I faced that issue with the storyline of my quest (a stag party) but I chose to work very carefully around it and limit it to subtle descriptions "Dancing girls"... and clever character names "Salacious Sally Smith" and so on.
I'll try a republish on mine thanks for the heads up. Let me know when yours is fixed, would love to have a look. Thanks for the tips so far, I'll be working on the new puzzle for a while yet and will leave the penitent man test for last so I can read any updates before I get to it. Would love to do it in the best way I…
That's what I feared, was just hoping maybe somebody had a clever idea on how one may fake this. It would appear that the only real option is to use an item effect. I think I have an idea to match the concept more than the display. I'll work on the implementation for the next release.
Actually - that may be worth a try. The puzzle in the movie is as follows - there is a small narrow passage you have to go through, filled with slicing-blade traps at neck-height, so to go through safely you must kneel and crawl through. The idea when replicating the puzzles is that a similar action would be required -…
While this is not available - authors have come up with several work-arounds to create similar effects, this include "self-respawning" enemy which is simply the same costume on a progressively more difficult set of encounters each appearing when the previous objective is complete - adds appearing with timers (or by using…