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Basic Looting Etiquette for Level 60s



  • morgonmgcmorgonmgc Member Posts: 68
    edited May 2015
    A lot of selfish people here. Really sad. I'm not saying I'm naive enough to believe that Neverwinter players were better people, but I had at least hoped for more positive responses beyond just a couple.

    "Wahh my profit". We're talking about blues. Seriously?
    mrtehpuppy wrote: »
    why then should I give up a guaranteed profit for myself?

    Because you're part of a group; a team, where everyone is equally important (generally speaking), with equal interest in items (especially if we're talking about feeding artifact equipment). RNG isn't perfect, but I'd rather use that for a baseline than people's own wishes.

    If you want everything for yourself, go solo a dungeon or slum about Whispering Caverns.
  • reallyreconreallyrecon Member Posts: 170 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2015
    morgonmgc wrote: »
    A lot of selfish people here. Really sad. I'm not saying I'm naive enough to believe that Neverwinter players were better people, but I had at least hoped for more positive responses beyond just a couple.

    "Wahh my profit". We're talking about blues. Seriously?

    Because you're part of a group; a team, where everyone is equally important (generally speaking), with equal interest in items (especially if we're talking about feeding artifact equipment). RNG isn't perfect, but I'd rather use that for a baseline than people's own wishes.

    If you want everything for yourself, go solo a dungeon or slum about Whispering Caverns.

    Actually we're talking about epics, because nobody in their right mind would complain about losing rolls on blues. They're refinement/vendor trash.

    I see you've finally realized what we've been saying all along, which is great. Everyone has an equal chance at loot with the roll system, so all's fair for everyone. Didn't get the piece you wanted? Welcome to the loot grind, see you in game.
    Recon - 60 Cleric
    Gamertag: ReallyRecon
  • mrtehpuppymrtehpuppy Member Posts: 168 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    morgonmgc wrote: »
    A lot of selfish people here. Really sad. I'm not saying I'm naive enough to believe that Neverwinter players were better people, but I had at least hoped for more positive responses beyond just a couple.

    "Wahh my profit". We're talking about blues. Seriously?

    Because you're part of a group; a team, where everyone is equally important (generally speaking), with equal interest in items (especially if we're talking about feeding artifact equipment). RNG isn't perfect, but I'd rather use that for a baseline than people's own wishes.

    If you want everything for yourself, go solo a dungeon or slum about Whispering Caverns.

    I'd like to take a moment to point out the irony in your statement. You're saying that myself and others in this thread are crying about profit loss, when technically, the people crying about some folks needing on loot when others can't... is EXACTLY that. Crying about profit loss. Missed out on that loot drop because it wasn't for your class and the person who it was for "Need"ed it? Dang, maybe next time RNG will drop an item for YOUR class for YOU to "Need" on, thus making the loot distribution still balanced.

    You talk about being a part of a team where everyone works together (which from personal experience is rarely the actual case but sure, I'll give that one to you for the sake of not derailing the topic) and because they all work together, everyone should have a chance at the loot and let RNG decide who gets it right? Well guess who dropped the loot in the first place? Why yes, good ol' RNGesus did. Drop wasn't for your class? Hope you have better luck next dungeon run...
    Member of Look Good Play Good
    Pup - Level 70 4.2k Buff/Debuff AC DC
    XBL GT: TehPuppy
  • zaknafyenzaknafyen Member Posts: 200 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Greed before Need, unless it's a Blue, Purple, Echantment or Profession Material

    If I find one person is simply needing on everything, I'm following suit. No point in never getting anything because that "one guy" who feels he actually needs everything.
  • morgonmgcmorgonmgc Member Posts: 68
    edited May 2015
    zaknafyen wrote: »
    Greed before Need, unless it's a [] Purple, Enchantment or Profession Material

    If I find one person is simply needing on everything, I'm issuing a kick. No point in never getting anything because that "one guy" who feels he actually needs everything.

