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  • My husband and I were duoing with our lvl 12 TR's, and I got the following between lvl's 12 - 18: 2 crowns of NW, 10K AD, 9 Arcane Shards, 3 Eldrich Crystals, 1 Dragon Egg, 2 Robes of the Arcane Warrior, and 1 Chainmail of the Divine Avenger. Oh, and quite a few potions. It doesn't look like level affects what comes out of…
  • Lost a few lvls on my CW, but trying to figure out how it was just a 7 hour roll back when I got those levels something like 30 hours ago... Oh well. STO and LoR will have my full-attention tomorrow anyways. *shrugs* Not like I'll ever play this game too seriously again.