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  • I've been using recently , it seems like your powers ignore 16% of the enemy's DR, I noticed many times that when I hit marked players, the damage goes up by around 10%.
  • Hurt(GF) : SwordMaster Heal(HR) : Pathfinder
  • Well Destroyer GWF has no utility,CC or even tankiness all what he brings to the table is raw DPS, and that's what the tree is intended for. In a T2 every GWF needs a DC to keep him alive and a controller to gather creeps for him.
  • Heal (HR) Stormwarden Hurt (SW) Hellbringer
  • if they give to combat tree sustain and damage back , the PVP forums will be all again spammed with "OMG I RUN INTO a HR and i DIED they ***** OP PLZ NERF" like it used to be in mod4, but to be honest surviving is the hardest part in this mod, with RoS + clear the ground + plant growth + lostmauth set a combat HR should…
  • Basicaly every other calss gained more damage due to main hands damage increase but for combat HR it was the least of the least because HR has the lowest encounters damage and the melee offhand has the lowest weapon damage. Maybe a 35% damage increase + 15% piercing damage from piercing Blades would bring some damage back.
  • a trapper is supposed to kill only squichies , for the rest , he's job is to keep enemies CCed while he's teammates kill them, if you want damage respec to archer or use AoS when it is fixed. Crushing roots needs the HR to give up AoS ( damage + Critical chance ) for the dazes , even if the roots issue with Arp the damage…
  • Trappers just needs the thorned roots Arp fixed, they're not meant to be main strikers. Combat tree needs wild medicine and tweaks to the lifesteal fixes so they can get their sustains Back. Archery tree has decent damage as strikers. Just not meant for solo Play
  • I've seen some sentinels in PVP and they are a real pain to kill, but it is quiet expensive to get it to a level where it can be competitive, the idea is to get to somewhere around 35% DR and along with the stackable 45% DR from negation and a feat you can reach 80%, which will allow to not depends on unstoppable and go…
  • The real problem with this game is the players that wants every other classes nerfed and their own buffed so they just can faceroll anything around. The simplest two examples would be : -Destroyer GWF : has no CC, mid survivability and very high stackable damage . QQers still QQing about the damage and how they took a 80K…
  • Tenacity reduces CC by something around 42% if you have a good PVP gear. That's almost close to the half your asking for , other than that PVP will be so boring without CC
  • a broken mechanic is the one that affects everyone, and since daze chain just works on few classes it is not broken but a counter to those classes. For example a shield that gives high DR to a class making it tanky against ALL the other classes is a broken mechanic. cheers
  • I don't think Cryptic has any SLA, the module launched more than one month ago and the number of bugs that are still around is just hilarious.
  • Why don't you guys just understand that HR is strong vs CW and a little vs TRs but weak against all the remaining classes. That's how classes affinity should be, if a CW can be perma-dazed , GWFs and GFs can't be .SO as long as it affects just a couple classes it can't be considered broken but counter. Did you ever heard…
  • Wild medicine is a complete joke right now, it heals based on hp before applying gear and then halved twice, with an ICD of 1 sec it is completely useless right now. The other issue is that the melee base damage is so low that the encounters do barely any damage compared to other classes. Not to forget the change to life…
  • I don't see anything wrong with a trapper doing what he is meant for : Controlling enemies with Low DPS it is quiet balanced and WAI, i don't understand why people only asking for nerfs on HR while every other class has broken features. Once the bug are fixed and everything is WAI then you can discuss balance, because…
  • Yes , not only sentinel has now the lowest damage of all 3 tress but also has the lowest survivability, simply because he doesn't have much damage so the temporary hit points are garbage compared to a destroyer and not forgetting that he can't go unstoppable until he almost dies .... They should have compensated the nerf…
  • Hi, The game client didn't patch at all it just took what was on preview from at least two weeks ago. Unless they didn't add a single thing from then (which is weird ) , then the patcher is having issues.
  • StormWarden Melee Ranger is quiet viabel for PVE, you can do nice aoe damage with it by combining rain of sword and clear the ground and facetank almost everything with lifeseal, wild medecine and fox ****. Also Royal Guard set is a must to reduce your CDs. There used to be nice guide in HR forum but i can't find it.
  • GWF is back to its stat in early mod4: -Intimidation is useless after the nerf in both PVE and PVP -Sentinel still can't tank and wont be wanted in any dungeon or PVP team. -Destroyer still have lower single target dps than TR
  • This gotten realy ridiculous , almost in every single domination game there is 5 or 6 TRs , in GPVP there is around 15 TRs in each team, this just shows how imbalanced TR class is , compared to other classes. The worst part is the camping , some TRs just camp respawns and oneshoots anyone who comes outside, Devs should…
  • Hi, you will lose quiet a bit of dps if you chose to play a trapper in ranged stance only , if you want to keep a high dps as a trapper you have no choice but to switch stance after every rotation, and in PVP most of your burst comes from melee encounters. i may suggest you few things to play a ranged only trapper but dont…
  • They should start by fixing it so it does grant a defense bonus because right it doesn't , just the tooltip says so. The HoT is quiet useless it should be increased or at worse case they can feat instead of the AP gain tier 1 feat that is quiet useless so it can have a bonus healing.
  • I agree with you , TRs are getting way too many passiv stats that other classes , even with huge GS can't achieve, with no penality. -the 100% critical should either be changed to something like 25% bonus damage or given an ICD of at least 1 minute -Critical severity bonus from feats should'nt exceed a P. Vorpal -Piercing…
  • the build i currently use : encounters : marauder / binding shot / hindering shot feats : lone wolf / serpent at-wills : rapideshot / whatever you want ( if you're pathfinder go for carefull attack ) dailies : disruptive shot / forest ghost high critical and P.Vorpal are great to because root's damage benefits from both…
  • switched to trapper to and been doing good , i think Trapper is the way to go this mod if you want to have fun pvping , combat tree is still great and probably the second best pvp spec after Trs.
  • I dont mind TRs having huge spike damage, but in the other hand they should have no surviability for the damage they bring. They are the hardest class to kill second to healer DCs so yes, TRs are unbanlanced either they can run a path with cc/survability but low damage or full glasscanon with no survability but not both…
  • Prietress of Sune : nice % based healing and great deflect buff that gives you 50% extra deflect ( if you have 1000 deflect the buff grants extra 500), were quiet cheap a while ago. Field Medic : can heal you , your teammates and HIMSELF, almost never die in any dungeon unless you let him get aggro but also the most…
  • actualy it is 40% hitpoint at rank 3 , but i dont know if it can critic or not
  • I dont think Mod5 was ready to be released , too many broken things (not to say most), TR and SoD is just the most apparent aspect, like CW were when Mod4 was released before noticing that HR and GF were way too strong to , and right now i mean DCs and CWs. Did you notice something about competitve games ? they balance…