    Fixed your statement, but otherwise agreed.
  • keife1991keife1991 Member Posts: 36
    edited May 2015
    if people want to need on items that are for their class then thats their prerogative, greens and blues dont matter so let them need it if they want, if youre saying to greed on epics, then youre just flat out naive to think xbox players are like pc players in that aspect. were xbox players we take what we want and let rng do its own thing.

    if greens pop up i pass, if blues pop i need for my stuff and greed for all else, same with purple, unless im with friends or guildmates, then i pass on anything that isnt for my class or enchantments and material. the only exception to that is if a epic drops for a class that isnt in the dungeon, then everyone greeds and rng decides who gets it.

    this is what loot etiquette is on xbox mmos. 1. dont loot while in a battle, 2. dont loot for a friend/guildy's equips. everything else is fair game.
  • morgonmgcmorgonmgc Member Posts: 68
    edited May 2015
    Actually we're talking about epics

    Epics have already been discussed. See first post. This is about everything else.
  • morgonmgcmorgonmgc Member Posts: 68
    edited May 2015
    keife1991 wrote: »
    if blues pop i need for my stuff

    You are part of the problem. At level 60, everyone should have equal chance to roll on blues. If you want everything, there are solo venues available to you.
  • keife1991keife1991 Member Posts: 36
    edited May 2015
    morgonmgc wrote: »
    You are part of the problem. At level 60, everyone should have equal chance to roll on blues. If you want everything, there are solo venues available to you.

    chill out, if people want to need on their class equips even if theyre blue or green let them. purples are all that matters right now, and no one is going to not need for those, pop on a dragon hoard enchantment and use the refining stones to upgrade your equipment
  • morgonmgcmorgonmgc Member Posts: 68
    edited May 2015
    keife1991 wrote: »
    chill out, if people want to need on their class equips even if theyre blue or green let them. purples are all that matters right now, and no one is going to not need for those, pop on a dragon hoard enchantment and use the refining stones to upgrade your equipment

    Again, I am not worried about Purples; I'm in full agreement that you should obtain them by any means.

    In a group, lower-quality items, being lower-quality, should not be monopolized by self-centered toolbags. Period. You have no valid argument. The only thing you should be doing is agree to change your outlook and habits so that PUGs are a more enjoyable experience for everyone in the game.
  • keife1991keife1991 Member Posts: 36
    edited May 2015
    morgonmgc wrote: »
    Again, I am not worried about Purples; I'm in full agreement that you should obtain them by any means.

    In a group, lower-quality items, being lower-quality, should not be monopolized by self-centered toolbags. Period. You have no valid argument. The only thing you should be doing is agree to change your outlook and habits so that PUGs are a more enjoyable experience for everyone in the game.

    look, its as simple as this, blues and greens dont matter, not one bit, so having someone need for them doesnt bother me, it doesnt bother anyone else, its just you and a few others who feel entitled to it because as you say its trash for upgrading artifact equips, but if they want the item let them need for it. youll get what like 10 points for a green and 50 for a blue, does it really matter in the long run?

    EDIT: if you want the greed for everything attitude them you should play on pc, xbox players are more focused on their own characters
  • xclusiv3636xclusiv3636 Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    yllen wrote: »
    Very disappointed in some of the attitudes here. And would also like to point out an irony.

    1. It seems like the general consensus from experienced players is that new lvl 60s should do their time in lower dungeons, getting kitted out in Blues and then T1.

    2. At the same time, other experienced players (not necessarily the same ones I might add) are suggesting its OK to screw those players over and 'need' on items that could legitimately improve their GS.

    Personally I would be mightily annoyed if I got grouped with someone who needed on a blue or a purple that they weren't actually going to wear, particularly if I could use it.

    THAT. Is what Need was intended for. For when you're going to wear it. Not use it as raw mats for an upgrade.
    Wear = Need
    Sell/Salvage = Greed

    I will concede however that the insistance that everything is unidentified contributes to the problem.

    This about sums it up, Xbox players are greedy by nature relative to of players, the logic is we are all equally running this dungeon so what makes your class more deserving of the loot? Nothing, so why then roll need? This is also at the heart of the dungeon grouping issues and the mass kicks, no one wants to share their need roll. If this type of mentality was tried on the of your kicked at first need roll if you don't equip, and the high end dungeon runs are usually a small portion of the community so you get blacklisted in pug runs....

