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  • I could not agree more. Read all the other posts in the thread to get a better picture.
  • So correct. Hmm where is all the TRs crying for GFs and GWFs to be nerfed? Maybe I should find them and join them. Better Yet: TRs beat CWs/DCs CWs beat GF/GWFs GF/GWFs beat TRs/DCs It all seems fair yet people cry for nerfs to ruin the game.
  • So you finally admit that DCs need a buff. I will make a DC if this buff ever occurs. I have been mainly saying DCs need a buff anyways. The rogue class has the most offense but it does not have the most defense. Rogues come no were close to GFs. GFs have the ability to block anything if they know how to use there…
  • Very interesting expansion. :D
  • Seems that saying something is not logical is basically saying it is irrational. Very interesting. In my opinion it is not unfair or illogical in reality. Some people will want TRs nerfed no matter what and will give any excuse. It will just lead to the game being ruined because the TRs will retaliate and cry for this or…
  • A very valid observation in my opinion. In my opinion the reason for the change in complaining was because the individual is so biased against TRs. The individual wants any and every excuse to try to promote an agenda of nerfing TRs even if it will ruin the game further. The DC nerf hurt the game and the devs adjusted…
  • In my opinion these are some very valid questions that may never be fully answered because they want to ruin the game by nerfing TRs into the ground instead of balancing it.
  • In my opinion this is a very valid response that certain people will continue to ignore and argue against. Those people want TRs nerfed into the ground even if it hurts the game.
  • Guess you do not know the meaning of the word juggernaut. juggernaut n. 1. An overwhelming, advancing force that crushes or seems to crush everything in its path: 2. any large, overpowering, destructive force or object. Every class has its vulnerabilities and advantages. There is not a single class that is…
  • You make it seem all rouges are invincible, invulnerable, and all powerful like gods. When in reality they are not at all and can be defeated. In reality there is not a juggernaut class in this game despite how much you try to make TRs look like one.
  • You are completely correct. Is ambisinisterr asking for GF Nerfs or GWF Nerfs or CW Nerfs or his class to be buffed? No, ambisinisterr only wants the TRs to be nerfed into the ground and ambisinisterr celebrates when it looks like it is happening.
  • I wonder what will be next to be nerfed. GFs? GWfs? CWs? I can not wait to see.:D I normally do not think about nerfing other classes because it hurts the game. I am changing my mind after seeing all the blind and biased individuals crying for TR nerfs that will hurt the game. I wonder what will happen if all the TRs…
  • To be honest I never really paid attention to bleed since it did not work properly when the game was first Open Beata. Bleed stacked more than 10 according to the TRs that have paid attention. In my opinion those four nerfs put together into one nerf does make a big nerf. Probably not enough what?? If it is not enough…
  • So I made a mistake and wrote Shocking Blade instead of Shocking Execution. Thanks for pointing it out and I fixed it. Clearly you do not know the concept of comparing two things together. I never said the two nerfs were linked together. I was comparing the single Shocking Execution nerf to the 4 changes into this single…
  • The subject was death because of CoS+Stealth: 1. You do not get killed by CoS+Stealth. 2. You do not get killed by CoS+Stealth. 3. You do not get killed by CoS+Stealth 4. You do not get killed by CoS+Stealth. That should be clear enough for you and I pointed out the same thing to nukeyoo. You should have read my reply…
  • You must be very poorly informed. I suggest you research the threads on this nerf. The Nerf is: 1. Lurker's Assault reduced from 60% to 25%. 2. Bleed being limited to a stack of 10. 3. COS being reduced to 8 daggers from the 12. 4. Feat: Speed Swindle: This feat is now properly considered a Control effect for calculations…
  • There is the rub because it is not a tiny nerf at all. The nerf to Shocking Execution was tiny. This is still a large nerf that nerfs several aspects of the TR class.
  • Some people are calling for another nerf and some are saying the current nerf is ridiculous. In the terms of balance, the devs will have to nerf the GF's block and the GWF's unstoppable because it will be very hard for a TR to even scratch them after the nerf. This nerf is to wide spread and it will simply hurt the game.…
  • Another valid argument against the general wide spread nerf. Simply make the tenebrous enchantment not stack. That will solve a large amount of the one hit kill issue. The permastealth issue can be handled by adjusting the cooldown and powers that allow permastealth. In my opinion, which is hopefully wrong but I doubt it…