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What powers are you using?



  • tristan313tristan313 Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I go with a 'Brotherhood of Light"/Gabriel Belmont style DPS cleric. (Oracle Sub-Class)

    At Wills: Brand of the Sun and Sacred Flame (LT and RT, respectively)

    Daily: Flame Strike (until I can try the later ones) and Hallowed Ground for groups

    Encounters: Chains, Daunting Light, and Sunburst (til I find something cooler)

    Feats are damage where I could find it, going into Righteous sub-tree for even more DPS.

    I've got spaces for nearly all classes, and by far, Cleric is my fav. Chains them to get them to stick, then Daunting Light nuke, followed by Sunburst for those who survive and get close. For big game, tag them with Brand of the Sun for ticking damage, then same rotation, and then quick Sacred Flame damage to gain Divinity after expending it on extra Divinity-powered Daunting Lights/Chain bombs. SCORCHED EARTH.
  • sentinelx3sentinelx3 Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    gaanjaa81 wrote: »
    i was playing around with BtS a bit recently, while i do like it and it is a pretty good skill there is no way i would drop astral shield, divineglow or bastion for it in the harder runs =/

    thats the problem, not enough skill slots and will always be more limited this way using a console instead of a PC, some mmo's i play on PC i have like 4-5 skill bars all full up with abilities, will never have that luxury on xbox :(

    The 3 encounter, 2 class skill, 2 at will skill, 2 daily limit has been in the game since PC launch.

    Skill limits are not a result of xbox.
  • gaanjaa81gaanjaa81 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    sentinelx3 wrote: »
    The 3 encounter, 2 class skill, 2 at will skill, 2 daily limit has been in the game since PC launch.

    Skill limits are not a result of xbox.

    ye i know, but my point is they could add more skill bars to the PC if they want to, not so easy to do on xbox as i think all our buttons are bound/used already =/
    Devoted cleric rule number one = We cant cure stupidity so no heals for fools ^.^
  • kodiakduckkodiakduck Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Healing Word (Y)
    Bastion of Health (X)
    Astral Seal (B)
    Soothe/Healers Lore (Active Personal)
    At-Will: Sacred Flame and Lance of Faith i believe (just use Sacred Flame really)
    Daily: Hollowed Ground.
    Sometimes switch Daily depending on setup..

    My feats tree I went for the Heal Over Time plan.
    In dire need of fast heals, Divinity + bastion + shield.

    This has worked and my group farms CN. 30-40 minute runs (from start)

    If you only use sacred flame switch out lance for astral seal. Hit mobs with astral seal then start using sacred flame. That way you and your team gets heals and temp hp.
  • thewifey123thewifey123 Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    yllen wrote: »
    off topic slightly, but I don't think xbox is necessarily the limiting factor here. There are 4 buttons and 4 d-pad buttons, 2 triggers and 2 trigger buttons. Thats 8 * 2 * 2 (32) combinations of slots (without using the 'menu' and 'view' smaller buttons). The folks upstairs have just chosen to limit the usage of those slots.

    For me the limited slots for powers does make it feel a little more like pen and paper D&D, since you have to pick your spells carefully.

    At lvl 60 currently run with

    lft trigger- Astral Seal
    rt trigger- Sacred Flame

    x- bastion of health (dungeon) astral shield (pvp) chains (solo)
    y- healing word (dungeon & pvp, sometimes solo) vary this with other powers on solo
    b- divine glow (dungeon) sunburst (pvp & solo)

    Daily: Hallowed Ground & Divine Armor but in PVP I like to include Guardian of Faith- to knock those nasty Rogues prone =)

    I almost always run Divine Fortune and Foresight.

    I've been playing around with it though and so far I like it. I see that a lot of folks are using Astral Shield in place of healing word in the dungeons so I might try that out to see how I like it.
  • yllenyllen Member Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    since you have to pick your spells carefully.

    But not *that* carefully, since as you pointed out in the rest of your post, you can swap a lot of stuff around at will depending on what you are about to do (pve, pvp, solo), without any kind of penalty. If there truly is no penalty for making certain powers 'active' then why not make it less of a pain in the a s s to switch them around?

    The choices you are forced to make are not really that diverse at the end of the day. AC vs DO isn't that much of a difference either.

    I haven't decided whether this is a good thing or not yet. In wow, holy vs shadow was a very clear choice (before dual spec was introduced).
  • mrtehpuppymrtehpuppy Member Posts: 168 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I run the following for group play:

    Left Trigger: Astral Seal
    Right Trigger: Brand of the Sun

    X: Astral Shield
    Y: Divine Glow
    B: Break the Spirit

    Daily 1: Hallowed Ground
    Daily 2: Divine Armor

    Passive Abilities:
    Healer's Lore

    I feel the need to mention though that asking a question like that is the same as asking a drag racer what kind of transmission he uses to go fast. My point being, the powers themselves aren't where a large majority of the DCs healing comes from. The majority of our healing (should be) coming passively from your chosen feats. Rotations and gear are something to consider as well.