    I've tried speaking to this on the forums before but it falls on deaf ears, so I'll continue to roll need as well because that's the only way to get loot until sentiments as a whole change
  • morgonmgcmorgonmgc Member Posts: 68
    edited May 2015
    keife1991 wrote: »
    youll get what like 10 points for a green and 50 for a blue, does it really matter in the long run?

    Well to be correct, it's 100/300 (at least for artifact weapons (and double that if the items are also weapons); I don't know about belts).

    The crux of the issue isn't so much the items themselves, and many of the replies have caused the thread to lose that focus. The actual issue is the 'center-of-the-universe' mentality. You're playing in a team with four other people. Act accordingly. If you don't know what that means, then maybe group activities are not for you.

    The answer is not "other people are going to do it, so I'm going to do it too".. Be a better person, and encourage others to do the same.
  • keife1991keife1991 Member Posts: 36
    edited May 2015
    morgonmgc wrote: »
    Well to be correct, it's 100/300 (at least for artifact weapons (and double that if the items are also weapons); I don't know about belts).

    The crux of the issue isn't so much the items themselves, and many of the replies have caused the thread to lose that focus. The actual issue is the 'center-of-the-universe' mentality. You're playing in a team with four other people. Act accordingly. If you don't know what that means, then maybe group activities are not for you.


    like i said before, xbox players are in it for themselves, the only exception is if you run with friends or guildmates, no xbox player is going to greed for an item he wants just to play to what some people say is being a decent person, greeding for everything is a pc thing, not an xbox thing, and it never will be because all xbox games are built to make the players need to acquire everything. mmos just recently started coming to xbox.
  • dreampagehundreampagehun Member Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    grabmoore wrote: »
    So you play a DC and run FH the whole time I guess? Because each boss can drop DC-only epic gear?

    Do you know that each party on PC would kick you instantly, because you were selfish to roll need on epic gear?
    Those items are worth nothing and even (and especially) if they are worth something you take away the chance for others. Usually epics are worth less than the salavaging value. You should overthink your loot role!

    The most fair loot role is GREED on epic equipments, which are not bound on pickup, and NEED on anything else. Tested for nearly two years!

    I don't take away the chance from anyone. If you press "Need" you still have to roll and only get the item if you're lucky. Most of the time I don't get the items, it's quite rare to be honest. So I disagree with this. Of course this is about the Xbox One version, I don't play on PC. Also, I'd never kick anyone from a group because of his looting habits. Completing a dungeon is worth more. I don't really pay attention to be honest about who presses what.
    Guardian Fighter | Total Item Level: 2600+
  • masokist618masokist618 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Basic etiquette for looting in dungeons should be exactly how it is... Need for items that you can equip (regardless if it is green or purple) and greed on anything that you cant use or that isnt an upgrade... There was a time where a green upgrade would be an upgrade for me (I am now past that point)... Why shouldnt I roll on it?
  • keife1991keife1991 Member Posts: 36
    edited May 2015
    grabmoore wrote: »
    So you play a DC and run FH the whole time I guess? Because each boss can drop DC-only epic gear?

    Do you know that each party on PC would kick you instantly, because you were selfish to roll need on epic gear?
    Those items are worth nothing and even (and especially) if they are worth something you take away the chance for others. Usually epics are worth less than the salavaging value. You should overthink your loot role!

    The most fair loot role is GREED on epic equipments, which are not bound on pickup, and NEED on anything else. Tested for nearly two years!

    youre an idiot, pc people need to understand that this is xbox, xbox is not pc and will never be like pc, if you want a lootroll system where you greed everything then go to pc, because you will never get anything o xbox that way.
  • mrtehpuppymrtehpuppy Member Posts: 168 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Calling some major bull on PC players "respecting" each other and everyone rolling "Greed". This isn't a PC vs Xbox discussion but even regardless of that fact, I played on PC for a few weeks before the Xbox version came out. In all the dungeons I ran that were queue based PUGs, not once did everyone do JUST "Greed" runs. Nor did anyone get kicked for "Need"ing on anything. Hell, I watched COUNTLESS 18k+ GS players "Need" on unidentified greens so don't EVEN try to pull that holier than thou BS on me. Sure there's people that would form premades and all agree to do "greed" only run before hand. But there's people doing that exact same thing on Xbox.

