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The Zen to Money ratio is excessive and insane

crazyvipacrazyvipa Member Posts: 8 Arc User
While I understand the Free-2-Play model, I really feel you guys took it way to far. Here is why.

* The Zen to Money ratio is excessive and insane.

I will proudly support game devs by spending money. I spent $36/month on Final Fantasy XI for nearly 8 years with me & the wife which did not include game add-ons and replacement disks. For this amount, we enjoyed a very full game that was extremely in-depth and challenging. In a comparison, I decided to see what I could get for $10. Giving me 1000 zen, I farmed a bit of AD and transferred it to Zen. Picked up 10 enchanted keys and started opening boxes. Out of 10 boxes, spending 10$, you'd imagine there would be some pretty helpful items and epics in there... and at least a pretty **** good chance to get a Drake. Instead, I received 1 greater potency and a few rank 7 gems for a follower. Pathetic to say the least. $10 should at the very least, multiple Epics / or a Legendary item.

Taking FFXI as a MMORPG example, that would have given me almost an entire month of play without mules & alts. I received 10 seconds of opening boxes and a night full of disconnects with NW.

-- Note: The game is extremely bugged. I consistently get "disconnected from GameServer." I feel like I am playing a Beta-- it's bad. I would not be surprised if nearly all players opted out of spending money for this reason alone.
Post edited by crazyvipa on


  • wadaafaakwadaafaak Member Posts: 15
    edited April 2015
    Most F2P mmo's are doing this and they still didnt understand that they could gain so much more money by lowering their prices.

    Right now there's 2 kind of peoples buying zen :
    - The ones buying a small amount to start their business or simply to buy their mounts/seals/race packs
    - The wallet warriors that would do anything to have a huge advance on others by spending hundreds of $ and claiming to be good

    If they lowered the price it would add a 3rd category of peoples, the normal players willing to pay for something valuable.
    Wallet warriors would still do their things, while alot of players would invest a bit of cash into it.
    But right now 40$ just to get a cool mount, that's just pure garbage.
  • zephyriahzephyriah Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,980 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    You chose to spend the Zen on the only thing that is a gamble, and complain about the results? Come on!

    Everything else in the Zen store is a fixed price and known quantity. If you really want a mount or companion from a lockbox, it will likely be cheaper just to buy one on the AH.

    If you don't like the risk, don't gamble, don't open lockboxes. They are a lottery. It has been estimated that there is a less than 1% chance of getting an Epic item.

    I don't think $10 should give multiple Epics under any circumstances. That's just me.
  • r3ppartr3ppart Member Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    zephyriah wrote: »
    I don't think $10 should give multiple Epics under any circumstances. That's just me.

    Of course it shouldn't, that would be silly. BUT it should give you more then useless <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>. I've been exchanging AD for Zen and buying keys in hopes to get a mount or companion leveling tokens, but to no avail.

    I wish they just sold those companion tokens straight up on the market. But no, you have to buy a key, open a box hoping a companion box is in it, and after opening the companion box hope there are tokens in it lol
  • pentnoirpentnoir Member Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Aren't prices high because only a very small percent of people will actually spend money on virtual items, which means that the prices would have to be high in order to support the game. The amount of money that they would get by lowering the cost would hurt their business because not enough people would spend enough cash. So it always ends up squeezing the ones that do pay for every cent they can.

    However, they do something that is very cool and allow people to trade ad for zen. Last time I looked, it was being traded at 143 ad per zen, or 14300 per 100 zen, which equates to 1 real life dollar. So every day I can log into each of my characters and grind out at least 100 zen, until the trading price exceeds 250ad. After 250ad, it will start taking 2 days to grind out 100 zen. This system is very generous to those that have never actually bought zen with real money, which helps to make the pay barrier somewhat invisible and more enticing to new players that could be apart of that small percent that will actually buy zen with real money.

