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Heralds Unplayable Due to Exploit

vattaravattara Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 279 Arc User
edited May 2015 in General Discussion (PC)
OK I am patiently waiting for the devs to revisit MOD 6 as stated in their blog
I try not to think about my poor Dragon Hoard enchantments and their current poor return on investment
I've resigned myself to forgo solo play in areas that I could manage before

But with the Heralds........... there is nothing I can adjust from my side to counteract the "One shot wonders"
who ruin the Herald run for the other 39 players.
Changing instances is not the solution as the imposed transfer cool down and time required to visually inspect every other player doesn't allow for it.

I know that the devs are "aware" of this issue but can we please have a concrete time for when this issue will be fixed and not just acknowledged? Thank you
Post edited by vattara on


  • hustin1hustin1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,462 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    The crazy thing is that it's already (allegedly) fixed on Preview. Hopefully we'll see it go live two days from now.

    As someone who writes software for a living, I've been idly pondering how a bug like this even comes about, since it apparently is new to the game since Mod 6. I can't help but think that they've made some sort of underlying architectural change in mod 6. The rank 30 power of the companion does two things: it lowers the attack cooldown time and increases the damage of each attack. It's almost as if something like getSummonedCompanion().applyActiveBonus() is being called every tick instead of only once. I wonder if all companions got some sort of new onTick() routine in mod 6 that gets called every tick.

    To me this is worrisome, since theoretically there could be bugs that affect several companions in different ways. On the one hand, there is probably a way to quickly fix the Jagged Dancing Blade, but they would also have to check every other companion for problems (though I doubt that there would be any problems for companions that have simple stat bonuses).

    Anyhow for those people who are wondering, that's what makes this companion bug so bizarre: it's entirely passive and depends only on how long the companion remains alive (I presume that summoning or reviving it results in a call to something like player.getSummonedCompanion().initStats() or somesuch). The fact that its damage is continually changing over time is REALLY bizarre, as if its applyActiveBonus() routine is doing something like setDamage(getDamage() * 1.1) and is being called every tick.

    This is another reason to have extremely rigorous testing whenever there is a fundamental architectural change: unintended bugs are all but a certainty.
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  • silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I started writing a post.. but I cant muster up anything.

    Whats pretty simple is this.. these players should be perma banned for doing this. THIS would result in people not doing things like this.

  • kemi1984kemi1984 Member Posts: 849 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    QUIET !

    They're working on it...gj folks, few weeks passed and it's still live.
    Congratz to the whole team, bravo.
    Nancy - Dragonborn, SM Guardian Fighter
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  • carrytiexcarrytiex Member Posts: 231 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    silverkelt wrote: »
    I started writing a post.. but I cant muster up anything.

    Whats pretty simple is this.. these players should be perma banned for doing this. THIS would result in people not doing things like this.

    If the above poster is correct and it is fixed on preview, then absolutely no action should be taken against them if they can't be bothered fixing it within 2 weeks of actually having a fix. Big issues need hotfixes. You can't ignore a problem and just hope that people won't abuse it.
  • lirithiellirithiel Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,482 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    silverkelt wrote: »
    Whats pretty simple is this.. these players should be perma banned for doing this. THIS would result in people not doing things like this.

    + infinity.

    But then the past actions of Cryptic tell us this will never ever happen. They don't give a rat's 4SS about anything other than money and banning people means less money so once again the exploiters win. Becoming more and more like ExploitWINter with each passing day. I'm getting fed up...
    Our pain is self chosen.

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  • chrcorechrcore Member Posts: 329 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2015
    The reason these bugs exist is lack of regression testing. There are countless bugs that have existed FOREVER and are quite simple to fix but they just don't care.

    1 - Soul forged bug when you have revive sickness. Simple fix, the code block that gives player damage should only ever be called when a player respawns at a campfire. This would eliminate those double or triple wound situations where you are revived by soul forged when you have revive sickness.
  • djoffer1djoffer1 Member Posts: 404 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    carrytiex wrote: »
    If the above poster is correct and it is fixed on preview, then absolutely no action should be taken against them if they can't be bothered fixing it within 2 weeks of actually having a fix. Big issues need hotfixes. You can't ignore a problem and just hope that people won't abuse it.

