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  • You seem to completely misunderstand my position. To be clear, like you I am a creator of content and only have a level 24 character and like you I am not happy about the "fix" being such a blunt weapon against all players. To be even more clear I completely understand why you are mad because I feel the same way.
  • Then Cryptic have to do a lot better, it is good to hold them to a higher standard. You should continue doing so rather than arguing for the bar to be dropped.
  • I think I was pretty clear that if we are to be honest we must acknowledge that what attracted players to these quests was not the content of the quest it was the result. Now that they have taken that result away people are upset. So yes, I am absolutely unconditionally saying that what people valued MOST about these…
  • This is not true. Players exploiting the game to get significantly more experience and rewards meant that PVP is completely unbalanced and players have harvested unique items through repetitious killing of elite mobs that they should not have yet. The game balance has been drastically altered for the worse. Unused items…
  • It was before, I think it was before or during closed beta. No, I have never played a single farm map or exploited any game mechanic in Neverwinter. I only have a level 22 character and a level 16, I'm taking my time.
  • I don't blame Cryptic for taking action. I am disappointed that the action taken was a blunt instrument aimed at all players and all content creators. If this remains their solution I'll blame Cryptic but no right now I place the blame squarely on those that thought that unlike any other game they could reach end-game…
  • I have also been put off. I know how you feel. My Foundry Quests have atmosphere in preview and in game it's dead silent... In any case, all my Foundry projects are on hold until normal quests are restored and some more carefully thought out measures are taken against farmers and only farmers. I'll not waste time on Quests…
  • Let's face it much of what we might have seen possible in the Foundry will never happen now that it has been used in such an exploitative way. We all feel the limitations of what it can do and were looking forward to updates. I am confident we can kiss all that goodbye now.
  • Your argument makes no sense. * You state that people deserve progression. * They should be able to level up their alts without having to consume the same tired Quests in the game. * The game could have been a standout because of the unique levelling content. Quite simply, if the Foundry had not been exploited by those…
  • We are even less likely to see new features like bosses in foundry now. It has been nerfed and so not many people will bother to play through your Quest even if you do make it engaging and epic. And bosses, if the exploiters had access to bosses that is what they would have used instead of Ogres. The foundry is dead.
  • I support this as it is completely unfair that normal Foundry Quest makers are penalised and people who enjoy story and content are punished. I never played a single farm map, I loved making Foundry Quests with a story and worked hard and there is no reason that I should have had my content nerfed. What if I want to enjoy…
  • Well with these changes I have little reason to continue with this game. I spent a great deal of time making Foundry Quests for people because I wanted them to experience adventure and better stories than were in the normal game. Now that playing through someone's hard work is little more than a waste of game time I see…
  • Generally how they transfer AD is they don't give you AD directly they transfer a large quantity of a transferable item up to equivalent value. So for example if iron is trading at a certain amount on the trading post they'll transfer you enough items for you to sell and get the AD. That's how it works on Eve anyway.
  • Tilt, please. You have to be joking. There is a desperate need for conditional functions. Maybe you do not understand what they are or you would not be saying we have "plenty". At the moment we have a very limited "Appear when" and "Disappear when" for *some* components. For example, you can create an area trigger, or an…
  • Agreed. There needs to be incentives for reviewing new Quests. There also needs to be some criteria for what constitutes a "Quest". "Quests" where there is no dialog or story and simply an XP Grind should not be allowed to be called Quests in the first place. They should definitely not be allowed to be rated more than 3…
  • Yes, I can confirm it is bugged. I have placed sound objects and also edited ambient background music. Neither work. This needs to be fixed as it takes a lot of atmosphere away.
  • This is really disappointing if true. I hope it isn't because cryptic have used guards in their missions such as the very first one you fight with Wilfred. I am making a series of quests at the moment and you always have a companion called Vayne to fight alongside you. The feedback I am getting on the quest is that Vayne…