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My little review/feedback of the game so far.



  • furh98furh98 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Hey so I been playing the game on PC since beta and been playing this game on Xbox since launch so I thought I would just share my thoughts and opinions in as much a constructive way as I can.... These are my opinions thanks :)

    So far when I first played this game on xbox it was not perfect launch but it was ok I was having fun for a few hours till eventual I got a disconnect with every loading screen... (no my Internet is fine thank you) and boy are there a lot of loading screens....

    Then when I got in big battles I would die as my game would freeze so I couldn't dodge so I spent a lot of time dieing... and the frames per second was so low it was like a sideshow....

    So then I tried out dungeons... got kicked constantly from every dungeon from level 12 ans up so I gave up and just did quests... mind you fighting was tiring with the lag disconnects and frames per second loss... but I finally made it to 60...

    So I thought 60 would be great....well...was i wrong... constant kicks from dungeons every time i que so I gave up on it. So I went to farm dragons... but the slides how fps was horrible and gave me a headache my eyes hurt... so I gave up on that.... so I tried pvp... but got 1 shot by rogues... A lot... so I gave up on that and made a new character....

    I then looked at the store to see if anything could cheer me up... and boy I was wrong. .. The things in there are **** expensive... and some items are pay to win... (this is my oppinion) it seems people who spend a lot in the game have some really good items that can then dominate people with in both pve and pvp...

    The other thing I noticed as well is the graphics and the graphics glitches... this is 2015 there really is no exuse to have a game with this poor quality in graphics and some of them glitch out like armor clipping and capes clipping floating trees and just plain bad textures...

    The other thing that got to me is the zones... They are so tiny that you can complete them in less than an hour and are so small you can get from 1 end to the other in 60 seconds... no room for exploration and discovery....

    Then there is the constant maintenance they do... which never fixes anything.... its been over a month now and not a single thing has been fixed... at all... but hey they do add items to the cash shop... go figure.... this game looks like a cash grab that was only made to last a few months...

    All in all I had hopes for this game but after 2 years on PC and playing xbox it's clear they do not care and nothing has been fixed... I'm sorry but I will be leaving this game for a more better ge Elder Scrolls Online.... atleast they care and have quality content...

    For those who didn't read here is a short summery of everything.

    - Umm... I'll get back to you on that....

    - Bad out dated terrible graphics
    - cash shop is over priced and full of items that give advantage to players.
    - Constant Disconnects
    - Very low FPS and bad performance and constant freezing and shutting down xbox.
    - Constant kicks from dungeons with no reason ans abusing the kick function
    - Been over a month and not a single fix has been made even after countless maintenances
    - They care more about money than fixing things ans answering problems the players have
    - Rogues rediculously over power with still no fixes.

    I can go on forever but you see my point.

    This game will not last with 2 of the biggest games coming out this year Elder Scrolls and Fable Legends so they either make some dramatic changed fast or this game will be dead in 6 weeks when Elder Scrolls hits the Xbox

    Do Something Now!

    This is an example of a major problem with F2P games. They allow these ignorant trolls to come into the forums spouting their ignorant childish QQing in attempts to bash a video game in hopes it props up a different video game they like. I'm surprised this garbage hasn't been deleted yet.

    The little baby op QQs he always get kicked, but then later states he has a 15k GS? Well little buddy if you always get kicked how did you get a GS of 15k?

    The little baby op states he's been playing Neverwinter since pc beta, but yet his forum Join date is 2015?

    Just a few examples that show this little ***** is nothing more than a troll tying to prop up ESO, must be a pretty sad life if this is what you need to do to feel a sense of meaning in your life.

    The only thing they should do is ban your ignorant troll *** from the forums.
  • reallyreconreallyrecon Member Posts: 170 Bounty Hunter
    edited April 2015
    gaanjaa81 wrote: »
    Dissing and putting down ESO is irrelevant and doesn't change the fact that the OP makes a lot of valid points.

    Whether he makes valid points or not, these are problems we've all have to deal with; coming to the forums and throwing a tantrum does nothing but make OP look like a child. We're all aware of the issues, the Devs are aware of the issues, so what more needs to be said? Aside from the lack of communication and updates to the playerbase on the progress of these issues there's not much anyone can do aside from quit playing altogether, and that doesn't require or even warrant a forum post explaining your reasoning. I say good riddance and GTFO.

    That's all without even mentioning the blatant overuse of ellipses in OP's post, which is frankly annoying as hell to read. He's either foreign, an idiot, or a child.
    Recon - 60 Cleric
    Gamertag: ReallyRecon
  • anyolname716anyolname716 Member Posts: 47
    edited April 2015

    - Umm... I'll get back to you on that....