    Just how I think of this system.
  • amgfailamgfail Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Lockboxes are a lottery, as it was pointed out in an earlier comment. If you just want a mount, just buy one of the ones off the Zen store. You'll spend less money AND they're account wide, not locked in to one character like the Drake mounts in the Tyrannical Lockbox. You can't spend money on the lottery and complain you didn't win anything. What's "useless junk" for you probably sells on the AH for a nice amount of AD since you generally get a few blue profession-related items inside.

    I *do* agree that Zen prices are a tad bit high, especially considering things like character slots are actually cheaper on the PC version (800Z on XB1 vs. 500Z on PC), and epic companions being $20 and locked in to a single character, but nothing on the store is *needed* to enjoy the game. If you think it's expensive to pay for things out of pocket, just don't buy them.
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  • crazyvipacrazyvipa Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Absolutely agree that this is a Lottery Item. I knew this going in... however, I wanted to see what it would give, regardless of the "how rare" the item itself was. The bottom line is:

    If purchasing 10$ worth of drops, what would I get for it? The answer is nothing.

    If it is an extremely low drop rate / roll chance (whatever this game calls it); then it shouldn't be a purchased item. It should be something that is at the very least, obtainable by killing mobs / bosses of some nature. At the very LEAST, it should not be $10 for 10 keys if its such a lottery item. It just shows the base mentality of the game itself. The value is not there. That is all this post is about. Without value, why the heck would anyone open their wallet?
  • jarlax1jarlax1 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 68
    edited April 2015
    You realize that greater potency rune is worth 100k AD right? 147 AD for 1 zen x 1000 = 147,000 AD you made 100k + back with just 1 item........you have to work the AH, and profession to not spend tons of cash. Actually what you did is a good example of making a small investment to get going on self sufficiency
  • grimjax69grimjax69 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Value that is the key word here. Cryptic has to make money, and I don't have an issue with that. The issue is you have "virtual" items that took the team a set time to create, now it is done no more work has to be done to make anymore of the same item. Now they charge 4,000 Zen for that item that translates to $40 for a virtual item. They could cut the prices in the Zen store by half and make the same amount of money just by volume. Selling by volume is even smarter because it's a virtual item, it does not cost to make any additional copies available. Oh well.
  • awrex1977awrex1977 Member Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Value is a relative term.

    Do you hold value in aesthetically pleasing mounts or companions? If yes, that may be worth 20-40K zen. If not, don't spend your money.

    Do you play the lottery? Yes? Maybe lockboxes are your thing. No? lockboxes probably not the greatest idea.

    Bottom line is there is absolutely nothing that costs zen that is mandatory to play this game. Things that cost zen can be purchased without spending a dollar (ZAX)

    Want a purple mount, don't want to pay for it? Farm AD.

    Want a purple companion, don't want to pay for it? Farm AD.

    Want to open a bunch of lockboxes, don't want to pay for it? Farm AD.

    This is a free to play title.

    And it is exactly that - free to play.

    It is entirely possible to do everything in this game without ever spending a dollar.

    No one is holding a gun to your head, no one is forcing you.

    There is no fine print, it is all pretty straight forward.

    Spend money, save time.

    Don't spend money, grind away.

    It is not very difficult to understand.
  • thezer0fluxthezer0flux Member Posts: 412 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    r3ppart wrote: »
    Of course it shouldn't, that would be silly. BUT it should give you more then useless <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>. I've been exchanging AD for Zen and buying keys in hopes to get a mount or companion leveling tokens, but to no avail.

    I wish they just sold those companion tokens straight up on the market. But no, you have to buy a key, open a box hoping a companion box is in it, and after opening the companion box hope there are tokens in it lol
    I'd love to be able to buy the companion, artifact, enchantment, and profession packs that drop from lockboxes direct from the Zen store. In fact, I'd rather use my keys on those kinds of things where I know I'm at least getting something related to the task I'm trying to finish. I'd love to upgrade a companion, but I'm not spending 1.5 million AD to do it, nor am I spending hundreds in real currency to buy keys in the hopes I can do it. The fact I have to buy a key for a chance at a chance to get what I want makes me not want to buy keys at all. I would, however, buy profession, refinement, and companion stuff for real money... but they won't let me. So I make AD using my economics and business savvy and then buy the stuff I want direct from the AH.