    This whole issue boils down to one thing pure and simple, some self-centered whiny folks are upset that others are needing on things because it's not "fair" or a "team mentality". I'm seeing some of you guys mention "well if you want greens and blues, go farm for them in solo content. I can say the EXACT same thing to YOU. If you WANT those green and blue items that others are needing on, go solo. The pendulum swings both ways and you need to wake up and realize that. Complaining about the system being unfair, when to be quite honest, it is extremely fair. The game already rolled one RNG to determine what loot was dropped, and now you want to be unfair to the person it dropped for and make them roll against an RNG again? Sure, that seems very "fair" and "team mentality" of you. Or not, because it's not. You're mad because you feel you deserve a chance at some loot that RNG dropped for a different class. How about you stop and consider this, it was RNG that dropped the item for the other person so rather than be a stuck up jerk about it, let them have it and just "Need" on stuff that RNG drops for you. This isn't a hard concept. Do certain dungeon bosses loot favor certain classes? Sure, but if THAT'S the gear you're grinding for, make sure the boss has your class's loot in the drop table. Are you grinding a dungeon where none of the bosses have stuff for your class (impossible since all bosees can drop jewelry/belts, but regardless) because you want your set armor piece from the final chest? Then why give a care in the world if you don't get the loot on the way to that chest, the loot on the way to that chest isn't what you're after anyway.

    Act like your intentions of everyone doing Greed only is noble all you want but it's not. It really isn't. Complaining about everyone NOT doing Greed only is selfish. You're upset because you're not getting something you think you deserve. Get over yourself, OR, form premades and agree on Greed only run before you start. Queued PUGs will never play by these rules (even on PC they don't).
    Member of Look Good Play Good
    Pup - Level 70 4.2k Buff/Debuff AC DC
    XBL GT: TehPuppy
  • morgonmgcmorgonmgc Member Posts: 68
    edited May 2015
    I knew this short-sighted response was coming ... I just didn't think it'd take 5 pages to get there. (That's somewhat a compliment to the community, I guess)

    So the flaw in your self-centered opinion is that common etiquette stands to benefit everyone. Yes, that includes me, but it equally applies to other people. Your long-winded attempt to justify your behavior only says one thing, which is that you think you're the center of the universe.
  • pathaynpathayn Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    just set the loot option in the party for anyone to pick up greens. blues and purples on need/greed rolls. I've done this alot in pug runs and it seems to be working fairly well. If i get a complaint, i just point towards the door for them and move on. Again, I only do this when I get selected as the party leader. Sure, people can complain but with the instant party boot, were all expendable, lol.
  • morgonmgcmorgonmgc Member Posts: 68
    edited May 2015
    pathayn wrote: »
    just set the loot option in the party for anyone to pick up greens. blues and purples on need/greed rolls. I've done this alot in pug runs and it seems to be working fairly well. If i get a complaint, i just point towards the door for them and move on. Again, I only do this when I get selected as the party leader. Sure, people can complain but with the instant party boot, were all expendable, lol.

    You cannot set loot options when using the instance Queues, which are the only way to get into Epic dungeons and Campaign instances like Shores of Tuern or Lair of Lostmauth.
  • mrtehpuppymrtehpuppy Member Posts: 168 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    morgonmgc wrote: »
    I knew this short-sighted response was coming ... I just didn't think it'd take 5 pages to get there. (That's somewhat a compliment to the community, I guess)

    So the flaw in your self-centered opinion is that common etiquette stands to benefit everyone. Yes, that includes me, but it equally applies to other people. Your long-winded attempt to justify your behavior only says one thing, which is that you think you're the center of the universe.

    Quit trying to use some sort of self-righteous "you're wrong but I'm so proud of the community for taking this long to say what you've said" argument. My opinion isn't an opinion, it's a fact, you're asking someone to roll twice against RNG for an item they've technically already won off of the first RNG roll. Something you seem to fail to comprehend. Items drop for every class, Need rolling when an item drops for your class is simply claiming the reward RNG gave you. You're trying to claim that it's not fair to other individuals in the party because they don't get a shot at whatever it was that dropped. But that's just it, it didn't drop for them. Will stuff drop for them in the future? Yes of course, and then they Need on those items, get them, and all is fair. The only person being short sighted here is you.

