Generally speaking this would be good advice. However when someone who is a designated public point of contact constantly replies with denial and saccharin laced patronizing undertones then the responses he or she receives are earned. It doesn't take a genius to realize that cryptic is at least partially contributing to…
I have been watching your passive aggressive responses with interest. As an employer myself, if I ever found out one of my staff members was being as unprofessionally ("sweetly") patronizing to any of my clients that would be their final day dealing with the public while wearing my brand. You need some training son. Watts,…
Would you be willing to provide me a link of where I should start? There is so much on the web I'm not sure what is BS or what isn't - which service to use (SSL, or others) and etc.. Thank you for your kind help!
Same problems here, same symptoms, same everything - including Comcast through Georgia. What is this VPN wizardry anyway? I've heard it hundreds of times but never saw a personal reason to learn anything about it...