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Tips for fighting TRs - By a TR

munkey81munkey81 Member Posts: 1,322 Arc User
edited June 2015 in PvP Discussion
I feel that I've done as much as I can, by way of knowledge in the game from helpful hints, to builds, to gear choices and my beginners guide for PvP in order to help the community get some more enjoyment out of the game and understand PvP as a whole.

Unfortunately, there will always be people making I quit threads, and Nerf this nerf that threads.

I'm going to give you a few pointers that if you actually read this, WILL help you fight against TR's. Understanding the Tip, and implementing it however is up to you.

1. Health. You want to play PvP and do good with any class? You need high health. If you go into PvP with 20k health, expect to get crushed. By bad players, and especially good players. Health is the utmost important stat in this game, hands down. I personally have just under 29k health, and I am doing my best to upgrade my Radiants for more, I suggest you do the same.

2. Defense VS Deflect - Defense is important, to a point. Deflect is much more important. For example, if you have 50% defense, and 5% deflect, you ARE going to get hit hard, why? Because your defense can be crapped on with debuffs, and it WILL be, especially if you are fighting multiple players. Deflect however, cannot be negated. The only encounter in this game(that I know of), that ignores Deflect is Shadow of Demise(TR). I have gone back and fourth over the course of 2 years not using the Math(as its confusing in NW), and instead played by "feel". What I have come up with, is having atleast 25% Defense, then stacking the <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> out of Deflect. Personally on my TR, I have 27% defense and 47.8% deflect, and when I finish my profound set I will have roughly 53% deflect. Having 60% deflect(random number for sake of discussion), and 5% Defense, you are going to get crushed. Take what I say with a grain of salt, but I have over 2 years of knowledge in this game, playing CW, TR, GWF and HR at the highest lvl of PvP, and time and time again I have came back to the 25%defense, then stack Deflect as my basis for any character that I play, and it works very well.

3. CC, and CC immunity. Having Tenacity(PvP gear), is going to give you Innate defense bonus's for Control Effects, Crit Damage, and Overall Damage. Not having any of this, will get crushed. My recommendation is to purchase a full set of Grim armor, as its cheap and very very good gear, for any class.

TR specifically - Impossible to Catch is a utility encounter in the Master Infiltrator TR Tier. Out of stealth, it will break "most" CC effects(everything but Prone), and "Deflect" ALL incoming attacks as well as make them immune to further control effects for 3 seconds(if maxed, if there using it will be). ITC while stealthed, will do the same as above, but they will also gain a 50% defensive bonus. You cant miss it guys, the TR turns Blackish color when activated, and near solid black while used in Stealth. What this means, is STOP WASTING YOUR ENCOUNTERS ON THEM DURING IT!! I hear so many posts about OP TR's, then find out the TR is in ITC and I just have to /facepalm at the ignorance of some players. Go nuts on your at-wills, evade evade evade. If you cant understand the importance of this paragraph, you shouldn't be playing PvP.

Duelist Flurry - Is a very obvious at-will, that takes time to charge up, albeit not that much time. It looks like a "Flurry". It is just an at-will, but it is an insane damage at-will if used correctly, as it stacks on Bleeds up to 10 stacks. I constantly face people in PvP that think its a good idea to try and face tank me during this. For example, I have had 5-7k crit bleeds using this while in stealth(100% crit chance in stealth, means DF in stealth, if bleeds are stacked will ALL crit). Bad players, I don't even use encounters..I kill them solely with DF. End state? DONT stand still like a zombie and get wrecked by an easily avoidable at-will.

I wont go into anymore specific encounters as honestly I'm sure this entire thread will still fall on deaf ears. However, if you aren't listening to the game sounds when playing PvP, you will ALWAYS be at giant disadvantage. You will always hear a sound before the attack, and that holds true with every single class, and every single encounter in this game. Meaning, if fighting a TR for example 1 vs 1, it is very, very easy to dodge our encounters, if you just LISTEN. Hear the sound, dodge>congrats, you just dodged lashing, or deft, or Vengeance etc etc. Are you always going to be able to dodge everything? Obviously no, but understanding how is literally half the battle.

