Its been quite a while is there any info on this? I understand with the holiday it slows things down, the number of these items has actually increased making me more curious.
Yes but it has its own companion kit which has a chance of 30 tokens that were character bound, the helper pack has several pieces to it including a separate pack of 45 companion upgrade tokens which is not character bound, that is what I am seeing on the ps4 and I've looked up the specific item it says from the companion…
There is no need to put in a new system to make changes just use the one that is in place to buffer the agony of how cruel the RNG can be at times. it can be as simple as, Legendary rings are on the twisted ichor vendor for 10 twisted ichor. epic rings for 400 protector seals for +4, 300 for the + 3. because if you have…