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Tenacity is now broken as of NW.45.20150515a.3 (06-03-2015)



  • zvieriszvieris Member Posts: 1,261 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    zeusom wrote: »
    Warlock can get up to almost -150% resistance ignored (16,900 ArP and 30 INT extra 30%RI).
    But there is no use in going that high if Negation 30%DR adds to base 40%PvPDR and cannot be mitigated.
    The max RI% you'd want to be at is about 110% or 120% RI tops to cancel like a GF 30%defensive DR.

    You only get 1% RI for every point above 10 INT. So that's 20% RI at 30 INT, not 30%.
  • schietindebuxschietindebux Member Posts: 4,292 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    ppl will go all piercing damage they can get, probabaly high power and high recovery to get more cc, since crit and arp doesn´t work any more, right?
  • ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    ralexinor wrote: »
    • Negation is now additive to your DR whereas it was multiplicative before. This puts it on the same level as DR (though still not mitigatible), and puts people way past the damage reduction cap.
    • Tenacity Damage Reduction is now additive to your DR whereas it was multiplicative before. This puts it on the same level as DR (though still not mitigatible), and puts people way past the damage reduction cap.
    • Despite player feedback of changing Armor Penetration Resistance to not be at the ridiculous value of an additive 80%, the change still went ahead and now players are forced to stack more than 80% Resistance Ignored in order to notice a damage increase from RI.
    • Critical Damage Resistance is now an additive damage reduction (I'm guessing it's an additive 40% DR like Tenacity DR), which means all critical damage is now reduced by a total of 80%, non-mitigatible. The effectiveness of all crit damage is now 20%, and 10% on a deflect (5% on a TR just because).

    GG, Cryptic.

    You know... This could actually work IF!!!!!

    1) They removed Tenacity from gear. Leave the BASE "tenacity" as is - which is what? 20%? or heck maybe bump it TO 20% if its at 10% (I forget). This would put ARP Res at 40% which is pretty fair IMO as well. Make Crits deal greater than non crits because its only @ 20% now rather than 40%..... CC resist would be less which may be somewhat of an issue so you could bump that up to the 30% range.

    So it would be:
    Tenacity: 20%
    Crit Resist: 20%
    Arp Resist: 40%
    CC Resist: 30%

    With NO tenacity however. This would be FINAL stats. Not able to be boosted.

    Also allows for more open gear choice. This gets PVP players running PVE dungeons for gear because while PVP gear isnt bad, certain builds may work better with PVE gear. (remember back in CN days EVERYONE ran it? Because it was BIS... Even PVP players too)

    2) Put a MAX cap on DR. So what the code would be is DR = MIN(DR + Negation +Tenacity,100) - MAX(RI-Arp REs, 0).

    meaning that the MOST DR you can get with everything added would be 100%. It would "hard cap" itself at 100% and only 80% is the IN GAME "cap". Meaning there is ZERO benefit to stack DR above 100%. So if you are already a tanky class it would not help at all. (FYI - SHIELD on CWs should be in the SAME layer as negation... Meaning it would count towards that 100% Cap.

    What this REALLY means is that in combo with #1 a 40% additive ARP Res, plus an extra "20% buffer from 100% DR" you could get over 60% RI total and it is GUARANTEED to increase damage. Having 80% RI for instance is guaranteed to drop their DR from 80% (100% really) -> 60% because you had 80% RI - 40% Arp Res = 40% left "arp" against 100% DR = 60% DR final.

    This makes ARP a very useful stat. Still makes tenacity and DR bonuses useful. Allows players to swap different gear around. Fixes the crit issue. Fixes classes (like DC) that can get 140% + DR which would be capped at 100% and moot out their use of negation - allowing for more interesting build choices etc.

    Now THIS would be a PVP I would LOVE to play.

    The only concern I may have is ARP @ 40% may not be good enough and it MAY make sense to either bump it to 50% or make it multiplicative @50%. Which means you would need 100% RI for a "pvp 50% ARP" which would then put a tanky target down to 50% DR. So that seems pretty fair IMO.... If you stack 100% RI thats ALOT of stats....
  • rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Multiplicative 80 would be already ok to what we got now. Its really a joke.
  • ralexinorralexinor Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 576 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Apologies, I re-read my post this morning (I made that post fairly late at night when I was tired) and just realised I said Negation was not mitigatible.