    - Bad out dated terrible graphics
    - cash shop is over priced and full of items that give advantage to players.
    - Constant Disconnects
    - Very low FPS and bad performance and constant freezing and shutting down xbox.
    - Constant kicks from dungeons with no reason ans abusing the kick function
    - Been over a month and not a single fix has been made even after countless maintenances
    - They care more about money than fixing things ans answering problems the players have
    - Rogues rediculously over power with still no fixes.

    I can go on forever but you see my point.

    This game will not last with 2 of the biggest games coming out this year Elder Scrolls and Fable Legends so they either make some dramatic changed fast or this game will be dead in 6 weeks when Elder Scrolls hits the Xbox

    Do Something Now!

    I've seen these type of posts on dozens of forums for dozens of games, and most at partially right if at all. Mostly they are just looking for attention. Let's look at your complaints:

    1) While the graphics are not even close to top end for the XB1(or even PC) they are much better than most F2P games. In these type of games, it's not about the graphics...it's about the content and the story. While not "Game breaking" or "Unique" they tell an engaging story, and there is a lot of content ATM.

    2) If you are talking about the Zen market; there is absolutely nothing that gives anyone an advantage over another person. "Maybe" if you include that you can buy enhancement packs that would allow you to upgrade your enhancements with less grind...that's an advantage. But it's still a random shot at getting what you need, and still obtainable in game. All you are cutting down on is time spent grinding. Even then, you can buy them from the auction house.

    As for it being overpriced, that's an individual opinion. While something may be expensive to you, someone else may see value for what they want to do in game.

    3)Yes, there are a lot of disconnects. This is one point you are correct on. It's annoying, but not game breaking.

    4) When I have a stable connection; I have no issues with the FPS, shutting down or freezing. This is usually associated with the disconnection issue. So you basically listed the same issue twice.

    5) Getting kicked from a dungeon is not abuse, it's democratic...people vote on this. While it's not fun to be booted, people have there reasons. They need a cleric, they don't need 2 clerics...and the same goes for every class. Sometimes group make up is needed, especially for tougher dungeons. So they are not booting you as a snub, they are looking for something in particular...and you just are not it. Sorry. Put on your big boy undies, and find another group that needs you.

    6) While there has been maintenance, that doesn't always mean that they are "Fixing" things. It also doesn't mean that if they are "Fixing" things, it's gong to be noticeable. Maintenance could be adding content to the game( ast weeks added in a few new enhancements). It could be fixing areas where people have been getting stuck in game. There are a thousand things that could be fixing, and you would never know. Just because it's not what you want, noticeable or you think should be a priority... doesn't mean they are not fixing things. Fixing these small little issues may be steps to fixing larger issues. Unless you are programming this game, you don't know.

    7)This is the typical stupid response from the general ignorance that plagues every game. Of course they care about money, it's why they made the game. News flash, they're gonna want to make more. So it's in their best interest to fix issues to keep people playing. So they can make more money....duh. These things take time to figure out. The game has only been out a short while on XB1. It's been out for years on PC, and people still play it(Yourself included). So how bad can it really be?

    8) Every game has something that people consider "OP". Get over it. It has more to do with you than whatever you consider OP actually being OP. I listened to a guy yesterday that said that Scourge mages(or whatever) were OP...and he was a rouge. You need to adapt and figure out around the issue.

    As far as your statement that this game will die(in two months) with the release of Elder Scrolls and Fable legends, it made me laugh a little.

    Fable legends is a completely different game from this(and what is used to be). It's more like Evolve now than what is was many years ago.

    As far as Elder Scrolls; isn't that out on PC right now? Yet, this game survives there along side it? Imagine that! There's room for both games. Difference being, I didn't have to shell out $60 to play Neverwinter like I would for Elder Scrolls. So it has that going for it....

    You really need to think things through a little more....I can go on forever but you see my point.
  • telprydaintelprydain Member Posts: 545 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    gaanjaa81 wrote: »
    Dissing and putting down ESO is irrelevant and doesn't change the fact that the OP makes a lot of valid points.

    He makes some poorly articulated and inaccurate points too, all of which I addressed on the previous page.
    But the main post is really just attacking NW in order to pimp out ESO, so attacking the suggestion that ESO will address all those points is a valid response.

    It's not unusual for astroturfers to come to rival sites and try luring in that player base. I'm not saying that's what this is, but he seems awfully sure that ESO is digital Jesus, come to save us from NW.
    Casual Gamers
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    "In war, unqualified. In peace, disorganised. In death, mild irritation."