    Maybe that's their plan...
  • thezer0fluxthezer0flux Member Posts: 412 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    grimjax69 wrote: »
    They could cut the prices in the Zen store by half and make the same amount of money just by volume. Selling by volume is even smarter because it's a virtual item, it does not cost to make any additional copies available. Oh well.
    Exactly! Lowering the prices to increase sales volume would result in a happier community and more revenue for Cryptic/PW. The whales would still buy everything, but the people who won't pay current costs (many of whom might actually quit the game after a few weeks because they can't get the stuff they want) become much more likely to buy stuff. All of this grows the game economy and Cyptic's bottom line. I'm not really complaining about their model because I'm happy going without or finding other ways to get stuff I want. Rather, I'm just confused by the model because it seems like they'd make much, much more with higher volume.
  • attorn97attorn97 Member Posts: 195 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    think of lockboxes this way.

    Do any of you play the lottery in real life? $200M by buying $2 powerball ticket!
    what do you get for that $2? 6 times out of 7, nothing. yet millions of people buy those tickets twice a week. Instead of playing the lottery, they could have put that money toward something with lasting value. Instead, they get nothing, but keep playing, week after week after week. Why? because there's always a chance, and they're always seeing the winners on the news. That means people win, right?! it could be them.. all for a measly $2.

    With keys, what you do get? usually, stuff with an average worth of about 40k AD (from my PC days, no clue about XB1 value because of difference in economy). Yet, millions of people keep buying those keys every day. Instead of buying keys, they could have put that money toward something with lasting value from the zen store. Instead, they get nothing, but keep buying keys, week after week after week. Why? because there's always a chance, and they're always seeing the winners in orange flash on the screen. That means people win, right?! it could be them.. all for a measly key.

    see all the same language? its on purpose. People buy keys for the same reason they buy Powerball or scratch off lottery tickets. For the VERY small chance of getting a lot of return for a little investment. yet.. they pour so much money into keys, they end up getting nothing for a LARGE investment instead of just buying the stuff from the zen store.
  • woopwoopwoop00woopwoopwoop00 Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    r3ppart wrote: »
    I've used AD to buy zen and have purchased around 30 keys. Sort of disappointing I've got nothing out of it. But I've yet to spend a dime lol

    Yeah man I've bought quite a few keys using the AD to Zen conversion and got nothing from it, so time to focus on getting some other things I think!
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  • crazyvipacrazyvipa Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    attorn97 wrote: »
    think of lockboxes this way.

    Do any of you play the lottery in real life? $200M by buying $2 powerball ticket!
    what do you get for that $2? 6 times out of 7, nothing. yet millions of people buy those tickets twice a week. Instead of playing the lottery, they could have put that money toward something with lasting value. Instead, they get nothing, but keep playing, week after week after week. Why? because there's always a chance, and they're always seeing the winners on the news. That means people win, right?! it could be them.. all for a measly $2.

    Not to be a smart-butt, but I usually get my $2 back :) But you're absolutely correct. $2 usually returns very little. But it's $2 -- Not $10. If it was $2 for a set of 10 keys, I'd honestly be all over it... For $2, I have a chance to get some crafting bonuses, maybe a character upgrade, or even some enchantments that would take my newb character to the next level. While it sounds a bit funny, at $2 for a set of 10 keys, I'd most likely end up spending 20-30$ instead of a) farming b) uninstalling the game or c) giving up on any sort of epic status

    They could even place it at $2 for 5 keys and I'd consider it. As it stands, current cost is $1.13/key. Pretty insane no matter what kind of chance you get. I'm better off spending my $2 on the actual lottery.
  • telprydaintelprydain Member Posts: 545 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    wadaafaak wrote: »
    - The wallet warriors that would do anything to have a huge advance on others by spending hundreds of $ and claiming to be good
    Accept there's nothing in the Zen store that would give you a "huge advance" on others. It's nice, but extra bag space or a fancy tiger mount isn't going to give anyone a leg up. The gear from the special packs are generally just for appearances sake, and their stats are vastly inferior to the stuff you find (the only advantage you get is it's free to make the stuff you find change appearance to match what came in the pack)
    wadaafaak wrote: »
    But right now 40$ just to get a cool mount, that's just pure garbage.