    Negation IS mitigatible.

    You have a flat 40% DR from tenacity which is not mitigatible, then another flat 30% DR from Negation which is mitigatible. My apologies for this mistake.
  • mamalion1234mamalion1234 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,415 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    ralexinor wrote: »
    Tenacity is now fully and utterly broken with this patch. It has upset the balance of PvP even more whereas before it was fragile enough. Class balance is out the window yet again, with TRs right up the top because of piercing damage, followed by GFs and GWFs, and then CWs and HRs and then SWs. OPs and DCs will be nigh unkillable again, now taking 40% less damage than before. Good job completely breaking the tanky classes and making them OP.

    To sum it up:
    • Negation is now additive to your DR whereas it was multiplicative before. This puts it on the same level as DR (mitigatible), and puts people way past the damage reduction cap.
    • Tenacity Damage Reduction is now additive to your DR whereas it was multiplicative before. This puts it on the same level as DR (though still not mitigatible), and puts people way past the damage reduction cap.
    • Despite player feedback of changing Armor Penetration Resistance to not be at the ridiculous value of an additive 80%, the change still went ahead and now players are forced to stack more than 80% Resistance Ignored in order to notice a damage increase from RI.
    • Critical Damage Resistance is now an additive damage reduction (I'm guessing it's an additive 40% DR like Tenacity DR), which means all critical damage is now reduced by a total of 80%, non-mitigatible. The effectiveness of all crit damage is now 20%, and 10% on a deflect (5% on a TR just because).

    With the combination of the first three points above, everyone with BiS gear (negation + 40.2% tenacity) now has 70% base DR. GFs have base 35-40% DR, which means they will now have 105-110% DR, meaning you need more than 30% RI after Armor Penetration Resistance in order to actually notice a damage increase from RI. 31% = 1% damage increase on a GF with 110% DR.

    Now, on squishy classes (70% DR from negation + tenacity, then an additional 12% as class DR, so around 80-85% DR), you can only mitigate 30%, so you need 110% RI to bring them down to 0% DR.

    Guess what? You need exactly 12375 Armor Penetration stat in order to get 110% RI (112.5 ARP = 1% RI). Good luck if you don't have arp on your armor.

    Critical damage. On classes where you can mitigate DR to 0, or at least mitigate a decent chunk of DR, critical strikes will do less damage than normal non-critical attacks. Let's say on a target with 40% Tenacity, 10 stacks of negation (30% DR) and 10% DR. You have 100% RI. Base damage is 10,000.

    Normal non-crit attack:

    10000 * (1 - 0.4 - 0.3 - 0.1 + (1 - 0.8)) = 10000 * 0.4 = 4000 damage

    Normal crit attack:

    10000 * (1 + 0.75) * (1 - 0.4 - 0.4 - 0.1 + (1 - 0.8)) = 17500 * 0.1 = 17500 * 0.2 = 3500 damage (note you cannot mitigate damage with DR by more than 80% (0.2))

    Now, is this WAI or was this screwed up with the last patch, by making everything additive instead of just Armor Penetration Resistance? If this is WAI, please change it back to how it was, this is completely breaking some classes, especially ones that relied on crit, and making tanky classes like GF extremely overpowered and broken.

    GG, Cryptic.

    so when this will go away so i can pvp again with fun?
  • zeusomzeusom Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 810 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Right - my quick mistake on that INT can add up tp aboutt 20% not 30% RI for warlock, the total of warlock coming close to 150%RI max is correct though.
    Sopi (aka Haxbox) SW [Synergy]
    Sopi SW Youtube channel pvp brickabrack

  • ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    ralexinor wrote: »
    Apologies, I re-read my post this morning (I made that post fairly late at night when I was tired) and just realised I said Negation was not mitigatible.

    Negation IS mitigatible.

    You have a flat 40% DR from tenacity which is [/b]not[/]b mitigatible, then another flat 30% DR from Negation which is mitigatible. My apologies for this mistake.

    So this hasnt changed then and was always this way.

    Thats good to know. I wonder why all the sudden they changed the formula for ARP and DR... It makes no sense....
  • ralexinorralexinor Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 576 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    ayroux wrote: »
    So this hasnt changed then and was always this way.

    Thats good to know. I wonder why all the sudden they changed the formula for ARP and DR... It makes no sense....