Mounts - Out of 20 PvP matches, I will one shot probably 50 people because they are sitting on their mount on a node.(I don't use the one shot build fyi)., and that is because when you are mounted you will take 100% of the damage on the first hit, as well as it will prone you. STOP SITTING ON YOUR MOUNT ON NODES! Your the first one I attack, and I always kill you, stop it...its bad, don't do it =P

Fighting in general - If you have blinders on when your fighting, especially in a large battle(multiples on multiples, think first cap on 2), then you are generally going to get One shot by some <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> TR using the SoD glitch, because you are easy pickins. I never, ever fight anyone, without being able to see incoming paths. What I mean is while I am fighting, I still will keep eyes on incoming spawn point paths, and paths leading up to my node or wherever I am fighting. You HAVE to pay attention to your surroundings. You do realize that when any player of either team gets killed, it displays a very clear message in the middle of your screen. Why do I care Alysin Chains you ask? Well, if you are capping the enemys node, and you see an enemy team member die, you are a fool if you don't think the next place they are coming is for there home point. Again, pay attention. Understanding the battlefield completely plays a very huge part in my personal success in PvP.

If you come up on a TR capping your node with your buddies, or alone, and you end up chasing the TR away with very little health and you do the right thing by NOT chasing him, and instead cap your node please..please for the love of PvP, stop thinking the TR just bailed and ran away. I kill so many people like this, I have literally been chased off point with less than a bubble, and killed sometimes entire teams on the same node. Why? Because they all got on there **** mounts and thought the node was theirs. A good TR doesn't need a full health bar to fight, or kill you. Again, this goes back to Sight and sound, pay attention to the battlefield, and listen for the sounds and again..stop chillin on your mount on the nodes.

PvP Pots- Guess what? There not shady or cheap and skilless, if you don't use them...your a fool. I use the hell out of them and so should you. Your not a "cool" guy or some elitist by not using them, your just ignorant.

I could literally type a novel of the hints, strats and tips that I've acquired in my 2 years in this game, but ultimately its up to each person on how they play. If you actually read this far and implement even some of what I've said, you will start getting better in PvP.

Please remember that Skill IS the biggest factor in this game, gear next.

I personally have just under a 15k GS in PvP, and I use a Perfect Vorpal. I'm sorry, but even if you are twice as good as me, and you have 6k GS, you will never...ever win against me. Remember that, and don't get upset. Skill is the most important, but having a ridiculously low GS is never going to wind up good for you VS someone that insanely outranks you in gear. But please, stop using the "Wallet Warrior" comment <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>. This games been out long enough for people to earn max gear, that's all rank 10's and perfect weapon and armor enchants. Don't get mad and use gear as an excuse of why you lost. If you know it, that's all that madders...no one else cares.

If you've read this far thanks! I hope that you've gotten atleast something from what I've said. I would much rather the PvP player base excel, instead of constantly sitting in the campfire.

Feel free to add me in game if you've got some questions that you think I can answer, I will do my best to help anyone out, no madder the affiliation.

Post edited by Unknown User on


  • mizzou0mizzou0 Member Posts: 41
    edited May 2015
    Good advice.
    Don't get frustrated. Learn!!!!!! No matter how good or bad you think you are at PVP you can always be learning. If you aren't getting better you are getting worse.
    The main things I try to focus on is
    1. Dont neglect defensive stats.
    2. ALways be aware of what the rogues are doing at a node, even if you arent targeting them.
    3. Don't just stand in one spot if you are a caster.
    4. 99% of the time you can see them when they are trying to sneak behind you.....DODGE!!!
    5. Even if you get caught by a Crit glitching executioner rogue don't get frustrated....It happens.

    I know alot of you complain about the executioner rogues, but I am telling you. Once you get geared and learn how to deal with them they are the easiest of the 3 specs to beat on a consistent basis.
    Control Wizard
  • augustredaugustred Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Exe rouges become easier to kill as you progress and get used to playing pvp

  • crispyslinky07crispyslinky07 Member Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    "Mounts - Out of 20 PvP matches, I will one shot probably 50 people because they are sitting on their mount on a node.(I don't use the one shot build fyi)., and that is because when you are mounted you will take 100% of the damage on the first hit, as well as it will prone you. STOP SITTING ON YOUR MOUNT ON NODES! "

    I cannot believe how many people still haven't figured this at out.This is all great information thanks for taking the time to write it up!
    Alysin and mizzou if you catch me online later today remind me to tell you some tips I've figured out.

