Level 60 cleric. All Grand Templar gear, including the main and offhand, All "shores" items (neck and both rings), 12.5K GS. I am building a Righteous PvP set and have the helm so far. Hit me up in game, Alhana Starbreeze@spyg0at. And yes, that name came directly from Dragonlance..haha. I am an old school dice, paper and pencil RPG player.
You will need to hit the AH and buy a full T2 set of gear (not sets just t2 gear with correct stats). You can get each piece for less than it salvages for (salvage after you are done with it) and easily be over 10k soon as you 60, which is something every fresh char should do.
My current guild is much too casual...Ive been with them for months and never played with any of them (hehe)...Anyhow Im a 14k+ TR geared to the hilt in T2. I do PVP and PVE working on completing my Profound set. I have opened Shores yesterday and haven't been through it yet. I'd be interested in a grown up group (I'm 44) and voice chat. I think i can help. Ill be on most days and evenings this week.
I've got years of MMO experience, ranging from WoW, Starwars, Neverwinter (Pc) Wildstar
I'm looking for a good bunch of people to actually take full advantage of this game, and be able to actually enjoy it to the fullest.
I have shores/lair unlocked on two of the characters which I listed, and am currently working on unlocking it on my GWF. (Which I'm spending the most time playing currently.
Exp MMO player spent alot of time on WoW thought i would try this out on console and i love it apart from idiots in dungeons who kick for no reason.
I am after groups who play dungeon's i will also help out anyone who need's help and advice and will contribute to the guild to help buy new space and expand.
currently have : 60 devoted cleric (high spec healer build) 60 GWF (Tank build) and also working on control wizard.
Exp MMO player spent alot of time on WoW thought i would try this out on console and i love it apart from idiots in dungeons who kick for no reason.
I am after groups who play dungeon's i will also help out anyone who need's help and advice and will contribute to the guild to help buy new space and expand.
currently have : 60 devoted cleric (high spec healer build) 60 GWF (Tank build) and also working on control wizard.
I've got years of MMO experience, ranging from WoW, Starwars, Neverwinter (Pc) Wildstar
I'm looking for a good bunch of people to actually take full advantage of this game, and be able to actually enjoy it to the fullest.
I have shores/lair unlocked on two of the characters which I listed, and am currently working on unlocking it on my GWF. (Which I'm spending the most time playing currently.
Looks good send me a PM via xbox, ill friends and invite you from there.
I am 28 years old so pretty much mature I'd say and I'm a rogue 11.5k gs! Been having trouble with the build until now, I'm a master infiltrator with executioner tree and I think its great both in pvp and pve! If you want a serious player and one that uses strategy here I am! Just let me know if I can join but please if you're not really active don't waste my time! I'm just trying to say that for some reason all I find is inactive guilds lol
I am 28 years old so pretty much mature I'd say and I'm a rogue 11.5k gs! Been having trouble with the build until now, I'm a master infiltrator with executioner tree and I think its great both in pvp and pve! If you want a serious player and one that uses strategy here I am! Just let me know if I can join but please if you're not really active don't waste my time! I'm just trying to say that for some reason all I find is inactive guilds lol
We run groups daily through cn, shores, eLoL, etc...however if ya are impatient and get annoyed if ya dont get into a group right away it wont be the place as I kick those types directly.
Its not about patience, its about need! If you're looking to recruit other people you should know what your guild needs! If there are groups in your guild that are not complete that's where I fit in but if all members are set then of course its gonna take a long while till I get in any group! And an advice, impatient players normally leave so you don't need to kick them!
Its not about patience, its about need! If you're looking to recruit other people you should know what your guild needs! If there are groups in your guild that are not complete that's where I fit in but if all members are set then of course its gonna take a long while till I get in any group! And an advice, impatient players normally leave so you don't need to kick them!
I might be interested in entering my first guild .
I'm "The Ungodly" from Sweden. A mature Hunter Ranger (Trapper, GS 13k) who likes long walks on the beach, puppies and shooting arrows at stuff.
I've been playing NW since xbox release, but i've been avoiding the lvl 60+ dungeons/skirmishes. The frequent kicking got me turned off at an early stage. Now i'm tired of just killing dragons (800+ atm)
My hours are varied, so even if i live in Sweden i can be awake and online at any given time. I have a mic but i might not be that talkative. I know my english, but since i never speak english i might be a bit rusty and shy in that department .
I will contact you guys.
HR - "The Ungodly" DC - "The Unholy" Guild: Ruthless
I might be interested in entering my first guild .