    No, Negation was not mitigatible and was multiplicative before this patch.

    I think they may have made a mistake with the formulas - hopefully, at least. When they changed Arp Res to be additive they might have accidentally changed a flag or formula variant with tenacity in general.
  • mfgamesysmfgamesys Member Posts: 462 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    At this point tenacity has made dr heavy classes way to tanky and makes domination matches a war of attrition with little end in sight.
    Main-Lothor Syralth Guardian Fighter
  • ralexinorralexinor Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 576 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Update #2348234:

    Apparently I was right last night, Negation is NOT mitigatible. So everyone has base 70% DR that is NOT MITIGATIBLE. Wonderful.

    Kudos to zeusom/Sophi for pointing it out.
  • kriseinkrisein Member Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    ayroux wrote: »
    You know... This could actually work IF!!!!!

    1) They removed Tenacity from gear. Leave the BASE "tenacity" as is - which is what? 20%? or heck maybe bump it TO 20% if its at 10% (I forget). This would put ARP Res at 40% which is pretty fair IMO as well. Make Crits deal greater than non crits because its only @ 20% now rather than 40%..... CC resist would be less which may be somewhat of an issue so you could bump that up to the 30% range.

    So it would be:
    Tenacity: 20%
    Crit Resist: 20%
    Arp Resist: 40%
    CC Resist: 30%

    With NO tenacity however. This would be FINAL stats. Not able to be boosted.

    Also allows for more open gear choice. This gets PVP players running PVE dungeons for gear because while PVP gear isnt bad, certain builds may work better with PVE gear. (remember back in CN days EVERYONE ran it? Because it was BIS... Even PVP players too)

    2) Put a MAX cap on DR. So what the code would be is DR = MIN(DR + Negation +Tenacity,100) - MAX(RI-Arp REs, 0).

    meaning that the MOST DR you can get with everything added would be 100%. It would "hard cap" itself at 100% and only 80% is the IN GAME "cap". Meaning there is ZERO benefit to stack DR above 100%. So if you are already a tanky class it would not help at all. (FYI - SHIELD on CWs should be in the SAME layer as negation... Meaning it would count towards that 100% Cap.

    What this REALLY means is that in combo with #1 a 40% additive ARP Res, plus an extra "20% buffer from 100% DR" you could get over 60% RI total and it is GUARANTEED to increase damage. Having 80% RI for instance is guaranteed to drop their DR from 80% (100% really) -> 60% because you had 80% RI - 40% Arp Res = 40% left "arp" against 100% DR = 60% DR final.

    This makes ARP a very useful stat. Still makes tenacity and DR bonuses useful. Allows players to swap different gear around. Fixes the crit issue. Fixes classes (like DC) that can get 140% + DR which would be capped at 100% and moot out their use of negation - allowing for more interesting build choices etc.

    Now THIS would be a PVP I would LOVE to play.

    The only concern I may have is ARP @ 40% may not be good enough and it MAY make sense to either bump it to 50% or make it multiplicative @50%. Which means you would need 100% RI for a "pvp 50% ARP" which would then put a tanky target down to 50% DR. So that seems pretty fair IMO.... If you stack 100% RI thats ALOT of stats....

    +1 to this. this would atleast lessen the wide gap between a BiS player and the lowerclasses..
    It's more fun in the Philippines >:)
  • ralexinorralexinor Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 576 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Updated first post with new examples based off Negation:
    ralexinor wrote:
    With the combination of the first three points above, everyone with BiS gear (negation + 40.2% tenacity) now has 70% base DR. GFs have base 35-40% DR, which means they will now have 105-110% DR, meaning you need more than 30% RI after Armor Penetration Resistance in order to actually notice a damage increase from RI. 31% = 1% damage increase on a GF with 110% DR. So you need at least 111% RI to do 1% more damage.

    Guess what? You need exactly 12375 Armor Penetration stat in order to get 110% RI (112.5 ARP = 1% RI). Then 112.5 points more for each 1% damage on only a few classes. Good luck if you don't have arp on your armor.

    Now, on squishy classes (70% DR from negation + tenacity, then an additional 12% as class DR, so around 80-85% DR), you can only mitigate 12%, so you need 92% RSI to bring them down to 0% DR - even then, it's only a maximum of 10% damage increase.

