grows. not a very good workaround, but it works in…
  • It's like that the premades are 'baked' in lighting. Do some google searches on it if you want... in 3d modelling that's sort of a way of making shadows a part of the 3d model's textures, so as to speed up rendering time... something very important in a video game.
  • bug: appear when drop down keeps showing up behind the main box, making it impossible, or extremely difficult to actually pick anything. Similarly, it'd be EXTREMELY nice if you could add a pin type thing on the boxes since they keep stacking on top of one another when you try to pick something... make them at least show…
  • I figured out how to do it... now... sort set appear and dissappear on dialoge/component, etc. As far as reach point... What I'm imagining is a crazy room where where it's like you fall through space space and as you jump the parts of the wall's bricks and platforms go in and out of the room depending on reach points...…