Just a little video evidence. Keep in mind, im not doing anything to make this happen, it just started randomly. I know theres only one more day for the event so its likely it wont get/warrant a fix, so i guess im just going to AH any boxes. https://vine.co/v/hAtTlUvTd6b https://vine.co/v/hAU3x05U2KP
UPDATE* - Well its the next day and the issue persists. This is causing me to not partake in the event out of fear of reprisal. :( It still doesnt seem to affect anyone else ive asked and ive seen no other reports, so it has to be some fluke condition with me. Now it is true that Tymora is the deity I follow ingame, ive…
They are confirmed for the Fury of the Feywild module coming out on Aug. 22nd. Just over 30 days away. This information was given out on the FotF minisite. http://nw.perfectworld.com/furyofthefeywild As to your main question, its more likely that they didnt have the level 30 skills for the companions all debugged and…
I use a Might. My thinking was it has 3x Off Rune slots, Belt slot for blue belt and its base stats include ArPen/Recov/Pwr/Deflect. Seemed more "Fighter-ish". Also i was banking on the Training Tomes to be in game by now, as i feel once max leveled, it will be better than the Allure. Well that part didnt come true. So ask…
Sorry bud. But i think you have one of the Lev 60 versions of the set (your helm) and 3 of the lower lev (i think 38 or 42) versions. Sadly THEY DO NOT MIX. They plan or just have put a fix in for this, so it shows they are not the same set. The issue was, the set was bugged and dropping at lower levels. Once they made a…
This is wrong. The HG set will proc a +10% CritSev. to both you and your party. Ive tested many times. It will not, however, appear as a buff. You need to catch it on your first Crit when testing by looking directly at your character sheet. In my case it goes from 76% CritSev to 86% when active. Also it seems to have a…
Well, i was getting the same error on the launcher and it didnt look like i was downloading anything. But because my internet was slow, I checked to see if Steam was running, but found another NW launcher open with a patching going.
From what? Peanut Labs? If you tried to do offers, not surveys, and something didnt go right, ya i could totally see that. But thats not generated from any Peanut Labs pre-qualifiers. If you are getting things from other 3rd party survey places that were giving like 100-400 for a sign up, well thats not what im talking…
The Market Researcher has informed us that you do not qualify to complete this survey. What does this mean? You didn't give a "wrong" answer. Market researchers are often looking for answers from very specific groups of people. We NEVER keep or use your answers when you do not qualify for a survey. Keep trying, we do our…
Confirmed coming in latest Module 1 update. But 2-3 months too late for my tastes. I dont know if ill survive the launch malaise, probably will, but Aug. is still aways off. IF August, Summer isnt technically over till late Sept. - Oh, boy!
They need to have checks that you are not a bot or not paying attention and just clicking through everything randomly. Also, they use the same pre-qualifiers on different surveys. The API (thingy that populates all the surveys) is a App run by Peanutlabs and often its in real or nearly real time because quotas and caps on…
Dex bonus + ArPen bonus = Total Resists Ignored. This guy breaks it down perfect. http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?358391-Con-(GWF)-and-Dex-(GF)-are-now-addative-to-Armor-Penetration
Thats what ive been told, as ive wondered the same. Im currently swapping my ArPen from enchants to Power because i was over the cap, but ive done no real testing. Im hoping someone has already ran some numbers and we will get some posts or guide updates about it soon.
I feel like a **** not grasping this. Is there somewhere that shows my cumulative Ignored Resistance, as in Dex bonus + ArmPen rating or do I just add my gain from ArmPen to the Dex bonus in my head. And whatever the case may be, is it pointless to go past 22% combined. Ive read that there is no cap and it will just go…
Nope, but maybe they are just referring to this: http://nw.perfectworld.com/news/?p=911231 The bonus amount might be the "free" that they elude to and the unique companions and enchantments are just Z Store pets and Plaguefires from boxes. Lets hope thats not the case and that there is more to it that just bonus Zen.
Hit Escape. Rearrange HUD. Resize and move the "Normal Notifications" to a less obtrusive place. Just over the top of the chat box or right under the menu at the top of the screen are both good places to tuck it away. I hardly ever notice it now. Good luck!
Totally. Seems to be on a 60 sec cool down from what ive seen attacking the dummys. While the bonus is kinda meh compared to the other T2, it might be nice in GG if it buffs across the entire 20 players in group.