    My Build
    (you may have to click the "Feats" tab to see the Feats I use)

    My rotation is only intended for groups using the "Dog Pile in the Yellow Circle of Happiness" strat

    Rotation (assuming the encounter is starting with a full Divine bar):
    Divine mode Divine Glow, 1 tick Empowered Astral Shield, Normal mode Divine Glow, Astral Seal x2 (you may need more or less depending on your build, but this is enough for my build to get back to full Divine), Divine mode Divine Glow, Divine mode Astral Shield x2, 3 tick Empowered Break the Spirit, spam 2 or 3 Brand of the Sun followed by some Astral Seals to rebuild back to full divinity and then repeat as needed.

    Using this rotation I can keep a group alive and dog piled on top of Dracolich and epic version of Garakas which are the biggest boss challenges my group has been able to attempt so far (still waiting on some of our usuals to finish unlocking eLoL).

    I could go into gear but the longer I spend typing all this, the more I feel no one really cares anyway :/
    Member of Look Good Play Good
    Pup - Level 70 4.2k Buff/Debuff AC DC
    XBL GT: TehPuppy
  • blessednirvanablessednirvana Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Hence, I noticed that many of the posts on here are for PvE, I feel abliged to post my PvP spec DC DO.

    At-Wills: Astral Seal/Other depending on preference.
    Encounters: BoH, Astral Shield and Divine Glow, I will go in depth with these later.
    Dailys: Hallowed Ground/Preference.

    At-Wills are fairly generic, all you really need is astral seal and another At-Will after you have cast it, I am using Lance of Faith currently due to the short casting time, and don't care about DPS

    My encounter set-up is fairly generic, however I fell that some do not understand why they are running some of these powers. Divine glow is an over time heal (without AotD) triggering foresight. This in turn gives an 6% Buff/or 11% With feat, in turn DG gives 26% DR with foresight for 6 seconds, and can be bumped to 31% with the Have Faith Feat. (Have Faith only works however without AotD) BoH is the best hard heal in the game and Hard Heals are better than HoT for healing in PvP and BoH is my only pure heal. AShield gives another 30% DR, unempowered. So, therefore, these powers give significant DR, which is even better in PvP as tenacity acts as a DR mulitplier.

    Finally, Hallowed Ground is the obvious choice in my opinion as a main daily for my specific build, giving more buffs and debuffs, and alowing you to tank more on a point.

    If you have any other questions message me: Gaia@Blessed Nirvana
    Divine Oracle Devoted Cleric
    Gaia@Blessed Nirvana - Tenacity
  • majordogmeatmajordogmeat Member Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited May 2015

    My encounter set-up is fairly generic, however I fell that some do not understand why they are running some of these powers. Divine Glow is an over time heal, triggering foresight. This in turn gives an 11% Buff/or 16% With feat, in turn DG gives 31% DR for 6 seconds, and can be bumped to 36% with the Have Faith Feat.

    Encounter Power: Divine Glow = 10% DR
    Feat: Have Faith = up to 5% DR
    Total = 15%

    Passive Power: Foresight = 6% DR
    Feat: Benefit of Foresight = up to 5% DR
    Total = 11%

    Combined = 26%

    You may have carried the 1, 1 too many times.

    Also, I am concerned that the "Have Faith" feat does not work if you are slotted with Agent of the Divine, which turns off all HoTs. Some testing is required.
  • blessednirvanablessednirvana Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Encounter Power: Divine Glow = 10% DR
    Feat: Have Faith = up to 5% DR
    Total = 15%

    Passive Power: Foresight = 6% DR
    Feat: Benefit of Foresight = up to 5% DR
    Total = 11%

    Combined = 26%

    You may have carried the 1, 1 too many times.

    Also, I am concerned that the "Have Faith" feat does not work if you are slotted with Agent of the Divine, which turns off all HoTs. Some testing is required.

    AotD does does turn of HoT with DG, and you are right, I carried 5%, you can get to 26%, not 36. I have edited my previous post, thanks.
    Divine Oracle Devoted Cleric
    Gaia@Blessed Nirvana - Tenacity
  • stonelotusstonelotus Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Currently running a Dragonborn Anointed Champion (Faithful) and enjoying the hell out of the build.

    Personal: Divine Fortune (divine spamming) & Anointed Holy Symbol (temp hp from divine encounter use) or Holy Fervor (spam Divine Glow for AP gain as it effects attacks only if I'm not mistake)
    At Will: Astral Seal and Blessing of Battle (divine builder, damage res+ and feat for power+ nearby allies)
    Encounter: Astral Shield, Divine Glow and Bastion of Health (or Forgemaster's Flame for Damage Buff when Empowered if group is doing well)
    Daily: Divine Armor (temp HP and damage res) and Anointed Army (damage buff)

    Pretty new to T1 dungeon's, but doing very well. Usually run with one or two friends, and the ability to buff damage through Forgemaster's and Anointed Army, while debuffing with Divine Glow seems to work very well. If the group is requiring more active healing, or having some wtf moments I will put BoH in and get people to cluster on me. I like the Blessing of Battle for At Wills after Astral Seal is applied. I try to stay close enough to front line that they benefit from it. Most of the time I am triple casting Blessing of Battle, switching to divine powered Divine Glow for three strikes, then dropping alternating empowered Astral Shields and Forgemasters/Bastion.

