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want to respec my hunter ranger

aishiiteruaishiiteru Member Posts: 13 Arc User
hello everyone

i got a hunter ranger level60 since day one i got a strong pathfinder
but i notice getting kicked alot for no reason even to i do lots of damage.
so i was thinking of changing to a trapper, but i never been trapper before so i was hoping you guys would know a
perfect trapper build for a hunter ranger
looking for the perfect feats , boons and powers :D

thank you all in advance
Post edited by aishiiteru on


  • valkyria9001valkyria9001 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    There's no such thing honestly as a perfect build, a build is set up on what YOU personally feel comfortable with, have a play around with different powers and work out that way on which you can use more comfortably. As for stats read into them and adjust accordingly to power. Looking for builds is alright but you'll find that most of them don't work for you because it doesn't come naturally. I have a few hunter ranger friends and looking into them they've all got completely different paths but all do a decent amount of damage etc.. that would be my advice though
  • aishiiteruaishiiteru Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    my pathfinder is nice but ppl want trappers so im trying to get as much information as i can before spending zen xD thanks for ur reply
  • arlequin13arlequin13 Member Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    aishiiteru wrote: »
    my pathfinder is nice but ppl want trappers so im trying to get as much information as i can before spending zen xD thanks for ur reply

    Changing to trapper will not stop you from getting kicked. Most high level trappers can solo the early t2 dungeons yet still get vocked kicked out of pirate king. Its a community issue, not a class issue.

    That being said you should go to the ranger message boards you will find 2 very good articles on the class to give you some insight.

    Here are the links


    Good luck
  • aishiiteruaishiiteru Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    thanks arlequin ;)
  • fflymaxsterlingfflymaxsterling Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited May 2015
  • justxthextipjustxthextip Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    spend all your points in the Trapper Paragon Path, it's pretty clearly written in the specs. I ignored the Serpents Bite paragon because I didn't notice it working until this most recent update. I still like the decreased cool downs I went with over it anyways, I barely ever wait for an encounter to cooldown now.

    Here's my set up

    Weapon Mastery 3/3
    Toughness 3/3
    Agile Combatant 3/3
    Swift Footwork 3/5 (If you dont need stamina regen, Id use Lucky Skirmisher for Deflect chance or Extra Action for AP gain)
    Endless Assault 3/3
    Scoundrel Training 3/3
    Disciple of Dex 3/3

    PARAGON- Trapper
    Readied Stance 5/5
    Deft Strikes 5/5
    Slashers Speed 5/5
    Ancient Roots 5/5 (must have)
    Swiftness of the Fox 5/5 (If you want more DPS go with Serpents Bite, but the cooldown reduction is too good for me to pass up for a passive I only use occasionally)
    Throrned Roots 5/5

    One thing I did in my first couple builds was leave a few points out of the paragon path (literally only a few) and put them in the archery paragon Ghostwlker for Stamina Regen while in ranged stance.
    Biting Snares 1/1
  • thezer0fluxthezer0flux Member Posts: 412 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    You can respec all day, but it probably won't stop the kicks. In my experience, HRs are viewed as the weakest class in the game and so someone in PUGs typically tries to insta-kick any HR that joins in the hopes of pulling a higher DPS class. It's dumb, but like someone said above, it's a problem with our community. Too many people get hung up on GS and class and miss out on playing with great players because of it. I've seen a few HRs near the top of the leaderboards after a dungeon run, which once again proves it's all about build/play style, not gear or class.
  • reallyreconreallyrecon Member Posts: 170 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2015
    Top HRs on Xbox do the most overall damage in just about every PvE scenario and are the hardest class to counter in PvP. Definitely go Trapper spec, and as for your Paragon, from what I've heard Pathfinder is oriented towards PvP and Stormwarden is better in PvE, but I've seen both used effectively in each scenario so it depends more on your skill and playstyle.

    The overall consensus is that Archery is useless. You can't stack with the group because you lack defensive abilities and passive survivability, and most Archers tend to think that the feat that increases your damage based on range is amazing (it's not) so they'll stand miles behind the group and die from adds they aggro away from the group. As a Cleric, I can say for certain that nobody wants to heal you when you're standing in Africa, especially when you run around like a moron trying to kite instead of just bringing the mobs to the melee stack where they can be AOE'd down within seconds.

    TL;DR: HR best class in PvE/PvP, Trapper amazing, Archery BLOWS
    Recon - 60 Cleric
    Gamertag: ReallyRecon
  • telprydaintelprydain Member Posts: 545 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    You can respec all day, but it probably won't stop the kicks. In my experience, HRs are viewed as the weakest class in the game and so someone in PUGs typically tries to insta-kick any HR that joins in the hopes of pulling a higher DPS class. It's dumb, but like someone said above, it's a problem with our community. Too many people get hung up on GS and class and miss out on playing with great players because of it. I've seen a few HRs near the top of the leaderboards after a dungeon run, which once again proves it's all about build/play style, not gear or class.
    I've played with rangers who do more DPS than the rest of the party combined...
    It's about the player, not the class.
    Casual Gamers
    Join us brothers and sisters and distant relations and confused onlookers.
    Join us in the shadows where we stand mostly vigilant... although slightly distracted by our inventories.
    "In war, unqualified. In peace, disorganised. In death, mild irritation."

    JOIN US.
  • aliwhistlealiwhistle Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    i recently respec'd my hunter to trapper and I love it!
  • thezer0fluxthezer0flux Member Posts: 412 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    telprydain wrote: »
    I've played with rangers who do more DPS than the rest of the party combined...
    It's about the player, not the class.
    I hear they're out there, but I've never come across an HR who puts up those kinds of numbers. The best I've seen them get is a close 2nd (about 8 million) in Shores, but I love running with them. The tags they put on targets really help the party overall... assuming everyone knows what they mean.

    Still, you're definitely right it's not the class. Every class can be effective if it's built and played right, which is why the insta-kicking really grinds my gears. At least give the player a chance to show you what they can do before you decide s/he's not a good fit for the current party.
  • mortalikus1mortalikus1 Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Go Trapper, dude. I have yet to be beaten in damage in any dungeon. Last night I scored 24 mil in Caverns of Karrundax and the closest person to me was 8 mil. If you get your rotations right, there's no cool-down period so you're a continuous flurry of death. And with Fox Shift you and team mates get a free dodge every few seconds.

    I get kicked a lot also, but the groups i do get are always impressed after I double or triple their damage at the end. Good Trappers wreck shop.
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