I'm "The Ungodly" from Sweden. A mature Hunter Ranger (Trapper, GS 13k) who likes long walks on the beach, puppies and shooting arrows at stuff.
I've been playing NW since xbox release, but i've been avoiding the lvl 60+ dungeons/skirmishes. The frequent kicking got me turned off at an early stage. Now i'm tired of just killing dragons (800+ atm)
My hours are varied, so even if i live in Sweden i can be awake and online at any given time. I have a mic but i might not be that talkative. I know my english, but since i never speak english i might be a bit rusty and shy in that department .
I will contact you guys.
K just talk to an officer, we have several euro players as well.
Hey All! I am interested in joining if you still have spots. Been playing MMOs for the past 10 years so am very experienced in the genre. I start NW during the release, took a break because of RL shenanigans, but am now back on the grind.
Have a 11k GWF pretty focused around everything. Have a mic and am very active after work hours. GT: JaymurZ if you all are still looking.
Hey All! I am interested in joining if you still have spots. Been playing MMOs for the past 10 years so am very experienced in the genre. I start NW during the release, took a break because of RL shenanigans, but am now back on the grind.
Have a 11k GWF pretty focused around everything. Have a mic and am very active after work hours. GT: JaymurZ if you all are still looking.
Contact an officer, we are in the process of filling up the spots for upcoming raids and all that....raid schedule and such will be posted when details are worked out.
Hey sounds like a good guild for me, my current one is never online. I'm a Hunter Trapper build with a 15k gear score and would like to start doing CN, LOL, Shores runs with out having to do PUGs. GT is KellysBane, in game is Bane. I will message one of you tonight.
Great I will work on that!
Get with me via pm later after work.
Characters: Envy@xlvl 100 Mudkip (GWF) 14.2k GS, Lust@xLvl 100 Mudkip (Control Wizard) 15k GS, Halibel@xLvl 100 Mudkip (Scourge Warlock) 13k GS, Wrath@xlvl 100 Mudkip (DC) 12k Gs
I've got years of MMO experience, ranging from WoW, Starwars, Neverwinter (Pc) Wildstar
I'm looking for a good bunch of people to actually take full advantage of this game, and be able to actually enjoy it to the fullest.
I have shores/lair unlocked on two of the characters which I listed, and am currently working on unlocking it on my GWF. (Which I'm spending the most time playing currently.
Exp MMO player spent alot of time on WoW thought i would try this out on console and i love it apart from idiots in dungeons who kick for no reason.
I am after groups who play dungeon's i will also help out anyone who need's help and advice and will contribute to the guild to help buy new space and expand.
currently have : 60 devoted cleric (high spec healer build) 60 GWF (Tank build) and also working on control wizard.
Youtube Channel TrashTalkGamingHD:
Twitch tv link below:
Looks good send me a PM via xbox, ill friends and invite you from there.
Looking for an end game guild(t2, shores, etc) I have a 14.8k warlock.
GT is Cerosis please send me a PM
Just send me a PM on MIND BOTTLLNG
Will be on again in a few, was sorting through my inbox.
We run groups daily through cn, shores, eLoL, etc...however if ya are impatient and get annoyed if ya dont get into a group right away it wont be the place as I kick those types directly.
You arent a fit here, goodluck on your search
I'm "The Ungodly" from Sweden. A mature Hunter Ranger (Trapper, GS 13k) who likes long walks on the beach, puppies and shooting arrows at stuff.
I've been playing NW since xbox release, but i've been avoiding the lvl 60+ dungeons/skirmishes. The frequent kicking got me turned off at an early stage. Now i'm tired of just killing dragons (800+ atm)
My hours are varied, so even if i live in Sweden i can be awake and online at any given time. I have a mic but i might not be that talkative. I know my english, but since i never speak english i might be a bit rusty and shy in that department
I will contact you guys.
DC - "The Unholy"
Guild: Ruthless
K just talk to an officer, we have several euro players as well.
Have a 11k GWF pretty focused around everything. Have a mic and am very active after work hours. GT: JaymurZ if you all are still looking.
Contact an officer, we are in the process of filling up the spots for upcoming raids and all that....raid schedule and such will be posted when details are worked out.
< GT: WIN243SM >
< GT: Ishmari >
< GT: Krestia >
< GT: Blades o Fun>
Might have to soon as most of my regular guild mates have deserted me for ESO..
Have a 16k cleric & 13k CW for recruitment...
Online now working on my cleric I 60'd last night...already to 12k, onward to 13!
K PM me or an officer in game and we will get you an invite.