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Primal Instinct - Lvl 60 PvP and T2 dg Guild

rippinholes123rippinholes123 Member Posts: 19 Arc User
Hello Everyone! Primal Instinct is a very active endgame content guild. We are roughly 130 members strong at the moment and expanding very quickly. We require level 60 on at least one character. We will take you under 60 but you will be on probation and have 1 week to reach 60. Real life circumstances may warrant extended time.

We are a very relaxed and laidback guild of mature and hilarious adults just working together on common goals. The guild chat stays active and we run dungeons, campaign tasks, and PVP all day long.

Due to our rapidly growing numbers we now have a requirement of 10k gs on at least 1 character. Anyone already in the guild is grandfathered in. If you do not meet this requirement but are close (9k+) then don't hesitate to contact me and we can see what you could do to possibly boost it or put you on a probation period in the guild.

Rules of the Guild
- No fighting/ arguing with other members. If you have an issue please proceed to take it up with a moderator or higher.
- No chat or actions that could be offensive to other members or other players. We'd like to keep a good reputation.
- In pvp please do not initiate jumping or trash talking first!
- No parasiting dungeons! We do not queue until we find a boss and slowly kick everyone to get our own team in!
- No kicking guild members from an activity. You may disband once it is done or if it cannot be completed it needs to be mutually disbanded or the player leaves on his/her own will in good taste and understanding.
- No kicking randoms from an activity before rewards just so you have a better chance at drops.We do not stand for that.
- Only take items out of the Guild bank for personal use! Do not take them to sell or salvage! Please donate a bit of gold a week to help out. It's not required but greatly appreciated.

The standard for forming an open dungeon or pvp team is first come first serve! If you host in the guild chat for an activity with room for X amount of players that means the first X have the spots! It keeps it simple and fair. If you want to form a premade then private message the other guildies or invite them.

If you're interested in joining the guild please post on this thread or message one of the the following gamertags on xbox live:

Strand The Man
Zeak 101

If these 3 cannot be reached then try myself at Rippin Holes.

Thank You
Post edited by rippinholes123 on


  • suddenvampsuddenvamp Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Jesus. What are the Tier 2 - Tier 1 dungeons? Is there a Tier 3? Can you say what dungeons?

    I am lvl 60 and thought i might wanna join because i need people to dungeon run with me.

    I am a trickster rouge DPS, 8.7k gear score. I havent been able to do dungeons because i keep "queuing" for them with random people so i get kicked and whatever.
  • suddenvampsuddenvamp Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Nevermind i see what Tier dungeons are in for.

    I am also great at PvP. I am going for my second profound blade. if you guys pvp a lot.
  • suddenvampsuddenvamp Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    profile name is SuddenVamp

    invite me to a party
  • rippinholes123rippinholes123 Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Ok I added you, I'll invite you next time you're on.
  • xsslumdogxxsslumdogx Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Level 60 TR that is good for PvP. will have my DC up to 60 in a few days. looking for active PvP group. HMU on xbox i sent u a message i believe my computer is bein weird. GT: tsuisou x sslum
  • rippinholes123rippinholes123 Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Added sslum.
  • strandthemanstrandtheman Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Hey Rippin Holes...played with a few of your members the other night if not mistaken. Good times. :)

    I have two 60s:

    Scourge Warlock (Tiefling, full battle PvP set, 1500+ kills, Head Hunter title)
    Guardian Fighter (Dragonborn, battle PvP set mixed with T2, also high number of kills).

    I do quite well in PvP and usually place in top 3. Been looking for a solid PvP focused group that also isn't afraid to branch out into T2 dungeons on occasion as a mix of gear sets works very well in a lot of instances and playing with randoms in both modes can be more than frustrating lol. I would love to get in with you guys and help work towards the Profound set as well as the rest of end game (boons, T2/3, etc.).

    If you want to check me out, my GT is Strand the Man. Character names below for reference.

    Scourge@Strand the Man (SW 60)
    Indominus Rex@Strand the Man (GF 60)
  • rippinholes123rippinholes123 Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Haha yeah I remember you on your scourge warlock, I'll send you an invite when the servers come back up.
  • strandthemanstrandtheman Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Haha yeah I remember you on your scourge warlock, I'll send you an invite when the servers come back up.

    Sounds good man! :)
  • paxie22paxie22 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Sounds good man! :)
    It does dude!
  • profunderdogprofunderdog Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    GT ProfUnderDog. I have 2 toons HR (Thunder Dragon@ProfUnderDog) and DC (Ronin Light Bringer @ProfUnderDog) both level 60. Haven't played much PvP open to it but primarily looking for guild to run dungeons and slay dragons. Sick of PUGs.
  • rippinholes123rippinholes123 Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I've added you on xbox I'll invite you next time you're on!
  • swedish72swedish72 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Hey Rippin,