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  • icesnake666icesnake666 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    When the game first came out, slowly but surely i got to lvl 60. It was fun and exiting until i learned the end game mechanics. Shard enchantment, quing for epics...Spend 1000 zen to refine a shard ? etc etc. I expected such simple end game upgrades to be attainable without throwing cash at the game. Most people will debate, but this is win to play. Not to insult anyone, but the game is like an abusive, hot girlfriend and i decided to move on lol. Something like 250k diamonds and 120 gold went to my guild.
  • waffennachtwaffennacht Member Posts: 149 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2015
    -cash shop not overpriced for someone who has a job
    -this is true needs fixed
    -never had a shut down, only time fps is low is in an instance where every class has a ground effect and you pull whole rooms, xbox needs an update to fix this or we need to be able to adjust our graphics.
    -Im assuming you are being kicked so they can get a friend in or a guildie, or they think ur bad, this should be fixed.
    -Ive noticed improvements over the maintenance, but atm they are more focused on pc for mod6
    -welcome to mmo world
    -i will say this because no one seems to realize this so time for caps: THEY ARENT GOING TO FIX ROGUES ON XBOX. THEY WILL NOT RUN TWO DIFFERENT VERSIONS OF A PATCH. WE WILL GET WHAT PC GETS, IF ROGUES ARE FIXED THERE THEY WILL BE FIXED WHEN WE GET THE PATCH. NO AMOUNT OF *****ING AND MOANING WILL FIX THIS FACT. LEARN THIS. LIVE THIS. STOP *****ING LIKE A ****. (play an hr and think rogues are to strong but realize no amount of *****ing will fix)

    Have a nice day.

    Wtf u talking about 150 dollars for DLC is expensive for any job. And if ur making so much at work wtf u doin at home on an xbox? Lol
    Oh and it does make smile when people,say expensive is relative. Nope, its expensive whether you get your moneys worth or not, paying over the price of a AAA full game, for a part of another game, is expensive.
  • creatureofthefeycreatureofthefey Member Posts: 29
    edited May 2015
    Hey so I been playing the game on PC since beta and been playing this game on Xbox since launch so I thought I would just share my thoughts and opinions in as much a constructive way as I can.... These are my opinions thanks :)

    So far when I first played this game on xbox it was not perfect launch but it was ok I was having fun for a few hours till eventual I got a disconnect with every loading screen... (no my Internet is fine thank you) and boy are there a lot of loading screens....

    Then when I got in big battles I would die as my game would freeze so I couldn't dodge so I spent a lot of time dieing... and the frames per second was so low it was like a sideshow....

    So then I tried out dungeons... got kicked constantly from every dungeon from level 12 ans up so I gave up and just did quests... mind you fighting was tiring with the lag disconnects and frames per second loss... but I finally made it to 60...

    So I thought 60 would be great....well...was i wrong... constant kicks from dungeons every time i que so I gave up on it. So I went to farm dragons... but the slides how fps was horrible and gave me a headache my eyes hurt... so I gave up on that.... so I tried pvp... but got 1 shot by rogues... A lot... so I gave up on that and made a new character....

    I then looked at the store to see if anything could cheer me up... and boy I was wrong. .. The things in there are **** expensive... and some items are pay to win... (this is my oppinion) it seems people who spend a lot in the game have some really good items that can then dominate people with in both pve and pvp...

    The other thing I noticed as well is the graphics and the graphics glitches... this is 2015 there really is no exuse to have a game with this poor quality in graphics and some of them glitch out like armor clipping and capes clipping floating trees and just plain bad textures...

    The other thing that got to me is the zones... They are so tiny that you can complete them in less than an hour and are so small you can get from 1 end to the other in 60 seconds... no room for exploration and discovery....

    Then there is the constant maintenance they do... which never fixes anything.... its been over a month now and not a single thing has been fixed... at all... but hey they do add items to the cash shop... go figure.... this game looks like a cash grab that was only made to last a few months...

    All in all I had hopes for this game but after 2 years on PC and playing xbox it's clear they do not care and nothing has been fixed... I'm sorry but I will be leaving this game for a more better ge Elder Scrolls Online.... atleast they care and have quality content...

    For those who didn't read here is a short summery of everything.

    - Umm... I'll get back to you on that....

    - Bad out dated terrible graphics
    - cash shop is over priced and full of items that give advantage to players.
    - Constant Disconnects
    - Very low FPS and bad performance and constant freezing and shutting down xbox.
    - Constant kicks from dungeons with no reason ans abusing the kick function
    - Been over a month and not a single fix has been made even after countless maintenances
    - They care more about money than fixing things ans answering problems the players have
    - Rogues rediculously over power with still no fixes.

    I can go on forever but you see my point.

    This game will not last with 2 of the biggest games coming out this year Elder Scrolls and Fable Legends so they either make some dramatic changed fast or this game will be dead in 6 weeks when Elder Scrolls hits the Xbox

    Do Something Now!

    -I have noticed some glitching in the game, mainly when you walk down steps in Protectors Enclave or when you choose your character file at the start of the game and your character appears naked until all your gear loads. Other than that though, I think that the graphics are nice overall, and its understandable that there's going to be some problems with a game of this size. The overall content of the game is enjoyable enough to overlook the minor graphic issues imo. I do hope they fix it at some point, though.

