Now, after 12 hours from Mod6 start, I'm behind 5 invocation, 3 of them was Level 1 (with coins!!!) an 2 Level 2.
I think invocation counter resets every hour, not only once a day!
Do I really should think about starting a bot that will perform invocations every hour (24h/day)?
It should give me 24 coins/day == 2 coffers/day
i dont like this new invoke format, it seem "forced" to play and stay log for 5-6 hours and my doctor warned me not to exceed 2 hours without breaktimes and go out walking.
it is no longer alt-friendly since Shandalar, Dread, and Icewind, dragon made them unplayable for alts who trying catching up with main character, now i cant get that artifact that required 2 alts with set of boons to unlock.
i agreed with you, it shouldnt reset within few hours, should had reset once in 24 hours timer if not used.
So you should be able to take a break between invocations.
BTW. 6th invocation behind me - 4th lvl 1 - I have 1 alt with 10 coins now (before 1th invocation counter reset after mod6)
(10 coins = 6 pre mod6 + 4 (FOUR) after mod6 )
The invoking system is resetting practically continuously. I have PERSONALLY now had a reset at 2100 hours PST Apr 7, noticed a reset after 0000 hours PST on Apr 8, and yet ANOTHER reset at 0200 hours on Apr 8.
And now I have seen a THIRD RESET on my last three toons, at about 0240 hours.
For clarity, at midnight and just now the invoke had totally reset to START on all of my toons. So as a result not only am I losing progress in the invoking cycle, which I believe is against the intent of the new system, I have also picked up 2 extra celestial coins.
From Path Notes:
"The Invocation day resets when daily quests reset, allowing players to begin Invoking anew."
Doesn't work. :P
I knew we were close to Daily reset so I was doing a bit more testing so I could write up a bug report. Seems like when it hit 12:00 (noon) here, they stopped resetting in the middle of my invocation chain - so most of them got 4 rank 1 invocations, about 7 of them got 3 rank 1s and had 5 minutes left until rank 2 when I logged onto them. I guess we'll see where everyone is at when the timers run out again in a few minutes.
Weird i just logged into the game, after not being online for 12-13 hours and i was still at step 4 in my invocation process??
Spent money to buy ZEN to purchase character slots? Bad idea because now if you have any more than just a couple of characters by the time you get all of your characters invoked - it's time to do it again... forget about actually playing Neverwinter.
I thought it was bad when everyone was FORCED to invoke once every 24 hours or lose your coins... now the PTB's wants everyone to invoke 6 times a day and on a set schedule. Everybody needs to quit their jobs and move into their parents basement, and forget about anything resembling a real life, all we are going to have time to do is invoke.
Oh yeah and spending money to buy ZEN to purchase armor or weapons from the ZEN Market, another bad idea because even if you bought the best and most expensive stuff available, its now obsolete!
Better spend some more real money to buy some ZEN so you can get more weapons and armor... FORGET THAT, I've learned my lesson.
I'm not spending another single penny more, just to have half of what I buy made obsolute within a few months because someone got the brilliant idea of raising the level caps, making the bad guys stronger and didn't provide a way to upgrade the armor you already purchased.
Managed one full invocation cycle before this behavior started.
If this is still an issue after maintenance today, please make a new thread on the issue. Thanks!
Safe travels,
Archmage Zebular of Mystryl
PWE Community Moderator
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