    For 92% RSI, you need 10350 Armor Penetration stat, for a 10% damage increase. This is a 1% damage increase per 1035 stat points. So good.
  • zeusomzeusom Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 810 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    ralexinor wrote: »
    Apologies, I re-read my post this morning (I made that post fairly late at night when I was tired) and just realised I said Negation was not mitigatible.

    Negation IS mitigatible.

    I tested and clearly seems you were initially correct - Negation is NOT mitigatible, no matter how much Armor penetration.

    Here are the details>

    14,000+ Armor Penetration stat
    INT (26% RI) >>>
    129.8% Resist Ignore

    TARGET (CW):
    No shield
    80% ArP Resist
    10% defensive DR
    30%DR from 10x stacks of TNegation
    >>> Need 90% Resist ignore to overcome defensive DR
    >>> Need 120% Resist ignore to overcome defensive DR and 30%DR from Negation
    I had 130% Resist ignore... should mitigate all but the 40% tenacity.

    Using at-wills with 130% resist ignore on CW no shield, no TNegation:
    Noncrit Efficacy = 58.2% (100%-40%PvPDR=60%, the 10% defensive DR fully mitigated)
    Crit Efficacy = 20%

    Using at-wills with 130% resist ignore with CW no shield, with TNegation:
    Noncrit Efficacy = 28.2% (100%-40%PvPDR-30%DRNegation=30%, the 10% defensive DR fully mitigated)
    Crit Efficacy = 20%

    The 30%DR from Negation CANNOT be mitigated with ArP.
    Sopi (aka Haxbox) SW [Synergy]
    Sopi SW Youtube channel pvp brickabrack

  • ralexinorralexinor Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 576 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    zeusom wrote: »
    I tested and clearly seems you were initially correct - Negation is NOT mitigatible, no matter how much Armor penetration.

    Here are the details>

    14,000+ Armor Penetration stat
    INT (26% RI) >>>
    129.8% Resist Ignore

    TARGET (CW):
    No shield
    80% ArP Resist
    10% defensive DR
    30%DR from 10x stacks of TNegation
    >>> Need 90% Resist ignore to overcome defensive DR
    >>> Need 120% Resist ignore to overcome defensive DR and 30%DR from Negation
    I had 130% Resist ignore... should mitigate all but the 40% tenacity.

    Using at-wills with 130% resist ignore on CW no shield, no TNegation:
    Noncrit Efficacy = 58.2% (100%-40%PvPDR=60%, the 10% defensive DR fully mitigated)
    Crit Efficacy = 20%

    Using at-wills with 130% resist ignore with CW no shield, with TNegation:
    Noncrit Efficacy = 28.2% (100%-40%PvPDR-30%DRNegation=30%, the 10% defensive DR fully mitigated)
    Crit Efficacy = 20%

    The 30%DR from Negation CANNOT be mitigated with ArP.

    Yes, I've updated it already after testing it again myself. Thanks for the info.
  • ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    mfgamesys wrote: »
    At this point tenacity has made dr heavy classes way to tanky and makes domination matches a war of attrition with little end in sight.

    You do realize that tenacity actually helps non heavy DR classes about 2-3x as much as it affects heavy DR classes....

    I think you may be mistaking healing and or DR buffs in general on some classes (like DC). That's not tenacitys doing.
  • freshourfreshour Member Posts: 623 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    CW's with Feytouch + Negation + Shield = tankier than a GF, GWF, DC.... 100% tankier. My 50-80k hits are 3-4k's regularly... 200k anvils hitting for 11k... This new patch royally screwed damage.

    I got about 0% more tanky... maybe a littttttle more. and GF's have like 20-25% dr now, not the 35-45% of old. CW's got a MASSIVE increase in tankiness... Just silly.
  • ralexinorralexinor Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 576 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    ayroux wrote: »
    You do realize that tenacity actually helps non heavy DR classes about 2-3x as much as it affects heavy DR classes....

    I think you may be mistaking healing and or DR buffs in general on some classes (like DC). That's not tenacitys doing.