    < Goon Squad >
  • azuosed89azuosed89 Member Posts: 565 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    nice post. I usually don't have a problem against most of the rogues. However, some still lashing blade me for 15~20k even though I am a GWF with over 50% deflect rate, 40k hp, and 3k+ defense, 25% pvp tenacity. followed by shadow of demise there is not much I can do after, or much to do with these forever CCs.

    I do realize rogues are overpowered in this mod (just the population of rogues tells it by itself), but I do agree that there is a level of what people can do. Not all rogues are too powerful, and unfortunately, most classes are more gear dependent than a rogue nowadays.
    good post.
    Gannicus GWF PvP
  • trappy1026trappy1026 Member Posts: 147 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2015
    Good read. I had no idea what ITC was all about, explains a lot.

    Quick tip for other HRs: When you hit a Rogue with Disruptive shot, even if they go into stealth, the green "gleam" or marker or whatever will allow you to track them, as it doesn't disappear.

    Also, I've started kind of... baiting rogues to drop their smoke. Wait/Bait whatever and dodge out and around it.
  • kaspa6kaspa6 Member Posts: 34
    edited May 2015
    nice guide i dont pvp with my tr any more more fun with a cw at the moment just wate for them to dash at u doge blast them away pull them in the air freez chill stacks push agen win lol
  • geltabgeltab Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 104 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2015
    Dodging the smoke bomb can save you from the stun, but not the free stealth bar from one with shadows. Ultimately that's all I care about.

    -Fappy Gilmore-
  • blueberry1973blueberry1973 Member Posts: 58
    edited May 2015
    TR are grossly OP. Cryptic needs to bite the Bullet and nerf TR so they can learn to adapt and win by something more akin to skill then smashing a few buttons and one shotting people.

  • jhpnwjhpnw Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 611 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    THANKS OP This is the best PVP article I have seen to date on handling TRs and I learned a few very good things today

    thanks again
  • munkey81munkey81 Member Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    jhpnw wrote: »
    THANKS OP This is the best PVP article I have seen to date on handling TRs and I learned a few very good things today

    thanks again

    Glad to hear it man. TR's are definitely manageable. Not knowing and understanding what they are capable of however is the reason most people like to think they are OP. They just don't understand the mechanics or how to fight against them.

    Most people are willing and wanting to learn and improve themselves in PvP and will take these helpful hints and tips and do well with them. A large crowd however will always ask for Nerfs, whether it be a TR, or a CW, or a DC etc etc. Those people will never get better at PvP with those attitudes and fill the forums with mindless "I quit" and "Nerf this" threads.
  • blueberry1973blueberry1973 Member Posts: 58
    edited May 2015
    munkey81 wrote: »
    Glad to hear it man. TR's are definitely manageable. Not knowing and understanding what they are capable of however is the reason most people like to think they are OP. They just don't understand the mechanics or how to fight against them.

    Most people are willing and wanting to learn and improve themselves in PvP and will take these helpful hints and tips and do well with them. A large crowd however will always ask for Nerfs, whether it be a TR, or a CW, or a DC etc etc. Those people will never get better at PvP with those attitudes and fill the forums with mindless "I quit" and "Nerf this" threads.

    Lol.... Understand mechanics? Rogues need a nerf. Hopefully the devs fix this prior to losing everyone to a different game.
  • caperonncaperonn Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I wanted to comment on the first and most important point of the OP. Another Trickster Rogue here.

    Except I have 38,000 hit points. And so should you. I do not care what class you are.

    Tired of dying in one-two hits to tricksters? I certainly don't. Get past the initial burst damage if you fail at dodging it because the cooldowns are long and you're going to need to be alive to counter punch or escape.