    Watch out folks, we have an exploiter right here!
  • djoffer1djoffer1 Member Posts: 404 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    And yeah to the op, your example is yet another reason why I will never give another dime of Money to this or other cryptic games...Such a shame really, cause they do really have a great game if only they had managed it better...
    Btw this topic will most likely get locked, cause you aint allowed to post negative stuff about this game..
  • generaldiomedesgeneraldiomedes Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I blame cryptic more than the players .. much harder content + easily found and powerful bugs = exploitfest.
  • name0rngname0rng Member Posts: 52
    edited May 2015
    all of this exploiters paradise need to be ended .period
    I opens thread here myself that talk in general about action against those game breaking bugs exploits like this
    Keep those 2 threads up .. The representative of this game really need to address this with us the community and fight it together
    if we want this game will still be relevant .. And why we wouldn't ? It's fun game amazing combat system for me at least
    huge potential still .. Let's just clean those things and it's the start we need ..the devs need to further address others issue as well but:
    This is the most pressing one ! We all need to realize that !
  • alisi1alisi1 Member Posts: 366 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Fix the bugs and there won't be a way to exploit them. No I do not use any exploits, but I believe you fix the problem and do not blame results.
  • name0rngname0rng Member Posts: 52
    edited May 2015
    I blame cryptic more than the players .. much harder content + easily found and powerful bugs = exploitfest.

    That's naive blaming I'm sorry
    For me it's excuses
    even the game was easy as hell I promise u the amount of exploiters would not go down drastically just by that reason only , because they will always search the easiest illegal way , no matter what
    No no the things who can remove them is better commitment to fight them as devs and as community
    Our part - pressing them to the corner , they are not welcome in any party
    Report them , put pressure on fixing things faster when they discover
    That's our part
    Not sit back and just blame other things
  • sockmunkeysockmunkey Member Posts: 4,622 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    lirithiel wrote: »
    + infinity.

    But then the past actions of Cryptic tell us this will never ever happen. They don't give a rat's 4SS about anything other than money and banning people means less money so once again the exploiters win. Becoming more and more like ExploitWINter with each passing day. I'm getting fed up...

    Yea, I completely agree. They need to ban these people, they need to have a low tolerance for this kind of abuse. But I know nothing will happen. They will simply be this months new winners.
  • carrytiexcarrytiex Member Posts: 231 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    djoffer1 wrote: »
    Watch out folks, we have an exploiter right here!

    Yes, clearly me wanting the issue to be fixed as a priority instead of doing nothing and banning those for their own negligence makes me an exploiter. Congrats sherlock. Too bad I have neither of the items that can one shot (though I was tempted to combine my 8 lessers to make a trans feytouched over 2x rp incase the self debuff was fixed. If you actually support minimal damage, you'd support quicker reaction times too.

    Personally I've done the heralds once (killed just 1 drake) and tiamat once too (lost) since mod 6. So yeah, you might want to steer clear of baseless accusations in future.

    If you want it under control, you do it from the get go and fix the big issues as a priority. You don't just accept exploiting doing minor attempts every now and then and then punish those using passive bugs to their advantage after years of acting differently. I abused spell twisting (because it was a good feat, not because it was bugged which I didn't know at the time). Others abused ap generation too, should they be banned. They did have smaller effects, but they still had an impact, but were something that was just part of the build.

    The difference between something like this and something like eCC exploiting is that eCC isn't something you can accidentally do. Yet if you ban those, then you ban a really sizable chunk of they playerbase, and that is because since the start of the game, exploiting has been acceptable with no consequence. Any reputable company would have hotfixed this already. Blame the exploiters all you want, but people will always exploit and you'd be avoiding the real issue which is that bugs go ignored for too long.
  • bertrandxbertrandx Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 147 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I blame cryptic more than the players .. much harder content + easily found and powerful bugs = exploitfest.

    They do it on purpose if you ask me. To me this jagged blade situation is a cheat, not a bug. A bug is an error, a cheat is something wanted by those who coded the game.
    Bert - Lv70 pathfinder trapper. How's sunny california?
  • gigarayzorgigarayzor Member Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    So, clearly this exploit is a pretty huge oversight and a problem that needs to be solved. That being said, I understand why Cryptic has done nothing about it for weeks, for two reasons.

    First, even though it renders the Heralds content mostly unplayable, that's not so bad compared to the huge amount of content that has been unplayable because it was completely removed from the game.
    Second, even though exploiters and cheaters are benefiting immensely from this, the economy has always been heavily based around botters anyway, so this probably won't upset anything.
  • lewstelamon01lewstelamon01 Member Posts: 7,415 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Closing this down as discussion of bad behavior isn't allowed and this thread is just being used to bash on the company.

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