I swear this will likely look better as time goes on, and will pick up soon. This is just going to be some backstory of my character Nashira Goodhope. I'm hoping to get a page every week or so, if not more often, but I'm not making any hard promises because I'm disabled (chronic pain ftl) and stuff may come up. So don't really expect miracles here (or backgrounds LOL)
Anyway, I just completed the first page so I thought I should post it. Page 2's coming soon!
Years ago, at a temple dedicated to nuns of Kelemvor...


Tonight's entry is the 'cover' now that we're done with the prologue. This is kind of a stand-in until I can think of anything better, but it should be ample reason in why I don't do backgrounds...
(Adopting a one-page-per-post scheme if that's ok, mods, just to make it more obvious when I've updated.)
Locksheon Gaming
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