leaderchip tales ages to level to 20 if you are a normal player, doing this on 10 chars takes years for an average player
i play since 10/14 and have 3 chars 2 are at 19 and one is at about rank 14 i guess, i also did other professions first who did not last that long, leadership its 240 rp/8h max. very slow ultra slow in stepping up
so you have to focus on nothing else in professions taht leadership to max level, and it is not in short time
...my Paladin is Level 15 in Leadership. With only 3 slots dedicated to it, and focusing on the LS-XP only quests, and, well, during the day I set the timer on my mobile phone to alert me on the ETA of the quests so I can timely cash in and relaunch them...
Levels 18-20 take looooong, though. I recommend using the spare slots you have for "Patrol the Mines" and try to do that 4h task end-to-end, too - then you get the same LS-XP per 8h as with the XP-only task, plus a ton of blue scrolls ("mining claims"), which are the required ingredient for "Protect Diamond Shipment", a rare 12h task that gives you 1600 AD per slot.
Alchemy bots actually pay better than leadership drones. At the moment. If you have a weaponsmithing 20 can also make mace of the Aryvandar pays allright. I usually get in 1 T2 and as many Kessel runs as I can per toon and the drops from Kessel(with key)T2s and other randomruns make up the difference in RAD.
hellxhereMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 41
edited May 2015
I am reading all the comments and I actually feel sad for all the new players.
Yes we can make AD with leadership (around 20-24k MAX/day and per character)
Yes we can make AD via salvaging dunjeons items (around 30k/day if you play a lot)
Yes we can make AD by selling our loots in dragon runs (30k AD/day if you play a lot)
But when do you get real AD ? Oh that s right you have to buy lockbox with zen...
The economy is a disaster now. Everything is bound to account and nowadays you can't make REAL AD in order to get END GAME artifacts & enchantments.
It is either paying zen with real money and transforms them in AD which makes the game a pay to win or playing 10h/day for a few months to get a correct item
Leadership is worthless until rank 20 or so and takes ages to lvlup for new players.
As it is:
Completing 3 daily Skirmishes will give you 3k AD (+1k each from the chest if you do it during the event)
Completing random dungeon (3man counts as well) will give you 3k AD (+3k if you do it during the event)
Completing 4 PvP wins will give you 4k AD (+4k from daily pvp win)
Completing 4 Foundry which count towards the daily will give you 3k AD (iirc)
so Total 23k + 1k you can get from the leadership if you play long enough (around 100 per 2 hour from 1 slot until higher lvls)
hellxhereMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 41
edited May 2015
Oh and dont forget that we can only refine 24k AD per day per character
Leadership is worthless until rank 20 or so and takes ages to lvlup for new players.
LS Lvl 8: "Battle Undead" - 6h, 400 rAD + 80 LS XP
LS Lvl 16: "Fight off Spellplagued" - 6h, 400 rAD + 80 LS XP
...and no ressources needed. Times three slots, times 3 cycles per day = 3600 daily from Lvl 8 onward, 7200 from Lvl 16 onward, and at Lvl 20mthere''s "Destroy Enemy Camp" which takes 16h and yields 1600 AD. so 12k/AD per day with no hassle at all. with a bit of extra clicking there are diverse tasks, some rare, some not, that give more rAD, but require ressources to run.
If and when you do that regularly and add in some colour, you could really get these to 24k/day pre-Mod-6, and to 20k now. Which is close enough to the refining bottleneck width that I don't bother.
But, yeah, it takes quite a while, measured in months, to level it up. But the rewards do begin relatively early - Lvl 8 is achieved in a few days without any trouble...
I am reading all the comments and I actually feel sad for all the new players.
Yes we can make AD with leadership (around 20-24k MAX/day and per character)
Yes we can make AD via salvaging dunjeons items (around 30k/day if you play a lot)
Yes we can make AD by selling our loots in dragon runs (30k AD/day if you play a lot)
But when do youget real AD ? Oh that s right you have to buy lockbox with zen...
The economy is a disaster now. Everything is bound to account and nowadays you can't make REAL AD in order to get END GAME artifacts & enchantments.
It is either paying zen with real money and transforms them in AD which makes the game a pay to win or playing 10h/day for a few months to get a correct item
it is paying zen .... or knowing undetected exploits a normal player never get aware of
the moment i get my handy ringing every 4-8h a day to log in and level leadership i will jump from a bridge, sry
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,520Arc User
edited May 2015
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
So...i am a more or less new player, starting in march, right before mod 6.
I am not new at mmorpgs at all, so i know about the daily grind.
24k RAD to AD per Char/Day?
When i am looking at the AH, the prices for stuff you can loot isnt worth the work, most of the time.
When i am looking at the AH, the prices for stuff, you will have to make your grinds in the T1/T2 possible/easier...they are in the hundreds of thousands, or just in the millions.
And then, you have to buy the things to refine/lvel up, your stuff, right?
Just take a plain 50k for good, three hours grinding and farming a day...more then most people can or will invest, in my opinion...
That are "just" 20 days (60 hours or 2,5 full days) to get a million.