    You're making things up - It's $16 to get a cool mount... and every character you've made gets it. Sounds like a good offer to me.
    If you're going to use an example, you should have gone for companions, which are unlocks for a specific character rather than an account.
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  • telprydaintelprydain Member Posts: 545 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    crazyvipa wrote: »
    In a comparison, I decided to see what I could get for $10. Giving me 1000 zen, I farmed a bit of AD and transferred it to Zen. Picked up 10 enchanted keys and started opening boxes. Out of 10 boxes, spending 10$, you'd imagine there would be some pretty helpful items and epics in there... and at least a pretty **** good chance to get a Drake. Instead, I received 1 greater potency and a few rank 7 gems for a follower. Pathetic to say the least. $10 should at the very least, multiple Epics / or a Legendary item.

    * The lock boxes are a lottery. That is made clear, and you can preview the box to see what can drop (note most of it is NOT the top prize)
    * There is nothing in the Zen store you need. Lots of stuff that's nice, but nothing you need.
    * You have to grind for stuff from the real money store. So? That's what you do in MMOs. Grind. If you don't like it, why play?
    * At level 60, diamonds will be coming in faster than you can refine - so it's not like it's to hard to grind Zen anyhow.

    Heirloom pack is great. It'll get you to level 60, and once you're there you can salvage epic gear for easy diamonds. Combine that with the leadership skill and you'll hit the 24k daily cap easy.
    If you can hit 60 with two or three toons (the heirloom pack is given to every character you make, plus it gave you a 3rd character slot), you'll earn zen real fast (particularly because on xbox zen is selling so cheap).
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  • zaknafyenzaknafyen Member Posts: 200 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    telprydain wrote: »
    * The lock boxes are a lottery. That is made clear, and you can preview the box to see what can drop (note most of it is NOT the top prize)
    * There is nothing in the Zen store you need. Lots of stuff that's nice, but nothing you need.
    * You have to grind for stuff from the real money store. So? That's what you do in MMOs. Grind. If you don't like it, why play?
    * At level 60, diamonds will be coming in faster than you can refine - so it's not like it's to hard to grind Zen anyhow.

    Heirloom pack is great. It'll get you to level 60, and once you're there you can salvage epic gear for easy diamonds. Combine that with the leadership skill and you'll hit the 24k daily cap easy.
    If you can hit 60 with two or three toons (the heirloom pack is given to every character you make, plus it gave you a 3rd character slot), you'll earn zen real fast (particularly because on xbox zen is selling so cheap).

    All this is very true.

    The heirloom pack really made all the difference in helping with my leveling experience. What felt like a slow pace on a HR, the heirloom gear gave me a significant boost to help speed it up (more damage, better survivability due to the stats on the heirloom gear you don't normally see outside of questing commons and uncommon gear). Same with all other characters I have been leveling. I now have two at 60 and both are working on Campaigns, leveling Leadership (among other professions) and running Epics on one character (for now). I quickly maxed out my AD refining limit on both characters in very little time.

    I payed for the CotN pack, purely for the epic mount for every character I create and the epic weapon you get from the Delzuon Chest. However, I didn't need to pay for this, but did so out of desire.