    You do realise how stupidly powerful this change has made GFs? Mark gives a flat 20% damage bonus of base damage (not a relative damage boost), which makes them stupidly powerful, and with this change they still do similar damage to pre-patch, while you do approximately 40% less damage to them. They don't even need to use Negation - they can choose other enchants like Soulforged and Elven Battle, and still maintain DR cap. This is also while procing Fey Thistle and Avalanche a million times on you because fights are now longer.
  • piejalpiejal Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 403 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    i am out from this game..
    see you again when this disaster thing being fixed
  • quspivquspiv Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,087 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Hopefully they will come with some solution quickly, because greater+ negation causes way too many stalemates. Maybe instead of DR it should only give crit dmg reduction.
  • xxxgriessonxxxxxxgriessonxxx Member Posts: 115 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    ayroux wrote: »
    1) Remove Tenacity as a stat on gear. PERIOD. However give ALL players a BASE equal to the MAX Tenacity players had. (40%). This allows for ANY gear to be used in PVP which I think is NEEDED because it creates a larger audience for PVE dungeons and gear. I dont think "tenacity" was a bad Idea, I think putting it on GEAR was though... Because it made a MAJOR divide between PVE and PVP.

    Actually i think that forcing two completely different gear and enchant setups for PVP and PVE is what influenced this tenacity change in the first place. I see no other logical explanation for this decision.
  • jonkocajonkoca Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,586 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    As a relatively squishy HR, I'm not complaining too much. I die so much less often :D

    Trying to kill OPs though... However in pug, with the old mod3 tactics - TW, CA, fox and boarscharge, been knocking them dead like no-ones business, 30/0 kill death in a game yesterday, new record. Trolled 3 for the whole match alone. Can I be made an honorary TR please..?
    No idea what my toon is now.
  • vasdamasvasdamas Member Posts: 2,461 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    New additive DR + Cold Shoulder = throw Cold Shoulder in the same trash bin with Avalanche. 3k for each hit for 10 seconds ridiculous
  • ralexinorralexinor Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 576 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    vasdamas wrote: »
    New additive DR + Cold Shoulder = throw Cold Shoulder in the same trash bin with Avalanche. 3k for each hit for 10 seconds ridiculous

    Cold Shoulder has been broken since they buffed it this mod. And 3k? You're lucky, I get 0s as HR.
  • piejalpiejal Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 403 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    rodandog wrote: »
    I have been saying this all along, an just get flamed for it, stop playing all of us, why keep playing a broken game, as we give them our feed back from experience playing the game, an how to make it so it is somewhat fair for all chars, when are you all going to get it, CRYPTIC DOES NOT CARE, this game has been broken for so long all you basically have is bug users playing the game, pvp is now nothing but a joke, yall can sit on this forum all day long , for how ever long asking, please fix things, they do not care, as they have proven this for 2 years now. They do not fix whats really needing fixed, an put out patch notes that really deal with minor things, why , because THEY DO NOT CARE> SIMPLE SOLUTION<> LEAVE THE GAME AND UNTIL THEY ACTUALLY HEAR US AN FIX IT BYE BYE < send me a email when you get it straigtened out until blow it out ur ...

    +1 to this
    they will start to care when most people abandon this game.. and it's will be already too late to make a come back
    any recommended good game anyone?
  • schietindebuxschietindebux Member Posts: 4,292 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    just get a separated queue exclusively for player with no boons, no enchants and no stones, to get a bit back to normal
    would solve some problems and be much more fun i guess
  • vasdamasvasdamas Member Posts: 2,461 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    ralexinor wrote: »
    Cold Shoulder has been broken since they buffed it this mod. And 3k? You're lucky, I get 0s as HR.
    3k damage shield of each of my hit that barely exceed 2k mark sometimes lol
  • bittynationbittynation Member Posts: 138 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    A big part of my frustration is some DCs and OPs are unkillable even with 4+vs1. It's making these matches take forever. Played a GG last night, half hour into the match and not even halfway complete and I quit because it would have taken over an hour for a GG match. My team was winning, but it's not worth an hour of time to get the win.
  • ralexinorralexinor Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 576 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    This issue is now resolved as of the latest patch. Tenacity is multiplicative again. Negation, however, is still not mitigatible.

    Thanks for the fast fix, Cryptic.
    panderus wrote: »
    Classes and Balance
    • General
      • PVP: Armor Penetration Resistance now correctly works as expected against players.
      • Tenacity: Armor Penetration Resistance is now multiplicative. Base Armor penetration resistance is now 20% to compensate.
      • Tenacity: Damage Resistance and Critical Resistance from Tenacity are now correctly multiplicative.
  • benskix2benskix2 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 674 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    So armor penetration is going to be meaningful again?
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