And for that amount of ad you get a green Iounstone? An minor enchantment Rang 10?
If you want to reach the top, or just want to enjoy the game, without to get destroyed everytime, you realy need much time and a good therapists.
Am I the only one, who feels this way?
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,520Arc User
edited May 2015
For this game, if you don't want to spend any real money, in a nutshell, you need to have a plan to finance your campaign. Yes, it takes time ... a long time.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
f you want to reach the top, or just want to enjoy the game, without to get destroyed every time, you really need much time and a good therapists. Am I the only one, who feels this way?
in early mod yes, but now... i pretty much just grind for zen stuff on own pace for now, while dungeon for practice and to not get rusty.
If there's one thing i have learned long ago, is to never grind gear like hell in any mmo... ever!... especially when comes to refining. Always stop on at least average/comfortable/manageable level, unless the content actually needs you to. The moment new gears comes out and render the existing gear with probability to oblivion, the amount of rage you get may probably end you up in a hospital.
i no have lot of astral but for old players are fine with the new system. but i admit for real new players they are forced to buy zen on end game, adding end game rewards are HAMSTER.
That is about the limit of it
I should be noted that during the "Skirmish" event you will get 1K AD and no key is required
In addition I believe you can get some by entering the Daily PVP contest and win one match
Other than that I am at a loss
...my Paladin is Level 15 in Leadership. With only 3 slots dedicated to it, and focusing on the LS-XP only quests, and, well, during the day I set the timer on my mobile phone to alert me on the ETA of the quests so I can timely cash in and relaunch them...
Levels 18-20 take looooong, though. I recommend using the spare slots you have for "Patrol the Mines" and try to do that 4h task end-to-end, too - then you get the same LS-XP per 8h as with the XP-only task, plus a ton of blue scrolls ("mining claims"), which are the required ingredient for "Protect Diamond Shipment", a rare 12h task that gives you 1600 AD per slot.
Yes we can make AD with leadership (around 20-24k MAX/day and per character)
Yes we can make AD via salvaging dunjeons items (around 30k/day if you play a lot)
Yes we can make AD by selling our loots in dragon runs (30k AD/day if you play a lot)
But when do you get real AD ? Oh that s right you have to buy lockbox with zen...
The economy is a disaster now. Everything is bound to account and nowadays you can't make REAL AD in order to get END GAME artifacts & enchantments.
It is either paying zen with real money and transforms them in AD which makes the game a pay to win or playing 10h/day for a few months to get a correct item
As it is:
Completing 3 daily Skirmishes will give you 3k AD (+1k each from the chest if you do it during the event)
Completing random dungeon (3man counts as well) will give you 3k AD (+3k if you do it during the event)
Completing 4 PvP wins will give you 4k AD (+4k from daily pvp win)
Completing 4 Foundry which count towards the daily will give you 3k AD (iirc)
so Total 23k + 1k you can get from the leadership if you play long enough (around 100 per 2 hour from 1 slot until higher lvls)
LS Lvl 8: "Battle Undead" - 6h, 400 rAD + 80 LS XP
LS Lvl 16: "Fight off Spellplagued" - 6h, 400 rAD + 80 LS XP
...and no ressources needed. Times three slots, times 3 cycles per day = 3600 daily from Lvl 8 onward, 7200 from Lvl 16 onward, and at Lvl 20mthere''s "Destroy Enemy Camp" which takes 16h and yields 1600 AD. so 12k/AD per day with no hassle at all. with a bit of extra clicking there are diverse tasks, some rare, some not, that give more rAD, but require ressources to run.
If and when you do that regularly and add in some colour, you could really get these to 24k/day pre-Mod-6, and to 20k now. Which is close enough to the refining bottleneck width that I don't bother.
But, yeah, it takes quite a while, measured in months, to level it up. But the rewards do begin relatively early - Lvl 8 is achieved in a few days without any trouble...
it is paying zen .... or knowing undetected exploits a normal player never get aware of
the moment i get my handy ringing every 4-8h a day to log in and level leadership i will jump from a bridge, sry
I am not new at mmorpgs at all, so i know about the daily grind.
24k RAD to AD per Char/Day?
When i am looking at the AH, the prices for stuff you can loot isnt worth the work, most of the time.
When i am looking at the AH, the prices for stuff, you will have to make your grinds in the T1/T2 possible/easier...they are in the hundreds of thousands, or just in the millions.
And then, you have to buy the things to refine/lvel up, your stuff, right?
Just take a plain 50k for good, three hours grinding and farming a day...more then most people can or will invest, in my opinion...
That are "just" 20 days (60 hours or 2,5 full days) to get a million.
And for that amount of ad you get a green Iounstone? An minor enchantment Rang 10?
If you want to reach the top, or just want to enjoy the game, without to get destroyed everytime, you realy need much time and a good therapists.
Am I the only one, who feels this way?
If there's one thing i have learned long ago, is to never grind gear like hell in any mmo... ever!... especially when comes to refining. Always stop on at least average/comfortable/manageable level, unless the content actually needs you to. The moment new gears comes out and render the existing gear with probability to oblivion, the amount of rage you get may probably end you up in a hospital.