    All in all, the Zen Store is nice for those items you want for RP reasons, appearance or for purchasing a Rare-Epic quality mount outside of AD or Tarmulune Bars. There are other services that I guarantee you'll use at least once (Retraining Tokens, at the very least). Don't bother with the Class Booster packs as they only provide blues that are replaced at Level 20 and, unless you're dying for a blue quality companion, it's not worth it.
  • quebraregraquebraregra Member Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited April 2015

    Lower the prices and we're more apt to purchase 2x as much.
  • mrdurvamrdurva Member Posts: 150 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I bought a key to the lockbox to test it out and guess what. Got an artifact box that ended up giving me a blue twined rope of dexterity. Guess what I did with that. Sold it on the AH for 445k AD At the time zen were 134 AD each so 445,000/134= 3320 Zen I spent $5 and made $33 total. Learn to use the AH cause those so called useless enchantments go for money on the store
  • wadaafaakwadaafaak Member Posts: 15
    edited April 2015
    telprydain wrote: »
    Accept there's nothing in the Zen store that would give you a "huge advance" on others. It's nice, but extra bag space or a fancy tiger mount isn't going to give anyone a leg up. The gear from the special packs are generally just for appearances sake, and their stats are vastly inferior to the stuff you find (the only advantage you get is it's free to make the stuff you find change appearance to match what came in the pack)

    You're making things up - It's $16 to get a cool mount... and every character you've made gets it. Sounds like a good offer to me.
    If you're going to use an example, you should have gone for companions, which are unlocks for a specific character rather than an account.

    You realise they can buy things and sell things right, also yea theres nothing that give advantage right, so buying epics pets which give 200-300 free stats doesnt look like an advantage, an augment pet that give around 3k stats isnt an advantage either i guess :(
    They also get all AD they want if they decide to drop 500$ on zen and convert it for AD, if ure telling me this isnt giving them a huge advantage then i can do nothing for you..

    I took the exemple of 3.5k+ mounts, a cool mount isnt a green horse you know, its a 110% good looking mount.
    Its even more than 40$ if u want a drake or the latest horse from boxes, prolly between 80-160$ seeing their prices in AD
  • jjb828jjb828 Member Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I spent a lot of money opening boxes, getting my dragonborn race, getting a mount etc...

    At least 150, but I've cut myself off from purchasing anything else. I had most of the money saved up because I knew what to expect with a F2P, but now I have a rather nice sum of cash in game which will be the only wallet I use for Zen.
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  • thezer0fluxthezer0flux Member Posts: 412 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Have you seen how the exchange price has skyrocketed?!?! 160 AD for 1 Zen, are you crazy?!?! There's no way I'd pay that much. In fact, I won't buy Zen if it costs more than 144 AD (and even that's on the high side). I wish people would stop buying it for around 160 AD so the prices would fall again. If everyone only makes buy offers at 140 AD, we could keep the exchange rate low and make Zen much easier to obtain. Get the word out -- refuse to buy Zen for more than 140 AD :)
  • quaffliciousquafflicious Member Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Simple answer to making AD like it's pocket change: Shores of Tuern skirmish. Dragon Gems sell for 150k a pop and I can pretty much get at least one a day. So it is highly advised you get this skirmish unlocked as fast as possible to capitalize on this gem right now. I've sold plenty of them already and they are never on the AH for more than an hour. This game is built to where you could amass a large stock of ZEN without spending a single dollar in a short amount of time IF you know how to work the AH.
  • thezer0fluxthezer0flux Member Posts: 412 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Simple answer to making AD like it's pocket change: Shores of Tuern skirmish. Dragon Gems sell for 150k a pop and I can pretty much get at least one a day. So it is highly advised you get this skirmish unlocked as fast as possible to capitalize on this gem right now. I've sold plenty of them already and they are never on the AH for more than an hour. This game is built to where you could amass a large stock of ZEN without spending a single dollar in a short amount of time IF you know how to work the AH.
    Do they drop without the Dragon Keys? I've been waiting to run the skirmish until I my key is ready (6 more hours). I didn't want to waste time running it and get nothing.
  • telprydaintelprydain Member Posts: 545 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    wadaafaak wrote: »
    You realise they can buy things and sell things right, also yea theres nothing that give advantage right, so buying epics pets which give 200-300 free stats doesnt look like an advantage, an augment pet that give around 3k stats isnt an advantage either i guess :(
    They also get all AD they want if they decide to drop 500$ on zen and convert it for AD, if ure telling me this isnt giving them a huge advantage then i can do nothing for you..
    You can buy more advanced pets and augment pets with straight AD or seals, no Zen or converting to Zen required.
    And sure, trading zen to AD is an advantage... or you could just play several characters and rack up Zen that way. The exchange rate was 140ad to 1zen, and two character slots were 80z.
    It's no advantage to 'buy' with zen - it's just faster.
    I took the exemple of 3.5k+ mounts, a cool mount isnt a green horse you know, its a 110% good looking mount.
    Its even more than 40$ if u want a drake or the latest horse from boxes, prolly between 80-160$ seeing their prices in AD
    If you want the super-rare mounts, that's your own issue - don't throw out lock-box mounts like they're 'normal'.
    The dire wolf and tiger mounts are cool, fast and $16. That's plenty good enough for most uses.