    Call my statement "long winded" or whatever you like, it's fine by me. All I see is you failing to provide an adequate counter debate because you've been proven wrong. But your fragile little ego won't let you admit that you're wrong because for whatever reason, you've taken offense to what I've said. I have provided several points that refute your claims of "Greed only is the only way to be fair" and I've yet to see one legitimate reason as to why my statements aren't true. I'm still anxiously awaiting a valid counter point from you. Debate and discussion is the driving force on forums and part of why I enjoy talking on them. But right now, you'e not even attempting to do either of those things. Claiming that "common etiquette stands to benefit all" is all good and well, if it was actually applicable. But it's not applicable here, because all are benefiting even without the use of your propposed "common" etiquette. You just fail to see that for the many many reasons I've already mentioned in this thread. Reasons that you've yet to refute btw.

    I truly hope that you'll see the light and error in your illogical form of thinking. If not, I'm completely okay with continuing to go back and forth on this discussion. But I am also painfully aware that some folks are just too stubborn and egotistical to realize when they're just flat out wrong. Hopefully you're not one of those people. I'm really trying to give you the benefit of the doubt. I look forward to your, on topic, response that will be full of actual facts and counter points to my statements.
    Member of Look Good Play Good
    Pup - Level 70 4.2k Buff/Debuff AC DC
    XBL GT: TehPuppy
  • morgonmgcmorgonmgc Member Posts: 68
    edited May 2015
    "[No], that's just... like...your opinion, man."

    But since you want me to provide facts, here's one - You're wrong and you will always be wrong. The center-of-the-universe mentality is on its way out in society. It just can't get here fast enough. Being a toolbag may help you in the short term, but people will start to get sick of it.
  • mrtehpuppymrtehpuppy Member Posts: 168 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    morgonmgc wrote: »
    "[No], that's just... like...your opinion, man."

    But since you want me to provide facts, here's one - You're wrong and you will always be wrong. The center-of-the-universe mentality is on its way out in society. It just can't get here fast enough. Being a toolbag may help you in the short term, but people will start to get sick of it.

    See, and I was hoping for an actual discussion here instead of just letting it break down to pure name calling. But it would seem you are incapable of such complex forms of communication.

    "Agree with me or you're wrong, I don't need to provide facts to back up anything. Now let me call you some names in this thread while asking you for advice in another thread!"

    That's all I see you doing so I'm just gunna let it go and be the bigger man here. Trying to have a discussion with you is very akin to talking to a brick wall and I see this is getting nowhere.
    Member of Look Good Play Good
    Pup - Level 70 4.2k Buff/Debuff AC DC
    XBL GT: TehPuppy
  • morgonmgcmorgonmgc Member Posts: 68
    edited May 2015
    Where exactly were you expecting it to go? "Hey I Need on everything because I'm more important than you. You should clearly think like me." -- That was the exact polar opposite of what my thread was about.

    I don't see how you expected to change that - your rationalization only works from a self-centered point of view, and that's what I'm trying to change.
  • yllenyllen Member Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    mrtehpuppy wrote: »
    See, and I was hoping for an actual discussion here

    You have a funny way of showing it. Most of what you have posted on this thread does not inspire discussion. You state it as fact and dismiss the opinion of others as either incorrect or irrelevant. Its hard to 'discuss' that. And accusing someone of having a 'fragile little ego' and then getting disappointed because they resort to 'name calling' is a little harsh. Perhaps if you toned down your rhetoric a little, you'd get the discussion you say you desire.
  • xxxorcistxxxorcist Member Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    If players find it a bit inconsiderate or overreaching of other players to greed and need every single drop, just do the same and have the same opportunity for a roll. There's a few trolls out there I'm sure that need on epics or higher they cannot use but most players are pretty fair and respectful.
  • mrtehpuppymrtehpuppy Member Posts: 168 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    yllen wrote: »
    You have a funny way of showing it. Most of what you have posted on this thread does not inspire discussion. You state it as fact and dismiss the opinion of others as either incorrect or irrelevant. Its hard to 'discuss' that. And accusing someone of having a 'fragile little ego' and then getting disappointed because they resort to 'name calling' is a little harsh. Perhaps if you toned down your rhetoric a little, you'd get the discussion you say you desire.