    Build to survive. Expect a bit of a nerf to TR's (looking at mod 6 from pc version) but not enough for you to allow yourself to get burned in 2 seconds.

    Also, gear up. Thank you.
  • daztripdaztrip Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    So do you think that TR's are not OP then? From what I've seen they're ruining pvp and they appear unbalanced compared to other classes. Going invisible, almost one hit kill and stupidly hard to kill seems an unbalanced class to me.
  • azuosed89azuosed89 Member Posts: 565 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    caperonn wrote: »
    I wanted to comment on the first and most important point of the OP. Another Trickster Rogue here.

    Except I have 38,000 hit points. And so should you. I do not care what class you are.

    Tired of dying in one-two hits to tricksters? I certainly don't. Get past the initial burst damage if you fail at dodging it because the cooldowns are long and you're going to need to be alive to counter punch or escape.

    Build to survive. Expect a bit of a nerf to TR's (looking at mod 6 from pc version) but not enough for you to allow yourself to get burned in 2 seconds.

    Also, gear up. Thank you.

    well. I have 41k hp, close to 4k defense, 50% deflect, and I can fight stun rogues just fine. depending on the dps rogues one there is just not much what to do dude. Some still hit me for 19k on the first strike, and shadow of demise does the rest. if they already have the daily up when they meet me is just not much what to do. I can fight the stun build fine, not the dps. Not complaining or' anything, I always played pvp in a high level and on PC for a time I was considered the top GWF of the game, coming from a pvp guild. I am aware that neverwinter balances out between nerfing buffing classes, and rotating what is op, what is bad, and making us adapt. dont get me wrong, i love finding new builds and strategies, and I believe I found something good now. But then, it is about knowing the classes, having hp, regen, deflect, the gear, etc helps ONLY TO A POINT. There is a level that is hard to overcome what is overpower, specially fighting well geared OP classes.... It can be played, but it cant be denied TRs are OP in this mod. just look at the trs population.

    I played on PC since mode 1, and I have seen the population of classes swinging like that everytime a class was op, and now it is the TRs. 9/10 pvp matches I play my team end up with 2 trs and so is the opponent team. So I know very well how to fight a TR on 1 x 1, and I know well their survivality skills. but i dont have dodges and it is specially stupid when their buggy skill can also penetrate the unstoppable extra DR.

    I think it is lame to try to attack people who complain by telling them they are bad on pvp, or they will never improve or etc. it is easy say that playing behind the good class, and honestly,it makes look who defend the class as blind and afraid of the nerf hammer. Skills, gear,etc only helps to a certain point. it is what it is, but the players have all the right to complain.
    See for example GWF, they were good, then they got buffed, became something like what TRs are now, huge dps and survivality, then they got nerfed because people cried on forums. And not to mention, I see some of the people that most complained about GWF during that time so they should be nerfed on PC now complain that people ask for nerf tr, and say the ones asking for nerf are bad pvpers. Well, this is hypocrisy to me.

    So I am sided with the middle ground thing. Nice, explain players how to deal with rogues, help them improve with tips, but it is important to admit that the class is indeed overpower and it should be only fair that they fix what is broken.
    I know in mod 6 they have done that, but we dont know when or if they will bring it anytime soon on xbox. The devs have the mean and ways to fix it before mod 6 if it will take too long.

    Now about me, I personally enjoy fighting overpowered classes since I also agrees it helps me become a better pvper.
    Gannicus GWF PvP
  • moshpittimoshpitti Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Great compilation of info and tidbits to help start piecing together what's going down and how it works.

    Having started playing the game on it's release on Xbox, and moving into PvP properly only recently with my 3rd character, there's a great deal of stuff I literally have no clue of, what's going on and why on Earth is something working and another thing not. One stark image that was hard to ignore right off the bat, was the scoreboards of 9/10 games with Rogues dominating anything and everything. And of course getting stealth-ganked into submission by Rogues that can seemingly dodge, deflect and outright eat anything you throw at them was a helluva crash course into NW PvP. Today, for the first time, I started feeling much more confident in taking on relatively predictable TRs, but I still had no clue what exactly is making them tick.

