This encounter has so much damage, and a part of it a short cooldown. The power has dealt more to me than a ice knife. I dont know why developpers keep buffing control wizard and giving them such powers. This is a control class, striker as a 2nd rol, but this class is the top striker among all classes. It would be better if the damage would be reduced or increasing the cooldown by a lot more!. if u're gonna give an op encounter, at least making its cooldown lasts longer.
a wizard just stands in a node and only spams ray of frost until the 5 secs desintegrate is up. what kind of skillfull rotation/ strategy is that?
In my opinion this is the mod of the control wizard and paladin. even thou all the mods have buffed wizard. this mod is the last straw
Yea because cw is always seen casting it and your never cced by somebody else, thing before you write it might help .....
■ Failure to check the position of enemy ranged/spellcasters before fighting = your own fault, inexcusable
■ Being forced into a fight against multiple enemies = your team's fault, inexcusable
In your case, thinking "not everything is the other guy's fault. sometimes, I'm just that bad" would help.
Seek professional mental help, boyo.
cleric. Dodging against ray of frost has helped me a lot as they dont get to the 6 stacks of chill quickly. they freeze by some seconds after. (not to mention that ray of frost has so much potential cause of the class feature thing). i've try to at least put a healing on me before desintegrate takes half of my health. then trying to heal desperately again if have the chance (wizards going with ray of frost again) and then cast desintegrate, which kills me cause the insta kill effect. thats why i said these "skillful wizards" has their rotation simple of one spamming of an atwill then waiting for 6 seconds to cast desintegrate. not much effort. and u c annot deal much to them cause they will have shield on. what a balanced class!. The only way a wizard can die if that an ally comes in help and put off all the attention on me. wizard right now is the TR on a 1v1 1vs2 1vs3 of mod 5.
Mod 12.5 PvP Power/Crit/Arp Optimization
Youtube channel (PvE/PvP)
so annoying trying to hold a point in PVP vs those Cw's when they just repel / shield pulse you off the edge (or the point) whenever you go back up the stairs.
Drunken Goose of MidNight Express. - 3.3k Paladin , 3.6k GWF , 3.1k GF,
Ok fancybrain when you pug as most do like 99% of all matches in this game you dont control your teams action, but hey thinking never been your strong side before you write stupid stuff.
In your case I dont think anything will help you some are just uneducated, dumb and incapable of learning such as you so save the money and learn to live with it mkay.
Lmfao who the **** pops Shield in combat? It's suicide and instant death because CW's are as harmless as a child without their Shield.
...there's actually a bit tricky technique/bug, which you use repel, and then at the right timing use teleport to 'cancel' the activation. The end result is the push effect/damage fires off, but your power isn't tagged as 'activated' = no recharge. No bullshi*, this actually exists. I remember practicing it against the big Ogre thingies in the Tower District, but then simply figured it's not really worth it.
This was in PVP Levelling up, not at 70. but still really annoying haha.
Drunken Goose of MidNight Express. - 3.3k Paladin , 3.6k GWF , 3.1k GF,
Oh yeah, they do pop shield a lot in lowbie PVP for some strange reason.
They literally sign their death warrant by doing that... lol
That's why I don't complain or whine about the shi* I can't control, and leave it off the table when discussing balance, unlike your two-faced wishy-washy whiney prawn of a brain, numbnuts.
I've tried that myself too and my record was using repel 5 times in a row lol, but that wasn't the case coz the CW was standing in one place.
DC's Guardian of Faith actually works the same way, you can prone ppl multiple times but the timing for dodging needs to be extremely precise.
Mod 12.5 PvP Power/Crit/Arp Optimization
Youtube channel (PvE/PvP)
Poor soul didnt have time to log out.
Oh really ....
As I wrote before -uneducated, dumb and incapable of learning- seem to fit like a glow to ya.
You just cant write a thread without saying stupid things can you Mr Kweassa alias alot of names wonder why doh,,,,,
And btw this is what Morethar wrote just after guess you will name call him now also or ....
those " cw" who use control powers judge cw and for that using control:)
I was stating to nerf it too on Preview, but once it has been nerfed a few times, its damage is now fair balanced.
Either the damage needs to be lowered or the cooldown increased. 6 seconds for an auto aim nuke hitting as hard as it does is not fair whatsoever.
Instead of complaining about a class that kills you easily in PvP, how's about we complain about how PvP works overall? It's obviosu that very little thought has gone into it and it has lead to all of the classes being altered (most often for the worse) due to people *****ing about it from their bad butthurtness in PvP.
So instead of changing every class to try and balance out the fights, the devs should completely rehaul PvP from the bottom up.
Here's some suggestions.
1) Keep match ups five levels above/below other players to avoid unfair advantages.
2) Force players to have equal strength and defense when in PvP (not for the IWD PvP areas; that's too much trouble); then there would be real equality and no one would ***** about other classes being unfair.
3) And ffs, get some new modes like Capture the Flag, King of the Hill etc.
And I'm sure there are a hundred other things you could do to make PvP work right and not HAMSTER people off.
Your main is a ****ing TR, how much more overpowered do you want go!???
lol some people play a very OP class but doesn't know it, they get killed once and demand for nerfs
Have the gear and skills, but lack the friends to play with? Come and apply for Essence of Aggression. We have been here and strong since beta. (Immature, rude, and arrogant people will not be accepted)
trs arent op have you even played this mod? trs are not op anymore they are actually very balanced. i love them!!! and btw i dont play troften. i play gwf hr sw . but i used ot play them and still sometimes do. i just got tired of the stealth mechanic. anyways they arent op.
Yeah, u're right. It is really disappointing to have even elitism among cryptic employees on 1 class and don't balance them all. Since i started playing this, wizards always get buffed by minor or major improvements, but never given a fix. It is sad, cause they are forcing you to play wizard class if u want to be OP.
About rogues. I do think they are balanced now as well. Althougth the 2s reveal should be back, now players have huge HP to survive against their attacks, just if warlocks and figthers could have dodge in their swifts...
The op class of this mod is wizards with their desintegrate, toning down its damage or removing their effect of insta kill, or just increasing the cooldown by a lot 6s to 15s or something. This power is basically everything in game. Low cooldown, high damage and an insta kill effect along the great CC effects wizards have, not other class can against that when there are not more dodges to avoid them.
I guess it is better to join the Unbalanced crew and have a wizard.
You notice it too, well what to do I will never invest in a cookie cutter class I made one to know and understand wizard class its fun to kill all class in pvp but in the end of the day its less rewarding less achievement from playing a class that have everything. I just voice out the obviously bad Im not afraid of anyone its a <removed> class all fake just illusion of grandeur.
WTB Class Reroll please