rush spinward, if you run out of quests there go fiery, though there is a rare weapon as a reward for first set of repeatable quests(if you dont have an artifact weapon)
OR get the required resources and do the ToD task to get your arti mainhand
urlord283Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,084Arc User
edited April 2015
Ok... I am lost...
How do you complete a zone?
How do you know what you must do?
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
edited April 2015
You repeat a bunch of tasks until you're levelled enough to go repeat a bunch of tasks in another zone. There is no campaign and not much of a unifying storyline or conclusion.
To "complete the zone" you do all of the non-repeatable quests there. These show up with yellow titles from the quest givers.
In the Elemental Evil zones, some of the non-repeatable quests have you do a certain number of repeatable quests in order to complete them. There is then a non-repeatable quest to go to a new area of the map which triggers a non-repeatable quest to do more repeatable ones. This eventually leads to a non-repeatable quest that gives you a seed to take back to Protector's Enclave. At that point, you have "completed the zone".
You repeat a bunch of tasks until you're levelled enough to go repeat a bunch of tasks in another zone. There is no campaign and not much of a unifying storyline or conclusion.
still its much better than the old campaigns and daily quests
- Enter new Zone fo the first time
=> Meet first segment's quest hub / switchboard Person. talk to her or him.
=> do 16 repeatable "Vigilance" quests handed out by people around that campfire.
=> Capstone Quest is unlocked. Referral to the next segment's questgiver person at the next campfire further down on the same map.
=> Complete said quest.
=> go to said person, rinse, repeat.
Occcasionally you'll be referred to new maps - IDK for certain whether this is Level triggered or quest progress triggered yet. Either way, the Segment Capstones are what unlocks your Artifact Weapon Requisition Qualification Writ. :^)
obsiddiaMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,025Arc User
edited April 2015
Do the high end HE's have any interesting drop items, at least?
(Curious if this is all pointless other than the change of monsters.)
Did you really think anyone could steal the power of the god of thieves?
you only NEED to complete spinward rise to get your main hand do all 3 sections and you get it as a reward. otherwise the rest is useless.
My god. 36 quests in Lagward Rise?
PSA: You don't need to grind Spinward Rise for your Elemental artifact main hand if you have some AD lying around. You can craft it via the Tyranny of Dragon's campaign screen.
- Enter new Zone fo the first time
=> Meet first segment's quest hub / switchboard Person. talk to her or him. => do 16 repeatable "Vigilance" quests handed out by people around that campfire.
=> Capstone Quest is unlocked. Referral to the next segment's questgiver person at the next campfire further down on the same map.
=> Complete said quest.
=> go to said person, rinse, repeat.
Occcasionally you'll be referred to new maps - IDK for certain whether this is Level triggered or quest progress triggered yet. Either way, the Segment Capstones are what unlocks your Artifact Weapon Requisition Qualification Writ. :^)
BIB: I have been doing those quests for the past few days but according to my quest log i've only done 3
How do you complete a zone?
How do you know what you must do?
Neverwinter Census 2017
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To "complete the zone" you do all of the non-repeatable quests there. These show up with yellow titles from the quest givers.
In the Elemental Evil zones, some of the non-repeatable quests have you do a certain number of repeatable quests in order to complete them. There is then a non-repeatable quest to go to a new area of the map which triggers a non-repeatable quest to do more repeatable ones. This eventually leads to a non-repeatable quest that gives you a seed to take back to Protector's Enclave. At that point, you have "completed the zone".
still its much better than the old campaigns and daily quests
The FOTM pattern is:
- Enter new Zone fo the first time
=> Meet first segment's quest hub / switchboard Person. talk to her or him.
=> do 16 repeatable "Vigilance" quests handed out by people around that campfire.
=> Capstone Quest is unlocked. Referral to the next segment's questgiver person at the next campfire further down on the same map.
=> Complete said quest.
=> go to said person, rinse, repeat.
Occcasionally you'll be referred to new maps - IDK for certain whether this is Level triggered or quest progress triggered yet. Either way, the Segment Capstones are what unlocks your Artifact Weapon Requisition Qualification Writ. :^)
(Curious if this is all pointless other than the change of monsters.)
You will get a Rank 5 enchant or runestone, and some green gear, most of the time.
My god. 36 quests in Lagward Rise?
BIB: I have been doing those quests for the past few days but according to my quest log i've only done 3