    In a nutshell, cheers for the 'instructions'. Having read a bunch of overly defensive and overly offensive threads about the class, this is a refreshing change, that actually helps to deal with it.
  • azuosed89azuosed89 Member Posts: 565 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I was queing by myself today and fought two TRs, beat both of othem at the same time lol. They are probably undergeared, but regardless it was fun since it was 2 vs 1.


    for the record we lost that match. my team was just zerging on 2 and I couldnt manage to take care of our base and the enemy base.
    I also got killed by their DC lol. good dps lol
    Gannicus GWF PvP
  • jrourkejrourke Member Posts: 60
    edited May 2015
    Step 1: Block the rogue player using xbox live.
    Step 2: Report the rogue player for unsporting behaviour using xbox live.
  • munkey81munkey81 Member Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    jrourke wrote: »
    Step 1: Block the rogue player using xbox live.
    Step 2: Report the rogue player for unsporting behaviour using xbox live.

    There are no words to describe how pathetic and ridiculous you are.

    I can only imagine you're the kid who forcefully try's jamming your TV remote up your butt when you die in PvP.

    Thanks for the laugh baddie
  • jrourkejrourke Member Posts: 60
    edited May 2015
    munkey81 wrote: »
    There are no words to describe how pathetic and ridiculous you are.

    I can only imagine you're the kid who forcefully try's jamming your TV remote up your butt when you die in PvP.

    Thanks for the laugh baddie

  • thormadn3ssthormadn3ss Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    listen rogues r crazy strong yes, but the only reason they SEEM OP is because 80% of the pvp player base have no idea what they r doing.

    there is no teamwork in most games, ppls specs SUCK and gear LOL wth is with all the fresh 60s in green gear in pvp dying in 1 hit then crying op. People need to learn to work together in matches and spec proper, they spec points all over the place its laughable
  • azuosed89azuosed89 Member Posts: 565 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    listen rogues r crazy strong yes, but the only reason they SEEM OP is because 80% of the pvp player base have no idea what they r doing.

    there is no teamwork in most games, ppls specs SUCK and gear LOL wth is with all the fresh 60s in green gear in pvp dying in 1 hit then crying op. People need to learn to work together in matches and spec proper, they spec points all over the place its laughable

    no bro. with all respect. Yes, I agree a lot people dont know how to play and it makes a huge difference. but it is not 80%. Some TRs abuse and use a lot the dot exploit for SoD, or take advantage of the forever daze build. Hopefully they fix at least the first one soon to balance it out. Just take a look at the games population. Everytime I solo q or duo Q, I almost am aways placed in a team with two TRs and the other team as most of the time two as well. I was leveling an alt, and doing low lvl pvps, and it is insane that even on low lvl the pvp is crowded with trs. like a lot ppl leveling just because it is an easy and op class to play. Miss the old days where on PC where skill was the most important factor in a TR.
    Gannicus GWF PvP
  • crispyslinky07crispyslinky07 Member Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    azuosed89 wrote: »
    no bro. with all respect. Yes, I agree a lot people dont know how to play and it makes a huge difference. but it is not 80%. Some TRs abuse and use a lot the dot exploit for SoD, or take advantage of the forever daze build. Hopefully they fix at least the first one soon to balance it out. Just take a look at the games population. Everytime I solo q or duo Q, I almost am aways placed in a team with two TRs and the other team as most of the time two as well. I was leveling an alt, and doing low lvl pvps, and it is insane that even on low lvl the pvp is crowded with trs. like a lot ppl leveling just because it is an easy and op class to play. Miss the old days where on PC where skill was the most important factor in a TR.