    Will be level 60 in the next few days on my main CW. Really looking for a good PvP guild as I play that a bunch and I know what I'm doing. The fact that you do dungeons is also a huge plus. Going to be leaving the guild I'm in now, if I have to wait for you to add me that's fine cause I'm a level 56 now.
  • rippinholes123rippinholes123 Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    msg me on xbox live and i'll send you an invite now.
  • thehyperdanthehyperdan Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    My GT: iDan x Rage (please msg me on XBOX if i can join please) AGE: 18 up for a laugh! :)

    I have a lvl 60 TR, DC and GWF. i mainly play on my TR as i love pvp and am working on getting full profound like some of you are. my best game is 41 kills 1 death. i am build for getting as close as i can to 1 hitting people. my highest crit is 40k and i can hit around 30k very often. if you not familiar with my type of build just look at TR one shot videos on youtube:). my GWF and DC are used for dungeons so if you need help there i would do my best.
  • rippinholes123rippinholes123 Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Got you added Dan. Looking forward to playing with you.
  • stopchopnrollstopchopnroll Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Hey guys im 22 years old and looking for a pvp guild i am a TR with 11k + GS and 1.3k+ tenacity hit me up. Full grim everything going for profound. Vorpal and Lesser soul forge enchantment. Oghmas free movement token and the waters artifact (Epic)
    GT : FOA Chop N Roll
  • celicoscelicos Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    GT: Celicos

    I've got three 60's (TR Tales@Celicos + DC Athena@Celicos +GWF MistaNasti@Celicos) and do both pvp and pve, looking for a solid team to guild to run with. Definitely interested, shoot me a message when ya get time Rip.
  • hanothhanoth Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Character Name: Hanoth
    Class: Trickster Rogue
    Level: 60
    Gear Score: 10,420
    Campaign Progress: 61% Apparently. I'm not sure I follow the maths mind as I still have more closed than open.
    Time Zone: EST+8, GMT (UK).
    Age: 27
    Neverwinter Experience: Unfortunately I only started playing Neverwinter 2 weeks ago even though I'd been waiting for it for months due to a broken Xbox. As it is I have cleared all Epics except Castle Never and the Dragon one (as its still locked for me).
    Other Gaming Experience: I have always been a proud credit card warrior. Something most people sneer at even though we're a necessary evil for F2P games to exist. Anyway I mention it because my gear will improve significantly on every payday and also if I'm flush and a friend needs help purchasing a coal ward or the like then I'm always willing.

    Further I have been in gaming clans and communities for years. I'm easy to get along with and have a love for MMO's though since they are so rare on console I barely know anyone who plays them.
    I want to join for two reasons, firstly so that I can make friends who are as excessively hooked on this game as I am and also in hopes that many of those friends with both be buying ESO when it comes out and playing Neverwinter months from now when many players have moved onto something else.
    I may not have the highest gear score, be the most experienced or be one of the classes that you really need but what I am is a relaxed and loyal person and someone that's always looking to help other people. So if your willing to take me in then I'll help the community how ever I can.
    Gamertag: NSA Hanoth

    Last note, I am currently in a friends Guild that is highly inactive simply to have a few people to run dungeons with. If you decide I can join please drop me a message over Live so that I can leave his Guild and hence receive the invite :)
  • rippinholes123rippinholes123 Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Got you man I'll invite you when I get on!
  • paul2727paul2727 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Hey interested in very active guild. very active mmo experienced player. Have 60 TR workingon HR atm Wanna do tons pvp and required Pve. Gamertag - OhioStateBuckz1
  • paxie22paxie22 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    We welcome you brother:)
  • futentfutent Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Hey man, I'm a 13.7 k control wizard and have another 5 control wizards at 10k. Does your guild also run CN and the campaign stuff? Would be nice to know. Anyways, your guild sounds pretty nice to me. My GT is: Lii Vortex iiL
  • rippinholes123rippinholes123 Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Definitely man we love control wizards I'll hit you up on xbl and yes we run castle never and lostmauth and stuff.
  • paxie22paxie22 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Yeah, we do it all baby!
  • spyg0atspyg0at Member Posts: 143 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Lvl 60 SW GS 9,700. Looking to get T2 gear and do some PvP. Need a good guild. Tired of being on and no one from my guild is willing to do anything. Also more than happy to help people level up! Invite me. Xbox GT - SPYG0AT and that is a zero, not an O. In game is Tass. I am an old school paper D&D player as well. Send me an invite if you're still looking for people.
    2.5K DC PVP & PVE <Q-Snipe>
  • greenman83greenman83 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I have a lvl 60 Whisperknife Rogue. 9200 gs atm. I pretty much pvp exclusively, working toward profound gear. I'll join if I get an invite, sounds fun.

  • rippinholes123rippinholes123 Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Yeah i'll send you an invite next time you're ingame.
  • spyg0atspyg0at Member Posts: 143 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Thanks, I accepted the invite
    2.5K DC PVP & PVE <Q-Snipe>
  • mosesbread91mosesbread91 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I have a 13.4k gs GWF and a 10.k gs Hunter. Looking to do PvE and PvP. Have tons of MMO experience gamertag mosesbread91 just shoot me a tell so I can leave my friends guild.
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