    -considering the game is free and there's actually a form of in-game currency that allows you to buy items without spending actual cash, I dont complain too much about the high price of everything. You could effectively play this game without spending a dime if you wanted to play for long hours, earning Zen which basically amounts to real life currency in the game. So technically, if you wanted to spend the time to do it, the game basically pays you. As for the gear...well, if you spend so much time playing the game, there's gonna be some rewards for your efforts. Getting better gear is just a product of your hard work playing the game.

    -The disconnects are annoying, I have to admit. But considering the fact that so many players are online at one time usually, you can expect that the game's servers are going to be stressed out. Luckily, it usually doesn't take long for the game to reload, only about 30 seconds for me I'd say. So its really not a problem when it does happen, unless it happens too frequently.

    -I've personally never experienced any problems with freezing or the X-Box shutting down. But that might just be me, or a result of a recent update.

    -I have been kicked from dungeons a few times before too, and I agree something needs to be done about it. Alternatively, you could just play with members of your guild or your friends to ensure that this doesnt happen, but it would be nice if you could play with random people without fear of getting kicked from an epic dungeon because someone doesnt like the class you're playing or is a loot stealer.

    -I agree that there's been a lot of maintenances but there's still some issues that haven't been fixed. I imagine that there's a lot of problems that need to be fixed and that they just havent gotten around to all of them yet, but i do wish they would hurry. lol

    -I wouldn't say they care more about money, considering the game is free. lol

    -Rogues can be overpowered, especially if you're playing the hunter ranger class, which doesnt take hits very well. However, the hunter ranger and the rogue are kind of similar, considering the rogue class is also kind of squishy. If you get the jump on them before they get the jump on you, they're done for. Thats why the hunter ranger class can be a really great counter to rogues in the right situation. Also, most rogues cant do much to clerics or other characters with high defense and damage resistance.
  • reallyreconreallyrecon Member Posts: 170 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2015
    The players in my guild with the highest gearscores (16k+) that have Perfect Vorpals, Legendary Artifact Belts, Legendary Artifacts, gemmed shirts/pants, full Ancient jewelry, Ancient OH... you get the picture, basically current BiS everything, have never spent a DIME on this game and are sitting on top of millions of AD. No PC experience either. It always comes down to who can game the trade house the best and invest in the right items early.

    When the game first released, Artifact belts were going for ~10k a pop because nobody knew their worth. They're now going for ~200k-400k and the price will probably trend upwards since they're still BiS for everybody, and they're around 1mil on the PC.

    If you think this game is pay-to-win, you might be correct in that an obscenely rich person with a disposable income can definitely use it to get ahead. Is it necessary, or even optimal? Certainly not, and if you feel like you have to throw IRL cash around just to get the items you want then you aren't making good decisions.
    Recon - 60 Cleric
    Gamertag: ReallyRecon
  • getphazedgetphazed Member Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    When the game first came out, slowly but surely i got to lvl 60. It was fun and exiting until i learned the end game mechanics. Shard enchantment, quing for epics...Spend 1000 zen to refine a shard ? etc etc. I expected such simple end game upgrades to be attainable without throwing cash at the game. Most people will debate, but this is win to play. Not to insult anyone, but the game is like an abusive, hot girlfriend and i decided to move on lol. Something like 250k diamonds and 120 gold went to my guild.

    You don't have to spend Zen or rl cash to refine a shard.... and sounds like you had plenty of AD to buy a ward or lesser soulforge from the AH. You dont have to pend money at all, want something from the Zen store you just convert AD to Zen. L2P before making stupid posts.
  • telprydaintelprydain Member Posts: 545 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Wtf u talking about 150 dollars for DLC is expensive for any job. And if ur making so much at work wtf u doin at home on an xbox? Lol

    Actually, standard Xbox games where I live (New Zealand) often cost $130 - $140 each. Lots more for special editions.
    I could spend $140 on Zen and we're still talking about only as much money as the last Battlefield or Call Of Duty.
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  • syrickwolfsyrickwolf Member Posts: 102
    edited May 2015
    telprydain wrote: »
    Actually, standard Xbox games where I live (New Zealand) often cost $130 - $140 each. Lots more for special editions.
    I could spend $140 on Zen and we're still talking about only as much money as the last Battlefield or Call Of Duty.

    yeah you prob get paid more than other countrys also. but to others its a ton of money.
  • telprydaintelprydain Member Posts: 545 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I think we actually get paid slightly less.
    Gaming is just super-expensive outside the US.
    Casual Gamers
    Join us brothers and sisters and distant relations and confused onlookers.
    Join us in the shadows where we stand mostly vigilant... although slightly distracted by our inventories.
    "In war, unqualified. In peace, disorganised. In death, mild irritation."

    JOIN US.
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