That TR must of been so confused on why you weren't one shotted.
This is my fantasy on what goes on in the average/bad pvp rogues mind.
Okay, Imma go stealth...
Ok, my stealth last for 4 hours so I'm going to walk over here
/Checks plaguefire
Ok that's on...
/walks over to target....
Ok I'm going to press B and Bingo it's going to be done...
/Presses B and enemy isn't one shotted...
OMG WTF #)$(*%*%%!!!
/Rolls face on controller in a panic.
/Run run run to potion.
/Go onto forums and complain about other classes other than TR being OP.
/Pull out credit card to make a perfect plaguefire.
Lol agreed. Seems to happen quite often with my HR with Fox on lol
Love them bad rogues. As a GF I turn and shield right as they go to strike (Bad ones are never creative and just run right up and past to hit you in the back) and their biggest hit doesn't even notch my health. I've even had one literally stand their dumbfounded as I unloaded on him and he died. I really should record some of them so people can see that not all TR's will melt your face. I get a great deal of satisfaction out of stomping the "I play rogues for easy kills crowd". (note: before i get flamed, this is a subset of the TR population, not my opinion of all TR's.)
Love them bad rogues. As a GF I turn and shield right as they go to strike (Bad ones are never creative and just run right up and past to hit you in the back) and their biggest hit doesn't even notch my health. I've even had one literally stand their dumbfounded as I unloaded on him and he died. I really should record some of them so people can see that not all TR's will melt your face. I get a great deal of satisfaction out of stomping the "I play rogues for easy kills crowd". (note: before i get flamed, this is a subset of the TR population, not my opinion of all TR's.)
WTF there are other GF's in PvP? Hit me up on xbox
XBox GT: I Eat Civics
There are a few of us, im only 3k glory away from full profound armor. If you are playing a GF right you will almost always be on the bottom of the scoreboard. I can contest the other zone for the whole match and get maybe 2 kills. Making certain my team is almost guaranteed to win, but then get no glory because 2 kills in a contested zone is not enough points to count as active for glory in a match.
There are a few of us, im only 3k glory away from full profound armor. If you are playing a GF right you will almost always be on the bottom of the scoreboard. I can contest the other zone for the whole match and get maybe 2 kills. Making certain my team is almost guaranteed to win, but then get no glory because 2 kills in a contested zone is not enough points to count as active for glory in a match.
Yea, this is the problem of a Node Troll when solo queing. It's best to play as a group because you can get assist to rank up the points to get more glory and you end up waaay higher on the board. I come out with at least 20-35 assist a game if they don't stop fighting within the first 2 mins of the game.
Yea, this is the problem of a Node Troll when solo queing. It's best to play as a group because you can get assist to rank up the points to get more glory and you end up waaay higher on the board. I come out with at least 20-35 assist a game if they don't stop fighting within the first 2 mins of the game.
Yah that's total HAMSTER. Name of the game is control/contest nodes, but Cryptic rewards kills and full Captures instead.
Should gain Glory the longer you are on a contested node. Like 1 Glory every 2 seconds for standing on a contested node. Would give Node Contenders the Glory they deserve for carrying a node the entire match.
If you ran a 30 minute match and stayed on a contested node the entire time you'd get 900 glory for Contention.
Its nothing Fancy but not bad, In this clip i had 0 Tenacity which im working on Atm.. Will produce some decent clips after this, Just posting this one to Show im entering the PvP Clips game :P
NW Xbox - Howie Class - Control Wizard GT - Howie EU
Its nothing Fancy but not bad, In this clip i had 0 Tenacity which im working on Atm.. Will produce some decent clips after this, Just posting this one to Show im entering the PvP Clips game :P
Lmfao what was that rogue doing! Strolled past you, threw a few knifes then boom dead.
awesome kill on a TR that is a nemesis for my GWF.
Just to make it clear, that TR probably kills me 9 out of 10 times, has a really insane DPS. i thought it was fun to share though. I was lucky I had my daily up;)
Now that's the definition of a "kill steal" haha.
And going off what everyone on these forums say.... you should be face melting people and single handling winning games now .. right?
Now that's the definition of a "kill steal" haha.
And going off what everyone on these forums say.... you should be face melting people and single handling winning games now .. right?
Haha Yeah maybe as a scoundrel or exe, early on Sab feels very blah right now, I think I need the stealth boost from pvp gear, and about another 2k power. I will openly say I'm not the best rogue, lol. Been on the char for like 5 days, still learning how to play the class, stay in stealth, etc. Solo Q'ing into rekt squads also ruins my fun haha.
Thinking I should have went exe or scoundrel as a means to get glory/have fun killin **** as I can only handle similarly gear scored players with the stats and blue gear I've got now lol. Went all con and Int to eventually achieve permastealth. Too late now to switch, so I've just got to grind the glory and get better!
awesome kill on a TR that is a nemesis for my GWF.
Just to make it clear, that TR probably kills me 9 out of 10 times, has a really insane DPS. i thought it was fun to share though. I was lucky I had my daily up;)
This one being against Primal Instinct, two Perma Stealth, GF, CW and a ranger, was a really intense game and it ended 1000-989 with them winning, if any of you guys are around on the forum cheers for the amazing game, loved it to say None of us were pvp builds and had low or 0 Tenacity and was the exact same team as them just not perma stealths... Anyways less chitter chat, here's the pretty sweet (Near death kills)
That TR must of been so confused on why you weren't one shotted.