    It's worked so well for me, I actually forgot I can use divine powered Astral Seal for focused healing (feat for direct heal to hit close allies for 20%) until tonight. Every once and a while it seems I get a GWF that thinks he is invincible and can DPS everything before the group arrives. I always try to save the stupid ones, I break rank and my rotations trying save him and things crumble a bit. Sometimes I just need to let natural selection take place LoL

    Any feedback or advice appreciated. Here's the build
  • majordogmeatmajordogmeat Member Posts: 51 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    stonelotus wrote: »

    You probably have figured out that you can pre-buff your team with a heal prior to entering combat.

    I see that you have a max of 15%(DG) + 30%(AS) +BoB damage mitigation in your team buffing. (You lose Foresight as an AC) I am surprised you didn't get Exaltation for that 10 second 6% to 26% damage mit (Depending on how its feated and cast). So, I assume that Recovery would be your friend as you would need to sustain heals and damage mit in the late game more so that a similar DO build.

    I believe in Damage Mitigation over Healing in late game. The key with Damage Mitigation is that it has to be sustained overtime. On paper you have a burst of 45-52%. But only if they stand inside AS. One red dot in the AS and people have to run for it and have lost the 30% damage mit. On the average I assume your turn around on AS is 9 to 10 seconds and bastion is close to 12ish. I like having that third damage mit (Exaltation) to bridge the gaps on my cooldown.

    My reason is that healing only works if they are alive. If a teammate gets one shotted by a 40k hit, then all the healing in the world isn't going to save them. But if you cut that hit down to 20k they might have a chance and healing can be used to get them back up. As for the issue with Recovery it has a steep diminishing return according to the gospel of Kaelac.

    On the other hand, your individual survivability is probably much higher than that of a similar DO if you are running your Annointed Passives. You are probably a pain in the *** in PvP. Just have your team hold position 1 and 2 and you can harass position 3 (Would take 2 to 3 people to drop you if you play well). Or you could hold 2 and send everyone else to 3 and repinch 1 if someone slips by.

    My main is a Divine Oracle and I am running an AC Alt. The AC is a heal overtime and mitigation Virtuous build (Exaltation 26% + Divine Glow 20% + Astral Shield 30% + BoB). I can sustain 2 of the 3 encounter damage mits at all times + BoB, and in a pinch Hallowed Ground for another 20%. I call it the "Why can't I die?" build. Yes, I run without Bastion of Healing, I use Divine Divine Glow and Astral Seal for my regen casts and rely heavily on other peoples ability to life tap and stay off the red spots.

    If everyone remains tightly grouped and follows the tank, no one gets hurt and I don't have to air guitar over your corpse.
  • monktoastymonktoasty Member Posts: 117 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Solo - divine glow/sunburst/daunting lifht

    Group divine glow/sunburst/bastion of health

    How anyone can survive a dungeon without sunburst is beyond me, maybe im to squishy but if I dont have it all the millions of adds kill me

    Not that sunburst works all that well..doesnt even.give a full second before the adds are back on you
  • reallyreconreallyrecon Member Posts: 170 Bounty Hunter
    edited May 2015
    monktoasty wrote: »
    Solo - divine glow/sunburst/daunting lifht

    Group divine glow/sunburst/bastion of health

    How anyone can survive a dungeon without sunburst is beyond me, maybe im to squishy but if I dont have it all the millions of adds kill me

    Not that sunburst works all that well..doesnt even.give a full second before the adds are back on you

    Replace Sun Burst with Astral Shield, use it, then sit inside of it doing pushups while everything hits you for 0 damage.
    Recon - 60 Cleric
    Gamertag: ReallyRecon
  • yllenyllen Member Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Replace Sun Burst with Astral Shield, use it, then sit inside of it doing pushups while everything hits you for 0 damage.

    Hehe. Pretty much this. However I don't generally have Astral Shield on my bar for soloing. Unless I get to some kind of mini-boss.
    I still rely *a lot* on Chains of Blazing Light, so lock mobs in place. Then I can cast Divine Glow on them all and pretty much they are all dead. COBL is useless when you are a mini-boss though, so I switch it out for AS, which gives me a bit more protection due to them generally hitting a lot harder.

    Sounds like you are treating the symptom, not the cause though. If you have aggro from a load of mobs, the solution is not to generate more aggro. The solution is to give it to someone else!

    On the few occasions I do get aggro, I generally try to kite the mobs around the place using dodge rather than trying to DPS them down.

    Curious as to how it is you are generating and keeping so much aggro. Are you attacking first before the rest of the group is ready?
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