The main issue for me is how unresponsive and bugged our guard actually is. I was in elol today and a red aoe appered on me, ok so gf moves slow so I wouldn't have been able to outrun it so I tried to lift guard but nope, it took so long that the aoe hit before my shield would raise.
Guard should activate faster I think. I have no issue with the difficulty but I really don't like some things about gf class. Most other classes have an effective escape that is quite easy and quick to use and I would prefer one on gf if our guard is gonna stay like this. I already posted a list of bugs in mod 5 and our guard still isn't fixed

My main issues are
-Guard activates way too slow
-Guard is buggy and can sometimes not block cc and can drop for no reason, and rarly sometimes just doesn't active at all.
-some of our skills activation times are a bit much and the time we spend sitting there casting them is time we could be dying. But I would be fine with this if shield worked good.
I'm quite happy with the gf class atm and have no issue with the games difficulty but I wish some small tweaks could be made to guardian fighters not to make them stronger but to make the class a little faster and more responsive.
how about just fix mobs hitting for 300k-1million+ (obviously not intended)
How about playing with a healer that doesn't try to buff like a mad man or dps like a mod 5 cleric? How about not standing in red like my chicken during dungeons? You're smarter than my chicken aren't you? :cool:
So its decided, swords for everyone!
I don't think I'm a chicken o.0 but yeah if you had taken the time to read my post you would know what I was on about. You could be the best player. Red cirlces don't stay there, they just appear and as a gf if its a big aoe right under your feet you just can't outrun it because we are slow and our guard lifts slowly too so = death.
All they have to do is make guard responsive not like our shield is asleep lol.
Why would you want a sword when you can stay at distance and cc everyone o.0 ? but if you find a way to switch pm me and I I'll gladly give up my sword
As I said I have no issue with mobs or there dmg, my issue is about the gf alone, and it's inability to have fast reactions and instead just stand still doing nothing while I'm pressing my guard button. seriously, it takes so long to react
No, no, no its not a choice. I want to stay at a distance and cc everyone WHILE holding a sword. Anything else would be just plain silly.
Oh ok now I get it
As a GF or Paladin you must face your raised shield towards the center of the AOE (yes this can be hard to pull of at times but is the only way to get it to block the damage or other effect). Agreed that the response time can be stupid slow, and in the case of the Paladin bugged to where raising shield doesn't actually do anything. Hopefully both will be addressed before too long.
1. Allow the raising of the shield to act as a toggle, if so desired, (one press to raise shield, a second press to lower it).
2. Add a brief immune period, where it acts as if the shield is raised, even though the act of raising the shield is still animating - this would alleviate issues due to lag or issues with red areas or enemy animations not animating/displaying.
3. Provide GFs with a run speed buff that is inversely proportional to how much of their stamina bar remains - perhaps capping at a 20% speed buff when it's empty.
"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
Gf is my only char and I have been playing a long time. it's nothing to do with skill, I know exactly how to defend against aoe, what I'm saying is that sometimes shield raises so slowly no matter how skilled you are or if you had perfect reflexes you still die because your guard just does not lift in time. I have tested it a lot and it's a big issue for me, in pvp and pve
Add that with guards other problems and bugs then it's a real issue. The more annoying thing though is that this issue and some of blocks well known bugs was reported by myself and many other gf's in mod 5 but they wasn't fixed.
I like the immune period idea and stamina but I don't think we need buffs atm and then that would probably lead to nerfs and more problems unfortunatly.
I honestly think just making guard almost instant activate would solve so many issues without making us stronger. But also like I said, guard can sometimes drop for no reason, not even lift at all and soemtimes cc can go through it. These arent 100% of the time though even if they are annoying, but the fact that our shields raise so slowly really bothers me and I know my fellow gf's I play with feel the same.
Just think, when rogue, cw or hr does there dodge is it not instant ? If you hit them it says "dodged" even before there char does the action, so it's responsive but gf shield takes way too long and sometimes more than usual.
WTB Class Reroll please
It's not all the time. Depends what enemies attack it is. but some are simply faster than gf shield activation and I find it frustrating.
There is some that are so small you can just walk out of the way. Others that are slow and you can guard in time, but some that go off faster than a gf can raise his shield, it shouldn't be like this.
It isn't just the slowness. Sometimes it won't even activate even when the animation kicks in. Your toon raises shield, the stamina bar doesn't move and you eat 100% of the damage. It also drops for no reason sometimes, so you block then the next second you are being battered while holding shift.
Shield is problematic.
That's latency again, when the shield is dropped for no reason.
The game always had a some lag for me. Just like any game with US based server. There is similar pattern - one group of players can play comfortably with low ping, it works to their advantage, another group has 5-15% longer cool-downs and activation time periods and these are under-performing. No dev takes it into account and no plans for EU players for own server. So pretty much every discussion about timing mechanics can be concluded "it works fine for me".
— (The unwritten rule)
But there are also many others that takes ages to perform - I'm looking at you Iron Warrior...
At least Enforced Threat was tweaked, although I must say that at it's current "cast speed" it looks really funny
A proud member of "mythical horde of DPS GFs"
1). Is SW more dps or tank based?
2). Yes. I am panzer!
3). Get ACT if you want to celebrate your epeen.
4). Horniness will not stand between me and what I believe - "MM"
— (The unwritten rule)
Been in eLoL yesterday and while dealing with scorpions I had to raise a shield (to block imminent death attack) just to cancel animation of certain skills.
So, again, it's not about the interrupt. Of course you can still finish the animation and die during it's cast time
But to be fair, much depends on timing, if you're just pushing buttons w/o actually looking at the mob and knowing when it will make a hit - you will die.
And I'm not saying this to brag, it's just how it is - especially in the times of Mod6.
A proud member of "mythical horde of DPS GFs"
1). Is SW more dps or tank based?
2). Yes. I am panzer!
3). Get ACT if you want to celebrate your epeen.
4). Horniness will not stand between me and what I believe - "MM"
this is kinda an old problem with a slow block from Gf's i just pretty much keep that button pressed when facing bosses on my GF, but havn't played it in mod 6 yet. Its my next class to level threw the EE zones.