This "new-server" will not be protected by future bugs/exploits. At this current point in time creating a new server will do nothing, as they are going to merge all 3 servers into one in the near future anyways. There will be more major bugs and exploits soon to come. Maybe not as big as the -AD we seen today but just as…
Anyone whos been with PWE for a while would know they would never do a wipe at this point. Any STO players here? Remember this same issue happening in STO.... How was this allowed into the game after that big ordeal in STO over this SAME issue at hand....
I agree and disagree for a wipe. If they bring back the Foundry Exploite and let me get my 60 back in an hour i'd be ok with having to farm my gear all over again. Having to level up all over again then farm my gear back i disagree too.
Lol due get a life would you? "Spamming this thread with opinions on what you think should be done is absolutely pointless" Who do you think you are? Anyone in this community is welcome to voice their own opinions and ideas and i STRONGLY urge everyone to do so. This is not YOUR community it is OURS. Spamming forums in an…
Sadly the scale of this issue is so large, it is going to take months before the AH comes back down to a normal state. Really sucks when stuff like this happens, they should really just do like a 1-2 day rollback i'm sure everyone would be better with that then a full wipe.
I can agree with the BoE drops but honestly just run stuff with friends. Don't have any? Well get out there and make some. Join a guild and run only with guildies as they will be less likely to ninja gear. Also you'll be able to form groups so that no one is crying over the same gear drops. Everyone has or can make friends…
$60 for Founders back, sadly that is all i will spend unless the cash shop prices get an over hall. The prices are just way to high :( I really want to buy some stuff from the Zen shop but what i'm looking at will cost me well over $100 dollars, not only is that to much but i feel that what i'll get for $100 is not worth…
The point is still based on what the descriptions where at the start before they changed them. Regardless if they did or did not have that option included, that is in fact what this poll is about none the less ^_^
The old one is fixed? But now the one you guys got me to download no longer works. Can i has old .exe plx? All i did was go into the Neverwinter/Live folder run the GameClient.exe it loaded up, now my normal desktop (Patch Client/Luncher) runs fine. Of course not displaying anything (news etc...).
I had the G700 and i was always faced with this issue. Its the G700 Drivers itself that is the problem and Logitech doesn't really care to fix them. The software never works right and if you do even get it to work don't bother turning your system off as it will only break again. I took that mouse and i kid you not, put it…
472 Votes, and i agree with what the poll is showing. Coming in behind the HoTN players in Queue seems to not only be fair but very logic. As some of you are saying that "You knew what you where getting when you bought the Guardian pack." is not 100% true as there where a lot of misconstruing information among both packs.
Lol the correction was already pointed out and titles cannot be edited. Was a mistake please if you are going to post stay on topic. Don't derail this thread please.
Went from 6k in Queue to 16k... I gave PW money to help support their quest in bringing us an awesome game. it was us fellow Founders, HoTN AND us Guardians who helped fund this game no matter how small of a way. Thus being only fair that HoTN get in first no questions asked, then us Guardians in our OWN Queue right behind…
They can simply add a scroll in the Zen Market at a fair price that offers just that "Be placed at the start of the Queue" Also imho those of us who spent $60 or $200 dollars, you really think those will be the final and last purchase they make? I highly doubt that. To be fair i think between the Founders and the freebie…