    That is also because alot of people who planned on pvping in this game pick rogues bc they are usually the most rewarding class to play for a skilled pvper. myself for example... did 0 research b4 I picked a class and went with the TR bc I knew I was only going to want to fight other players.
    Just some food for thought
    < Goon Squad >
  • azuosed89azuosed89 Member Posts: 565 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    That is also because alot of people who planned on pvping in this game pick rogues bc they are usually the most rewarding class to play for a skilled pvper. myself for example... did 0 research b4 I picked a class and went with the TR bc I knew I was only going to want to fight other players.
    Just some food for thought

    I agree WHEN BALANCED, TR is indeed a class for skilful players. HR and Trs for sure the hardest classes to play. However, the way the game is now it is not. It is not rewarding any skilled pvper. It is rewarding anyone that want the game easy, easy kills, a class with high survivality skills, kills, etc. that is what it is. I played on PC, and for what I experienced, people pick the op class always.
    I mean, there are some decents trs are out there, they should be rewarded for being skilfull. but then I see some pvpers wannabe abusing of the dot SoD exploit and even trashtalking as if they are the best. Come on, seriously Playing the op class, either abusing an OP skill or a unfair CC skill is too much...
    Gannicus GWF PvP
  • azuosed89azuosed89 Member Posts: 565 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    please, watch this video here again and tell me how TR in this mod is made for skilled players.

    One encounter dpsing for over 22k in a character with 42k hp, 4k def, 25% tenacity, 40+% deflect, sentinel build with increment in def, dr, etc. and then shadow of demise pops and the remaining half of the hp just goes to zero. tell me again how it is skills. Yes, cw, hr, other rogues can dodge, avoid stack, but not gfs, warlocks, and gwfs. It is obvious it will be fixed sometime, it is just about of WHEN.
    I wont even mention the dazing <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> too that makes Control wizards jealous of what is a CC
    Gannicus GWF PvP
  • thormadn3ssthormadn3ss Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    OO i agree TR's r crazy strong right now and need some tweaks, but come on if ppl actually focus fired a tr when he popped Up it would not be so bad.

    here r some examples of what i see daily

    1: other tr or dps for that matter focusing a GF instead of the squishy dps classes, or the other teams cleric.
    2: GF hiding behind there dps
    3: clerics who dont heal, thes r the smitemoar Dc's who complain after there team dies.
    4:People not using there dmg resistance abilities, such as Sw using his left analog for dmg resis or a dodge.
    5: Teams spread out all over the place, such as 4 of 5 ppl running back to save there spawn cap instead of just 2. allowing the other team who prob only had 1 tr taking the spawn have 4 push mid, and control the map
  • munkey81munkey81 Member Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    azuosed89 wrote: »
    please, watch this video here again and tell me how TR in this mod is made for skilled players.

    One encounter dpsing for over 22k in a character with 42k hp, 4k def, 25% tenacity, 40+% deflect, sentinel build with increment in def, dr, etc. and then shadow of demise pops and the remaining half of the hp just goes to zero. tell me again how it is skills. Yes, cw, hr, other rogues can dodge, avoid stack, but not gfs, warlocks, and gwfs. It is obvious it will be fixed sometime, it is just about of WHEN.
    I wont even mention the dazing <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> too that makes Control wizards jealous of what is a CC

    SoD being glitched is stupid, we all know it. It is absolutely skill-less and the TR's using it know it. It makes me laugh when I see them talk smack when they kill someone.

    Beyond that, not much we can do now. As a TR myself its very far and few between that I get killed by it, because I can dodge. As a GWF, my only suggestion is to watch for the SoD hit(as it displays on your screen), wait 5 seconds and hit Unstoppable, obviously I don't know, but I would assume being in Unstoppable will negate a good portion of the damage. If I'm wrong then I basically got nothing buddy. Same with GF's, does blocking during SoD proc negate damage? When they do fix it, it will still be powerful depending on how much damage the TR can stack, and how high the initial hit was. Honestly I don't think its any different than Prophecy of Doom, yes I realize its comparing an encounter to class feature but still. You ever see a good dps DC one shot someone with PoD? I have, its extremely powerful and along the same lines as SoD. I don't think either of them are OP(when SoD is working correctly)

    As far as hits, you and I both know it doesn't matter what your gear is, you WILL be hit hard sometimes, good ole' NW Luck and Chance man. I get hit hard sometimes, but its not very often, not enough where I can even remember the last time.