    True, I may have a funny way of showing that I wish to have a discussion. But while I do indeed desire an actual well mannered debate, I'm not one to ignore passive aggressive name calling when I see it. It may sound childish if you think about it as a "i called him names because he called me names". But if you consider it less like that and more along the lines of, I treat others how they treat me... I present my arguements as facts because, simply put. That's what they are. But sure, if you think this particular individual will actually try to have a conversation if I just ignore the flagrant name calling, let's give it a shot...
    morgonmgc wrote: »
    Where exactly were you expecting it to go? "Hey I Need on everything because I'm more important than you. You should clearly think like me." -- That was the exact polar opposite of what my thread was about.

    I don't see how you expected to change that - your rationalization only works from a self-centered point of view, and that's what I'm trying to change.

    You misinterpret what I'm saying. I am not saying an individual should Need on everything that they can because they are more important than anyone else. I'm saying an individual should Need on everything that they can because RNG has already decided that Item X, dropped for class Y. You are proposing that it is MORE fair to make class Y roll against the RNG a second time by Greeding on the item to give the other individuals in the group a chance to get the item. This is a false sense of control that is rather unfair to the individual whom Item X dropped for. You're basically asking for a "do over" so you have a chance to take the item away from the individual that RNG rewarded it to the first time. That, to me is rather unfair as the individual already won an RNG roll when the item dropped as it was for their class, enabling them to Need on it. You've mentioned previously that Needing on such an item isn't a "team mentality", all I'm trying to illustrate, is that feeling someone should only Greed on something they can Need on is, in actuality, the very "self-centered" mentality that you claim to want people to stop having.

    My point of responding to your thread is to show you that your feelings towards the Need/Greed system being unfair are misguided and that rather than getting mad at individuals that utilize the system as it is intended to be used, you should instead focus your efforts on understanding this broader concept. Or, you can try justifying your reasoning with some sound facts and/or examples.
    Member of Look Good Play Good
    Pup - Level 70 4.2k Buff/Debuff AC DC
    XBL GT: TehPuppy
  • oz4201oz4201 Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I'm confused....how the hell does clicking need give you 100% chance on an item.....I need on everything like everybody else.....am always the only ranger.....and never win anything....hell I win more Greed's on other classes stuff than I do needs on mine. True story. Do I just have that bad of luck?
  • thezer0fluxthezer0flux Member Posts: 412 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    mrtehpuppy wrote: »
    I am not saying an individual should Need on everything that they can because they are more important than anyone else. I'm saying an individual should Need on everything that they can because RNG has already decided that Item X, dropped for class Y. You are proposing that it is MORE fair to make class Y roll against the RNG a second time by Greeding on the item to give the other individuals in the group a chance to get the item. This is a false sense of control that is rather unfair to the individual whom Item X dropped for. You're basically asking for a "do over" so you have a chance to take the item away from the individual that RNG rewarded it to the first time. That, to me is rather unfair as the individual already won an RNG roll when the item dropped as it was for their class, enabling them to Need on it. You've mentioned previously that Needing on such an item isn't a "team mentality", all I'm trying to illustrate, is that feeling someone should only Greed on something they can Need on is, in actuality, the very "self-centered" mentality that you claim to want people to stop having.
    For what it's worth, I agree with you; your logic is sound. Given that a group didn't agree to handle loot rolls a specific way beforehand, the fact remains the fairest method for handling loot roles is to need on drops you want whenever possible, pass on stuff you don't want, and greed in all other cases. When employed by all, such a method maximizes the chances for equal distribution/acquisition across dungeon/skirmish runs. The OP's proposed method would actually reduce the chances for equal (or mostly equal) loot distribution/acquisition.

    The OP has a problem with the RNG, and that problem is it doesn't favor him. Since he's not getting what he wants (i.e. he's unhappy that it's not all about him), he comes here to complain and employs logical fallacies of relevance (appeal to emotion, appeal to pity, appeal to consequences, etc.) in an attempt to convince people to succumb to his selfish desire for more rewards. The sheer gall required to come to a public forum and all but demand that everyone give him the rewards they were granted by the game system is astounding, but the continued attempts to justify such entitlement thinking with claims of altruism is downright disgusting.
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