This is my fantasy on what goes on in the average/bad pvp rogues mind.
Okay, Imma go stealth...
Ok, my stealth last for 4 hours so I'm going to walk over here
/Checks plaguefire
Ok that's on...
/walks over to target....
Ok I'm going to press B and Bingo it's going to be done...
/Presses B and enemy isn't one shotted...
OMG WTF #)$(*%*%%!!!
/Rolls face on controller in a panic.
/Run run run to potion.
/Go onto forums and complain about other classes other than TR being OP.
/Pull out credit card to make a perfect plaguefire.
glad i use a vorpal in that case ... ..
my favorite line from Rocky IV .. "Whatever he hits , He Destroys..."
some clips of mine below.
for the record. i think perma stealth and perma stun rogues are cheap =P
Lol agreed. Seems to happen quite often with my HR with Fox on lol
XBox GT: I Eat Civics
Or go to this thread to get your GT down so hook up with others (Sorry for the self advertisement I owe you 2 ad Alysin):
I get no kills so going to post some CC
Knights Valor + double cc keeping that baddie next alive for his 2x kill:
Yea, this is the problem of a Node Troll when solo queing. It's best to play as a group because you can get assist to rank up the points to get more glory and you end up waaay higher on the board. I come out with at least 20-35 assist a game if they don't stop fighting within the first 2 mins of the game.
Yah that's total HAMSTER. Name of the game is control/contest nodes, but Cryptic rewards kills and full Captures instead.
Should gain Glory the longer you are on a contested node. Like 1 Glory every 2 seconds for standing on a contested node. Would give Node Contenders the Glory they deserve for carrying a node the entire match.
If you ran a 30 minute match and stayed on a contested node the entire time you'd get 900 glory for Contention.
I'm a PvP GF and I played against you last night.
Friends list me on xbox
I Eat Civics
Its nothing Fancy but not bad, In this clip i had 0 Tenacity which im working on Atm.. Will produce some decent clips after this, Just posting this one to Show im entering the PvP Clips game :P
Class - Control Wizard
GT - Howie EU
Lmfao what was that rogue doing! Strolled past you, threw a few knifes then boom dead.
awesome kill on a TR that is a nemesis for my GWF.
Just to make it clear, that TR probably kills me 9 out of 10 times, has a really insane DPS. i thought it was fun to share though. I was lucky I had my daily up;)
This isn't really a highlight, I'v been getting absolutely crushed on my 9k gs rogue lol, but I did resurrect from the dead, so that's a plus.
Hey Shoukon, how much is Nex charging for his "PVP lessons?"
edit: this is why rogues are pricks, lol
Shocking ftw!
Now that's the definition of a "kill steal" haha.
And going off what everyone on these forums say.... you should be face melting people and single handling winning games now .. right?
< Goon Squad >
Haha Yeah maybe as a scoundrel or exe, early on Sab feels very blah right now, I think I need the stealth boost from pvp gear, and about another 2k power. I will openly say I'm not the best rogue, lol. Been on the char for like 5 days, still learning how to play the class, stay in stealth, etc. Solo Q'ing into rekt squads also ruins my fun haha.
Thinking I should have went exe or scoundrel as a means to get glory/have fun killin **** as I can only handle similarly gear scored players with the stats and blue gear I've got now lol. Went all con and Int to eventually achieve permastealth. Too late now to switch, so I've just got to grind the glory and get better!
Nex, the guy that voted YES to kick my GWF on epic losmauth after it was already over and it dropped a chest piece. So nice.
So when is your guide coming out?
I am jealous of my builds x) lol..
This one being against Primal Instinct, two Perma Stealth, GF, CW and a ranger, was a really intense game and it ended 1000-989 with them winning, if any of you guys are around on the forum cheers for the amazing game, loved it to say None of us were pvp builds and had low or 0 Tenacity
Class - Control Wizard
GT - Howie EU
Well, worth a try.
I'm pretty sure it's over 9000k zen per 30 seconds. It's a good deal.
played against you today sir. Unfortunately I was on my ranger alt Al-Sah-Him lol. so I wouldnt know if I can kill you haha. you-re very tanky indeed
Finally getting decent on the oh so broken op broken rogue ahh. Sans the mass hate I am enjoying playing him.
Minitos - Denial 1 shots 3/4 of my health and finishes me off. Didn't let him do that again. (2:00 min mark)
Djnn or whatever danced on me after dropping me 2v1... Made damn sure to dance on him the ENTIRE game, while dropping most of his team.
glad i use a vorpal in that case ...
my favorite line from Rocky IV .. "Whatever he hits , He Destroys..."
some clips of mine below.
for the record. i think perma stealth and perma stun rogues are cheap =P
me 2 x 1 (warlock + tr)
me 2 x 1 (warlock + HR)
2x 1 vs Conqueror GWF, pretty fun duel, one of a few good GWFs out there. he is tough.