    The Daze build. Can be totally negated by using Oghmas. I don't think theres anything OP about the Daze build because there are counters which everyone playing has the option to utilize. Its no different then being stun lock/proned to death by a skilled GF or GWF, I've seen you do it, its no different then the TR's Daze load-out. In fact, a good GF/GWF stun/prone rotation your pretty much screwed, with the TR Daze rotation you may at least have a chance. Oghmas does nothing if your prone. Same can be said for a good CW freezing and choking the <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> out of you till death. Theres ways around it, and sometimes you get nailed..nature of the beast. You've been a part of the conversation on PC years ago when we were asking for DR on CC, obviously NW is clueless as to what DR is so that's never going to come.
  • skeld11skeld11 Member Posts: 225 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    munkey81 wrote: »
    SoD being glitched is stupid, we all know it. It is absolutely skill-less and the TR's using it know it. It makes me laugh when I see them talk smack when they kill someone.

    Beyond that, not much we can do now. As a TR myself its very far and few between that I get killed by it, because I can dodge. As a GWF, my only suggestion is to watch for the SoD hit(as it displays on your screen), wait 5 seconds and hit Unstoppable, obviously I don't know, but I would assume being in Unstoppable will negate a good portion of the damage. If I'm wrong then I basically got nothing buddy. Same with GF's, does blocking during SoD proc negate damage? When they do fix it, it will still be powerful depending on how much damage the TR can stack, and how high the initial hit was. Honestly I don't think its any different than Prophecy of Doom, yes I realize its comparing an encounter to class feature but still. You ever see a good dps DC one shot someone with PoD? I have, its extremely powerful and along the same lines as SoD. I don't think either of them are OP(when SoD is working correctly)

    As far as hits, you and I both know it doesn't matter what your gear is, you WILL be hit hard sometimes, good ole' NW Luck and Chance man. I get hit hard sometimes, but its not very often, not enough where I can even remember the last time.

    The Daze build. Can be totally negated by using Oghmas. I don't think theres anything OP about the Daze build because there are counters which everyone playing has the option to utilize. Its no different then being stun lock/proned to death by a skilled GF or GWF, I've seen you do it, its no different then the TR's Daze load-out. In fact, a good GF/GWF stun/prone rotation your pretty much screwed, with the TR Daze rotation you may at least have a chance. Oghmas does nothing if your prone. Same can be said for a good CW freezing and choking the <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> out of you till death. Theres ways around it, and sometimes you get nailed..nature of the beast. You've been a part of the conversation on PC years ago when we were asking for DR on CC, obviously NW is clueless as to what DR is so that's never going to come.

    Ah, I had forgotten about DR...bringing back memories of fear immunity and my warlock...
  • azuosed89azuosed89 Member Posts: 565 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    munkey81 wrote: »
    SoD being glitched is stupid, we all know it. It is absolutely skill-less and the TR's using it know it. It makes me laugh when I see them talk smack when they kill someone.

    Beyond that, not much we can do now. As a TR myself its very far and few between that I get killed by it, because I can dodge. As a GWF, my only suggestion is to watch for the SoD hit(as it displays on your screen), wait 5 seconds and hit Unstoppable, obviously I don't know, but I would assume being in Unstoppable will negate a good portion of the damage. If I'm wrong then I basically got nothing buddy. Same with GF's, does blocking during SoD proc negate damage? When they do fix it, it will still be powerful depending on how much damage the TR can stack, and how high the initial hit was. Honestly I don't think its any different than Prophecy of Doom, yes I realize its comparing an encounter to class feature but still. You ever see a good dps DC one shot someone with PoD? I have, its extremely powerful and along the same lines as SoD. I don't think either of them are OP(when SoD is working correctly)

    As far as hits, you and I both know it doesn't matter what your gear is, you WILL be hit hard sometimes, good ole' NW Luck and Chance man. I get hit hard sometimes, but its not very often, not enough where I can even remember the last time.

    The Daze build. Can be totally negated by using Oghmas. I don't think theres anything OP about the Daze build because there are counters which everyone playing has the option to utilize. Its no different then being stun lock/proned to death by a skilled GF or GWF, I've seen you do it, its no different then the TR's Daze load-out. In fact, a good GF/GWF stun/prone rotation your pretty much screwed, with the TR Daze rotation you may at least have a chance. Oghmas does nothing if your prone. Same can be said for a good CW freezing and choking the <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> out of you till death. Theres ways around it, and sometimes you get nailed..nature of the beast. You've been a part of the conversation on PC years ago when we were asking for DR on CC, obviously NW is clueless as to what DR is so that's never going to come.

