since the start of mod 6 me and many others rangers noticed a drastical decrease in damage perfomances.
while i already investigated the main reason for this:
that alone caused a 30% damage drop i suspect that armor pen isnt just working right on many other skills [check split the sky for example].
i feel like the reasons is how damage is supposed to be delivered. It s not like our at wills hit for tons..well damage there is really pitiful indeed.
Having 6 encounters do not help when they are developed having 1 good one and the other one that just aint a purpose of being.
Even assuming builds like trapper with full recharge speed, encounters with charges are not reduced in cd.
Base damage are 2 times lower than the lowest base damage dealer in game after HRs, GWFs.
In comparison to gwf we dont have crazy damage multiplier.
For example just marking give them 40% damage bonus, stacking hidden dagger another 120%, destroyer purpose and focused another 160% [? or even more, dont make me do the math].
However you got the point, its not a personal attack to gwfs its just to show when base damages are low how another class with the same problem is supposed to compensate.
Right now, I feel the class is absolutely the worst in dealing damage. Not crazy damages just normal acceptable damage.
I took a paladin in my guild yesterday [ fight falco from hogs of war for further testing ].
he just stayed there, quite, without moving...i killed myself.
Expanding the problem, the class lacks a reliable finisher medium to high damage. I see for example disintegrate much more needed on HRs than on CWs.
On top of all of these our dodges just suck. It s all about having fox up or die because dodges just do not work.
maybe you are just a bad GWF .
GWF's not only do crazy high damage but also have crazy OP defense if you compare to HR damage
if HR fights a BIS GWF with trans negation he will hardly bring down 40% of their HP in a good day -_-
HR is the worst striker ingame atm has terrible dodge and a ton of bugs
oh inspect some gwf and check their deflect you may be outdated
mate is not as hard as you claim and if you manage to go unstopable twice with 60%+ DR and 130k HP thats just sad .
also building stacks when you take 0 damage is rather easy , gwf with trans negation +thayan bastion you will se HR doing 0 damage for 6 secs everytime it procs while on the other hand 1 IBS =90k damage after mitigation
if you think im wrong ill let you "beat" my GWF if im not to busy
then thats your problem my GWF has 125k not even full rank 12 -_-
and i seen some with more HP lol think pimpalothoes has 136k HP if im not mistaken
cw has the same issue, it seems only TR's and Dc's have amazing immunity frames, i guess thats because their dodges have been more recently been updated,
The problem with giving HR's more damage, is the fact that they would have to drastically tone down the duration of roots and make them dodgeable and if that doesn't happen first, then they would have far better cc then a cw, and better reliability on dpsing a target down and then more players would qq on the forums then they already do about TR's and Cw's which in turn would cause even worse nerfs for the class
Both HR's root and CW's root share the same problem that they are undodgeable. Initially, on release, HR had a different kind of root, which was hilariously buggy. Thus, they threw away that concept and copied pasted CW's root to HR's with a different animation (vine instead of ice).
About the issue with cc, it is just an illusion that CW has less cc than HR. CWs can cc then finish the target in matter of seconds, and if the target is somehow still alive, CW's cc are already back up from cd and ready for another rotation. Note that CW with the bugged spell twisting feat from thaum can have 100% up time of all of their powers including dailies and artifact power.
In HR case, their damage is so pathetic that they need so many rotations for cc and chipping away target's hp. Furthermore, that only happens if they roll for trapper. If they roll Archery or Combat, they are literally free kills in pvp since they can only do 1 rotation then run out of gas. Worse, HR probably has the longest list of bugs powers (in negative ways) piling up every single patch.
So I wish they would revamp HR, giving them proper DPS and CC capability as a Striker/controller (YES, HR's role is described as a STRIKER and/or CONTROLLER in wiki), improving their quality of life as in their survivability, mobility, and reliable shift mechanic.
Ok so cw with about as much cc because their damage is about 5 times higher.
Ok so Gfs damage is ok because they dont have cc oh yea they have oh yea they one rotate you
Gwfs damage is ok becuse they dont have cc oh they do short ones only problem is that with 90+k IBS they dont need long ones.
Tr damage is ok because they dont have cc oh they did.
Ever faced a damnation SW wait until you do..
I dont pretend to know exactly how the above should be adress or even if it should be adressed at all (exept for tr being utterly broken and that cw storm part is broken) but Hr damage is pittyful at best it cant even compare to others then pals atm.
Make root dodgeball, put a idc on daze(for all ccs out there at the same time) fine but for the love of the mighty above FIX THE MAJOR BUGGS that makes this class so much worse then it have to be and give us some DECENT damage.
I don't get this part.
Damnation doesn't get more CC than the other feat paths. The puppet is also still easy to kill in PvP.
Go Cryptic!
PS - I quit.
we have already many broken classes, we dont need more.
A Tr comparing a Hr with Cw tell us just about how smart you are and not to mention that 6-9 enounters do less damage then 2 of yours. Na stop posting everytime you write something its for all to see how stupid you are.
MM a rather strange argument for letting Hr Sw behind but strangly compelling though.
We dont need more broken classes for sure but unfortenatly Hr is broken in a bad way to many buggs dragging it down so yea less broken Hr seem fine to me....
A decently geared HR wouldnt flinch from a stealth encounter not unless I combined 2 feats+1daily with a stealth encounter and there is a high probability to miss or be dodge since its in melee range (self explanatory if your in pvp you dont just stand and stay still) but on the other hand your precious range class can luxuriously spam and continuously stream river of damage from afar does that make sense to all of you?
- Flat damage boost of about 35%
- Fixed thorned roots to apply armor pen, a 13k hits cant be mitigated in pve to 800 with 60% armor pen. Dont let me talk about pvp where i have seen critted ticks for 80.
- aimed shot animation reduced to 0.5 seconds. Still interruptible for some good single target dps mainly in pve.
- 130% faster stamina
some help in stacking critical chance would be nice too.