    If you HAVE to have a purple mount that's also affordable, because every character gets a coupon at level 20 for a cheap zen-mount.
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  • wadaafaakwadaafaak Member Posts: 15
    edited April 2015
    telprydain wrote: »
    You can buy more advanced pets and augment pets with straight AD or seals, no Zen or converting to Zen required.
    And sure, trading zen to AD is an advantage... or you could just play several characters and rack up Zen that way. The exchange rate was 140ad to 1zen, and two character slots were 80z.
    It's no advantage to 'buy' with zen - it's just faster.

    If you want the super-rare mounts, that's your own issue - don't throw out lock-box mounts like they're 'normal'.
    The dire wolf and tiger mounts are cool, fast and $16. That's plenty good enough for most uses.

    If you HAVE to have a purple mount that's also affordable, because every character gets a coupon at level 20 for a cheap zen-mount.

    well "just faster" is what u call an advantage, what a wallet warrior make in one day u'd have to grind 20/24h per day during at least a week. So they will get P.vorpal faster, enchants 9/10, all 3 maxed artifacts, artifact weaps/accs and they'll be at 16k gs after barely a month on the xbox, while normal players will be there in a few months still, but that's not an advantage for sure :)

    And yea, you can make X amount of alts and farm ADs that way ( 6k from dailies yay ), but then it wouldnt be a game anymore at this point.

    And that coupon is just here to remind : hey look at our cool mounts, you want the fastest one? come and spend 40$ for 3.5k zen!
    So yea its perfect if you have money to blow that way, but that's still stopping a large percentage of the players from buying zen.

    As others said, cut the price by half, warriors would still buy as much as they did and normal players would start to buy, but that wont happen.. f2p ftl.
  • telprydaintelprydain Member Posts: 545 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I don't know what to say, other than that buying Zen doesn't help with artifact weapons and barely helps with artifacts. It does help with making enchants, but not so much with just buying them.
    I think you just need to work on your grind game.

    And the mount thing is still driving me nuts - if $16 for a blue mount is to 'out-there' for you, then I don't know what to say. Hell, with the current rate you can have a Rage Drake for $20. Where you keep getting $40 from - when literally NOTHING costs that much, is puzzling me.
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  • wadaafaakwadaafaak Member Posts: 15
    edited April 2015
    telprydain wrote: »
    I don't know what to say, other than that buying Zen doesn't help with artifact weapons and barely helps with artifacts. It does help with making enchants, but not so much with just buying them.
    I think you just need to work on your grind game.

    And the mount thing is still driving me nuts - if $16 for a blue mount is to 'out-there' for you, then I don't know what to say. Hell, with the current rate you can have a Rage Drake for $20. Where you keep getting $40 from - when literally NOTHING costs that much, is puzzling me.

    Dont worry about my grind game ;) Im talking about the zen>ad ratio there. I've got no prob getting what i need as i have time, but someone at work most of the day wont be able to catch up against a wallet warrior.

