That too. This change will really drive away any non-raider. I know, the raiding crwod always drivels on about "no need for gear if you don't raid", but... not many like to be second-class players. If my activities are not worth anything anymore, why stay? I don't want to play a game that doesn't want me.
Same here. If I have to look forward to 100s of dungeons runs... then there's no need to buy fashion stuff since the game is not worth much. I want to do dungeons because I want to do them, or to help friends, not because of the loot they give.
Exactly. If you make this change you basically tell me "get out, we don't want you as a player" since you'll clearly cater only to hard core players, not casuals. I'd also point out that I spend a lot of real money on the game because I don't have the time or desire to run dungeon after dungeon to play the loot lotto.…
BoP is a bad idea. Not everyone can play for hours each day, and run instance after instance until finally the epic item they want drops. Leave the system as it is - those who farm the dungeon can sell the items on the auction house to the rest of us.
I agree. Bind on Pickup will drive everyone but the hardcore raiders out. And it's usually those who don't have the time to grind instance after instance who spend money on the game. Think carefully if you really want to drive away your cash cows in order to cater to the raider crowd.
Yes! Allow us to customize our companions a lot more than we currently can. Also, allow us to pay zen to upgrade regular companions so they too can reach rank 30.