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  • ...That wouldn't remove it. At least, not in PvE. It'd make it more difficult, potentially impossible, for people who don't have A ) high Recovery, B ) Sneaky Stabber, and C ) Scavenger/Skulker gear to accomplish it, and that's all. I know this, because I eventually took B&S off my skillbar while I was using a permastealth…
  • I've noticed that the Thayan Servitors often knife me even when I've entered stealth outside aggro range and then ran in. Mildly annoying, usually it just cuts my stealth duration short. Other than that, pretty much what Todesfaelle says.
  • Checked. I am empty of mail, both in-game and in gateway, and yet it glows.
  • This is probably a matter of personal preference. Myself, I tend to build Dex as the high stat, because...well, I like to crit. Others might prefer to simply beef their way through things with a steady damage output.
  • It may be that a feat or passive ability with an intermittent effect is providing the difference. Nimble Blades or First Strike, for example.
  • I don't think GS is that great of a measure, honestly. Here's a story for you: Just an hour ago, I picked a fight with a group of Thayans on my Trickster Rogue: Two Servitors, one Evoker, one Iron Golem. I've got a routine - I snip the Servitors, then the Evoker, and finally the Golem - and it's to the routine I stick. I…
  • TRs are mostly single-target damage, that's true. That said, CWs are AoE damage (and control). Of course nobody's going to go 'Oh, wow, that Rogue really is AoEing the HAMSTER out of all these things,' or 'Huh, where'd that Rogue with all the AoE go?' if there's two good CWs. Probably wouldn't do it with one good CW.…
  • When I was using Balenorne's permastealth build, I found it pretty useful - you don't get a lot of kills with it, but that's not the point of a permastealth build in PvP. It's excellent, feated, for: Prolonging stealth uptime, allowing you to harass an enemy while holding a node (which can prevent said enemy from charging…
  • I hear Vengeance's Pursuit can hit a whole lot of enemies at once - the specific example I heard was '15-16 enemies.'
  • As far as I can tell, Lashing Blade only gets guaranteed crits from stealth - otherwise, it'd always crit while flanking, while enemy stunned...basically anything that granted Combat Advantage bonuses.
  • Depends on the game mode, honestly. See, thing is, it's so incredibly good in PvE, due to the way Stealth is handled, that a good number of dungeons can be done without ever getting so much as touched. The only dungeons that manage to put up a fight against the permastealth build are the ones where certain enemies still…
  • Fine, here, I'll break it down for you. I'm honestly not sure how I've been unclear, but I'll try to explain, despite the sneaking suspicion that you simply skim over things until you think you've found a point to make. The dungeons in this Dungeons and Dragons game kind of suck. The only thing that makes them challenging…
  • Things usually die first, as a result of the other stacks of Wicked Reminder and/or the Catspaw style thing. Even if they survive, it means a lot of extra lifesteal healing for me - enough that I can facetank some enemies. I have a group that I play with, when I feel like playing with a group - but 90% of the time, I…
  • Yep. Because I'm absolutely, incredibly concerned with whether people will invite me to things. Oh no, whatever shall I do, people I never talk to anyway might not appreciate/notice that some guy is helping then deal lots of damage. What should I do to make them notice me, senpai!? Personally, if something I do helps me, I…
  • Hm. So, it's either a +4% or +20% damage boost. Theoretically, could get up to...+34% or +50% damage (Catspaw Style Dazing Strike, Wicked Reminder, and Perfect Terror Enchantment). Might have to try that - Lashing Blade at the tail end of that would be massive. Okay, I picked up a pair of Crystal Daggers for testing…
  • I just recently respecced into this build - or a variant thereof (I took a few different feats, primarily Underhanded Tactics for increased Combat Advantage Damage, as Stealth grants CA) - and for the first time, PvP isn't an impossibly miserable experience. I still might not be able to do much damage, but it's actually a…
  • Oh, I know it's supposed to be being improved soon. I might even try it afterward. Maybe I'll enjoy it, in which case I'll honestly be impressed. Thank you all for the encouragement, as well. Charononononononus (sorry, I started sounding it out and got carried away for a moment): These matches usually don't take ten…
  • While life might not have a particularly competent - in fact, rather absentee - team dedicated to balancing it, it's also mostly cornered the market. The only game in town, you might say, though it inevitably bleeds customers to its only major competitor. Neverwinter, on the other hand, is but a game. With a balance team…
  • I'd support this. Then again, I'd also support just flattening stats entirely and cutting out artifacts, potions, mounts, companion bonuses (if they even apply) and Campaign Boons...and I really doubt that would be a popular thing. People are much more likely to support a tier system, probably. Honestly, I just think…