    You dont understand that buying zen means zen>ad, means loads of ad paid by $, aka everything they need : artifacts.. enchants, aka they can clean contents before normal players, way before, considering some peoples were 14k gs after barely a week. Also boxes can get u artifact belts, sure its just one item u're gonna say, but that's one huge item giving sick boost.

    And if you're too blind to see that a 3500-3700 zen mount is worth 40$ then i cant do anything for you.
  • telprydaintelprydain Member Posts: 545 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    wadaafaak wrote: »
    Dont worry about my grind game ;) Im talking about the zen>ad ratio there. I've got no prob getting what i need as i have time, but someone at work most of the day wont be able to catch up against a wallet warrior.

    You dont understand that buying zen means zen>ad, means loads of ad paid by $, aka everything they need : artifacts.. enchants, aka they can clean contents before normal players, way before, considering some peoples were 14k gs after barely a week. Also boxes can get u artifact belts, sure its just one item u're gonna say, but that's one huge item giving sick boost.
    And who's getting that massive wad of AD? Oh, that's right - Normal players, who can then use it to buy whatever they want.
    wadaafaak wrote: »
    And if you're too blind to see that a 3500-3700 zen mount is worth 40$ then i cant do anything for you.
    I contend your statement that it takes $40 to get a 'cool' mount is wrong, both in terms of currency spent and in your definition of cool. The later is preference, but the former is hard fact.

    The ratio is 100 zen to 1 dollar - AT MOST (buying $50 or more zen at once gets you bonus zen). That means a 3500 mount is worth $35 - or less, because you got 53,000 rather than 50,000 for your $5. All the time. And if you get a coupon (and everyone does in their adventures reward pack) it's even less again.
    Adding an extra few bucks on the price to make it sound more expensive is fun, but again, no mount costs $40 or more. None. Zip. Nada. Zilch.

    And your statement was that it takes $40 to get a 'cool' mount - by which you obviously mean 'epic', because (again) the wolf and tiger mounts are both 'cool' and serviceable for any practical need, and are only $16.
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  • wadaafaakwadaafaak Member Posts: 15
    edited April 2015
    telprydain wrote: »
    And who's getting that massive wad of AD? Oh, that's right - Normal players, who can then use it to buy whatever they want.

    Note that I precise about having time for that, cuz getting 300k+/day as a normal player require a freaking load of time and i wouldnt be able to do this if i had a full time job, but I guess that's how it is, the less time peoples have to invest in a game, the less goodies they get.
    telprydain wrote: »
    I contend your statement that it takes $40 to get a 'cool' mount is wrong, both in terms of currency spent and in your definition of cool. The later is preference, but the former is hard fact.

    The ratio is 100 zen to 1 dollar - AT MOST (buying $50 or more zen at once gets you bonus zen). That means a 3500 mount is worth $35 - or less, because you got 53,000 rather than 50,000 for your $5. All the time. And if you get a coupon (and everyone does in their adventures reward pack) it's even less again.
    Adding an extra few bucks on the price to make it sound more expensive is fun, but again, no mount costs $40 or more. None. Zip. Nada. Zilch.

    And your statement was that it takes $40 to get a 'cool' mount - by which you obviously mean 'epic', because (again) the wolf and tiger mounts are both 'cool' and serviceable for any practical need, and are only $16.

    Well, I dont make it sound more expensive, you have to spend 40$ if you want the heavy howler for exemple, which is my def of a cool mount, cause i'm sorry but if you were to gear up, between blues or epics i doubt u'd choose blues, well that's the same for mounts, why pick a 80% when there are 110% available, basically you tell to buy a "cheap" 80% mount as a normal player without much cash to invest, well then they get a 30% speed advantage, and that's alot in an open map pvp ( which we dont have yet, i know ^^ )
    You're so focused on mounts tho, looks like a mount price is more of a big deal than cashers at a 5k gs difference :p
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