Said it all day yesterday. 4 hour scheduled maint = 6+ hours of unscheduled maint. but now I see I was even wrong about that. We will be lucky to play at all today.:(
Said it all day yesterday. 4 hour scheduled maint = 6+ hours of unscheduled maint. but now I see I was even wrong about that. We will be lucky to play at all today.:(
hey now.. hey now.. let's not get crazy.... ain't no body got time for that..
Hmm... So that's how it works, not so different than the games I've played before. Only thing I don't understand is why people are so eager to protect company/devs? What's wrong with that we expect game will be up and running in promised time?
you know i've been thinking, since there will no doubt be problems when we all start to hit 70, what if the ad costs of stuff was removed in preview for preview only so we can you know actually test stuff instead of the thought people have to grind and grind to get it and it not count since its ONLY preview and they gotta regrind when it goes live?
on topic, take your time, neverwinter nights just got interesting again, will i beat morag as a shifter druid or will i just flop.
Disclaimer: I sincerely hope that this won't be taken the wrong way by the powers that be.
That being said, the people doing these upgrades and maintenances and emergency downtimes, etc. are throwing Akro under the bus, sort of. He gives us an approximate length of downtime and time after time is made to appear like the boy who cried "wolf" because he has to throw in the almost inevitable "we've encountered some unexpected blah blah", to the point where now it's not even unexpected. It's expected. So he's the PR guy that has to inform the grumbling masses that once again the estimate he gave us was inaccurate or couldn't be relied upon. I honestly feel for ya, Akro, and if I were you, I'd stop giving estimates on time if the crew can't deliver a little better. There's no reason your integrity should be brought into question for other peoples' shortfalls. Honestly, at this point, I don't believe the estimates when they come out at all. Occasionally they're accurate, and rarely even a little on the long side, but so, so often, we have this situation, which, in the end, probably (and very unfortunately) just erodes our trust in the word of the powers that be. Perhaps I shouldn't speak for others, so I'll simply say that's what it does for me. I expect downtimes to always run long, because, as I said, the "unexpected" stuff has become expected.
It reminds me of when my Dad used to fix things on my car, he'd always say something like "Oh, it shouldn't take long, maybe just a couple hours." and then two days would disappear. I always appreciated the work he did, believe me, but I came to know whatever estimate of time he gave me was going to be irresponsibly optimistic. Be well, devs, do well, and thank you very much for all that you do. But enough with the tall tales, please. Optimism isn't a bad thing, but at some point, you have to temper it with realism, and we all know how these things go with the time estimates by now.
Akro, I expect you to dye your hair pretty colors (again) for us, after this delay. *shakes fist*
for as long as devs want, pls have some patience
Another 2hrs.
until the Server Status light is green
hey now.. hey now.. let's not get crazy.... ain't no body got time for that..
Think that's 3:30 pm for us on the east coast
yup.. add 4hrs to the time
We will be performing shard maintenance on April 7th from 6-10 AM Pacific (13:00-17:00 UTC). Please check the forums.
♪ ♪ ♫ ♪
You don't have to put on the red light
You don't have to put on the red light
on topic, take your time, neverwinter nights just got interesting again, will i beat morag as a shifter druid or will i just flop.
Quixaltic Guild Leader
GH20, pm for inv
Sorry, I meant the 12:30 pm PDT is 3:30 pm for us on the east coast
or a beer
SWEET!! Guess that means the time is now beer:30
That being said, the people doing these upgrades and maintenances and emergency downtimes, etc. are throwing Akro under the bus, sort of. He gives us an approximate length of downtime and time after time is made to appear like the boy who cried "wolf" because he has to throw in the almost inevitable "we've encountered some unexpected blah blah", to the point where now it's not even unexpected. It's expected. So he's the PR guy that has to inform the grumbling masses that once again the estimate he gave us was inaccurate or couldn't be relied upon. I honestly feel for ya, Akro, and if I were you, I'd stop giving estimates on time if the crew can't deliver a little better. There's no reason your integrity should be brought into question for other peoples' shortfalls. Honestly, at this point, I don't believe the estimates when they come out at all. Occasionally they're accurate, and rarely even a little on the long side, but so, so often, we have this situation, which, in the end, probably (and very unfortunately) just erodes our trust in the word of the powers that be. Perhaps I shouldn't speak for others, so I'll simply say that's what it does for me. I expect downtimes to always run long, because, as I said, the "unexpected" stuff has become expected.
It reminds me of when my Dad used to fix things on my car, he'd always say something like "Oh, it shouldn't take long, maybe just a couple hours." and then two days would disappear. I always appreciated the work he did, believe me, but I came to know whatever estimate of time he gave me was going to be irresponsibly optimistic.