Sorry, but I cannot agree with you on this. Some praised feats add next to nothing to survivability like 15% more effectiveness of Constitution or 20% more effectiveness on Defence and even Master at Arms is only mildly useful for a tank as its deflection part would end when it is mostly needed and 5 more armour class…
I tried my Sentinel build in Kessell's Retreat a few times and it is horrible there; it is not that my runs were never successful but my Great Weapon Fighter desperately needs a Devoted Cleric, and even better together with a Control Wizard, to handle the enemies and still my toon dies easily, more so with some lags due to…
Then look into the three feat trees; if you were right, the feat tree at the bottom would be a contradiction or inconsistency to the role of the Great Weapon Fighter but we still have this feat tree after Modul 6.
I was curious if it is now possible to play a GWF as a tank but it still has its main flaw: easy one-shot target. If I remember correct, the GWF was meant to be a proactive tank and the GF to be a reactive tank but the GWF gets no real benefit from being proactive or active in any way due to technical issues like lags or…
O boy, again all these doomsayers ... I am not sure if there is really any competition between Guardian Fighters and Oathbound Paladins as both have their strengths and weaknesses. The only thing I question up to now is the need for any Guardian Fighter to feat and slot a passive solely to get more Threat generation…
First, I never denied that the Guardian Fighter still is a good option to play a tank. Second, I am just unable to make sense out of all these limitations and restrictions for a Guardian Fighter (I mentioned above) compared to the other classes able to become a tank; and so I asked for explanations by developers and…
It would be nice to hear from our developers where they want the different tanks to be in the future. A Guardian Fighter is able to provide some support to her team; now, the point I was outright jealous of was that the Paladin is able to choose to be a tank and gets a 500% Threat bonus to everything he does from there on,…
This is a wonderful thread! I hope the data collection is going on because this is valuable information to pass a judgement on. Good luck for this! Anway, I am also curious how this will affect overall gameplay but certainly it is good to see that things are no longer that easy anymore. Although I hope lower equpped…
Was there any word of changing Fighter's Recovery? If not, then it will still work as before the change to Life Steal and it is a solid option for the Guardian Fighter to heal herself up neglecting higher damage by a Daily power for this heal.
Alas, again those folks ever trying to turn Neverwinter into some random WoW clone :( . It is nice and good if some guys have so much boredom during a week and like to sit for hours and hours inside some huge dungeon and are looking forward to heap praise for that performance from other players; but certainly is…
Feedback: Desperate Survival Nice idea but I do not see any use in this sudden explosion of class feats for a Guardian Fighter at this point; besides the other new class feats there would be need for another Encounter for area damage besides Enforcing Threat. Desperate Survival class feat could be merged with Enhanced Mark…
True enough; so, one way to remedy this could be to give up the raid component and to make it a five player encounter with the means to enter it with a premade group. Every hour the chat gets flooded with peeps complaining about weaker players who dare to enter out of some reasons and peeps feeling unjustly rejected: It…
As far as I can see there is a tendency that people try to "abuse" the current entrance system insofar that they secretly agree to a certain time in hopes of locking out lower geared players unaware of this custom. I do see reasons why groups with mostly players around 10k gear score will have problems if the system does…
And I never ever said something close to "Supremacy of Steel was overpowered"; read again and again! Alas, the developers decided that it was inappropriate to be able to almost permanently use it and even I was able to use it quite often with only few gaps in-between.
Ah yes, that again. So, you prefer to keep new players in the dark, to be able to brag around with our little secret knowledge giving the player base some sect style and all the while we try to convince ourselves that the Developers never get hints on something we all like to abuse? And this thing about Supremacy of Steel…
People are easily exaggerating things if they simply want some changes; and others preach all day long that there is a Paladin class coming and that is going to be "a real tank" and the Guardian Fighter could be dropped then (because the developers did not want to transform the Guardian into a Paladin as some have wished…
Others (please check this forum if you do not believe) and me think and state that the Guardian Fighter class is mostly ignored for being a minority due to the business model; seriously I deem it plausible as I am a Windows Phone user and know how to be part of a minority ;) , plus our Class Advocate gave up recently…
So, it comes to the point that some consumer has to visit them and make them listen, eh? But thank you for your efforts! And to the developers: Thanks for nothing.
The only powers I do not agree with are certainly Enhanced Mark and Iron Warrior; if I am not mistaken every class gets something useful out of their powers which is usable in PvP and PvE, but these powers are only useful in PvE and there only to enhance the ability to taunt from afar or to help with too low gear compared…
I do not know what game you are playing but certainly not Neverwinter. I do not think exaggerating or lying or wishing for world dominance is going to help us here.
Moreover, playing as any other class can be "boring" as well, as every class can have some sort of rotation it repeats over and again and there is no big difference for me between the "boringness" of my Guardian Fighter, Control Wizard or Great Weapon Fighter on any other class.
Knight's Valor is a toggle power, yes, but I also cannot see how this makes it a boring skill. Just because I do not have a third button to smash on? Keeping your party safe is more than just activating Knight's Valor, but it helps, and the Guardian Fighter has a slot less for other Encounters, that is the price for this…
Thank you for this nice summary! And hopefully it will give the developers some ideas of how to further improve our class in the future :D . I am not quite sure whether a wall of text - written overly lengthy and enthusiastically - is going to help the developers; do you not think they get to know by themselves what…
I agree, this build is quite enjoyable if one wants to play its style. Thank you for your guide it gave me some ideas to tweak with my own build a bit, although I was already quite near this reflect kind of tank as I felt it is the most rewarding way of a tank right now. This kind of build is also viable against fewer…
It is room and you are an example, why; but we are nowhere close to being philosophical, so stop being ridiculous. I tested the changes to Supremacy of Steel too and I got no problems so far with the recent changes, you simply have to adapt and change your use of it; the usefulness of every power is situational and comes…
While certain powers or mechanics could use a rework or a rethinking, as there is always room for changes and balancing, are we again at the discussion whether a Guardian Fighter should be a competitive damage dealer or not? Although the developers stated that this were not what they would want a Guardian Fighter to be?…
In Epic Shores of Tuern I never had problems now with the new changes. But I do not think Supremacy of Steel is no more so rewarding like the other Dailies, especially in PvP: Against Hunter Rangers I now have even less chances after they reach certain levels of self-healing and deflecting.
It seems you do not get that both ways of play style are part of the same game. Do not try to sell Conqueror as the only viable way by a rant about skill (which is always based on likes and dislikes) and if that were the case, some balancing would be needed. The recent changes were due as the defensive style was much more…
And if you choose Conquerer - by your logic - we should not be rewarded with tank-ability at all, since we chose not to take any damage in the first place? Do you get problem? The goal here is to keep both ways viable in their respective way.