    I just mentioned the daze build because it is what most class complain about. But lets face, you use oghas you waste a heal or something, therefore all it can be done is delay a little bit the inevitable.
    I just mentioned the dazed build because it is what hurts most, I rather fight a cc tr anytime over these abusing SoD. At least I have a chance. Honestly I dont even think the problem with the dazed build is the duration itself, but it is the slow not being able to use not even dodge, sprint etc. I usually do much better against cc build trs, and most of times in equal gear I can win sometimes (unless they also abuse the SoD <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>).

    The problem about SoD is also it ignores my DR, or even the unstoppable DR, So unstoppable = useless. I cant even try to time the unstoppable with the SoD proc because of that.
    I know it is fixed in mod6, but the problem is how long until mod 6 comes you know? They have the tools and means to do a quick fix just like they did with destroyers in the past. When they removed the roar root, half of the class opness was fixed. But then they kept on nerfing, taking away unsoppable resistance from destroyer, the takedown stun instead of prone (lame), etc. while they kept nerfing and made GWF get a bit hit. I still love gwfs, and I play it since the mod 1 and i wont quit, i think they are great and seems balanced against all other classes but these TR, specially the DPS ones lol.
    Gannicus GWF PvP
  • munkey81munkey81 Member Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    azuosed89 wrote: »
    I just mentioned the daze build because it is what most class complain about. But lets face, you use oghas you waste a heal or something, therefore all it can be done is delay a little bit the inevitable.
    I just mentioned the dazed build because it is what hurts most, I rather fight a cc tr anytime over these abusing SoD. At least I have a chance. Honestly I dont even think the problem with the dazed build is the duration itself, but it is the slow not being able to use not even dodge, sprint etc. I usually do much better against cc build trs, and most of times in equal gear I can win sometimes (unless they also abuse the SoD <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>).

    The problem about SoD is also it ignores my DR, or even the unstoppable DR, So unstoppable = useless. I cant even try to time the unstoppable with the SoD proc because of that.
    I know it is fixed in mod6, but the problem is how long until mod 6 comes you know? They have the tools and means to do a quick fix just like they did with destroyers in the past. When they removed the roar root, half of the class opness was fixed. But then they kept on nerfing, taking away unsoppable resistance from destroyer, the takedown stun instead of prone (lame), etc. while they kept nerfing and made GWF get a bit hit. I still love gwfs, and I play it since the mod 1 and i wont quit, i think they are great and seems balanced against all other classes but these TR, specially the DPS ones lol.

    Ahh right right. Piercing damage ignores Deflection and armor. Yah unstoppable wont do jack.

    Well buddy I hope they fix it, and soon. Its total <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>. I cant imagine many TR's can beat you 1 vs 1 anyway, but until they fix it I guess you'll just have to deal with the glitch.
  • blueberry1973blueberry1973 Member Posts: 58
    edited May 2015
    That is also because alot of people who planned on pvping in this game pick rogues bc they are usually the most rewarding class to play for a skilled pvper. myself for example... did 0 research b4 I picked a class and went with the TR bc I knew I was only going to want to fight other players.
    Just some food for thought

    On the contrary.... Rogues are so grossly overpowered they take little or no skill to play. All of my rogue friends love pvp. Every single one of them cc and one shot other players. It is not like a few are good and bad. How much skill does it take to cc and one shot a toon in the back. NONE.

    The only reason I pvp is the dailies and it is very hard to get anyone to play...except get this... the rogues. CW is just as dumb. Overall pvp in the game is garbage until the devs severely nerf CW and TR.

    Without CW and TR I can honestly say pvp can be both fun and dynamic with great potential for team play.

    It is what it is..... I am not sure what the devs are thinking also. No one is going to continue to que for pvp or stick with a game where a class that takes no skill to play will continually one shot you. Lol.... or CW can cc and easy mode kill you. It is very bad....
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