TR Rogue 60 9700 gear score. Gt AlClemist Your Timezone:East Age: 21 Past MMO: witcher 2, bloodborne, Skyrim. Played a Card based Hearthrone for a few months. Runescape, Eventually Witcher 3 and ESO.
anyone else getting kicked a lot in the Lair of Pirate king? Every dungeon i find I get kicked its getting pointless the voting thing is a slim chance for me anyways.. but The pirate king one is the only trouble i seem to be having. I got all purple and the Gear score is close to 10k I'm a rogue.. I think rogues get…
Same here bud. The dungeons that require 8300 gear score or higher are the highest chance of getting kicked it seems. The lair of the pirate kings is the most dungeon I keep getting kicked from.. For some reason I think rogues are hated..
I don't know whats going on every dungeon is friggin unplayable due to unfair kicking cause of a class. The kicking should be only for misleading rules.. If you kick cause you need a tank or healer how about you build your own. Finding random groups for dungeons is really impossible even to get drakes for Master gear.
This kick is a load of BS. Everytime I keep getting kicked in a dungeon every friggin dungeon.. Most of the group leaders are trolls and some groups are guild groups.. keep getting kicked is getting lame and unplayable. TBH I think dungeons are broken anyway.