the only things I've ever bought is character slots, one costume, and Zen for a respec token so far. Never going to buy anything for the endless hole that is RP refining.
Well after reading all the posts from page #1 to last post here (currently) bottom of the last page post #36, I agree 50% with half of them and disagree 50% with the other 50% lol :P
But on a more serious note, with (almost) all jokes aside I have been a Cryptic game/franchise enthusiast and cash paying/supporting customer since Cryptic's CoH came out of closed beta back in 2004, I was a hard core & hooked on the Cryptic CoH/CoV franchise enthusiast with a max character population of 50 characters all lvl50's with well over $500.00 u.s.d. invested in to the franchise via a combination of monthly payments and the C-Store micro transaction purchases.
2007 I then followed Cryptic when they split off from NcSoft and Paragon to do their own thing e.i. [Champion's Online].
I was an Early (signed up for the pre-order STO closed beta test) Bird Special, then started and completed the CO closed beta tests for a rewarded of a guaranteed spot in the STO and started the closed beta tests
2009 started my retail paid sub STO account
2010 Cryptic STO Lifetime Subscription Account aka [LTSA] for an additional $299.99 u.s.d.
I was for a short time a HAPPY AS A CLAM STO LTSA CUSTOMER, until that infamous day that Atari announced that they had put Cryptic's CO & STO up for public auction and Perfect World International a Beijing China based mmorpg/fps game developer/publisher corporation; offered a whooping $50,000,000 Million Dollars U.S.D. buyout and takeover of all Cryptic Software assets and mmorpg games and formed what we all now know and love Perfect World Entertainment and then later implemented the now as we know and love the current business model of the award winning Free to Play Account System.
((/emote: Grinds teeth, bits lip, shakes off a chill n shivers.))
We all tried to Get over the bad feeling that we all just been GIBBS-SLAPPED in the back of the head and beat over the bottoms of our feets with big old wet chinese egg noodle LOL :P. BUT! We kept our collective chins up and stiff upper lips and marched on like good little Cryptic Champion's Super Hero's and Star Trek Starfleet Officers and We Kept the Faith through all the mud, the much and mier.
2013 (3x years later with 9x lvl 50's characters, 3x of each faction, 3x of each class/role with an average minimum of $100.00 u.s.d. invested per character for an estimated round-about (sub-total $900.00 (total $1,699) u.s.d.)
2013. I so desperately needed a break from science fiction futuristic alternate timeline version of STO's Major game changing Module 7 aka Legacy of Romulus aka LoR and signed up for the up and coming new and shiny mmorpg based on the legendary fantasy fiction D&D-ed4 based
June 2013 started Neverwinter Online closed beta test;
I loved it so much I all but abandoned both of my CO & STO game/characters for the last 21+ months to focus primarily on D&DNO. Currently 7 level 60's characters with a min of $100.00 u.s.d. invested on each characters as in PWE/Cryptic ZEN and ZEN Market purchases of game items and services estimated around about $700.00 u.s.d.
Total lifetime Cryptic games franchise accounts monetary investment to date estimated to be about or around $2,399.00 u.s.d.
Currently I estimated my account lifetime: (84 months aka 7 years) of an average of $25-$50 u.s.d. per month invested into account across 3x Cryptic games CO/STO/D&DNO estimated to be around or about an average of $2,100.00 u.s.d. to $4,200 u.s.d.
And time marches on to present date, well then so here we are 7 years later and after rendering my very blood, sweat, tears, time and investing my hard earned money into the Cryptic Franchise as well as enduring time and time again so many major game changes to the very core of the Cryptic games basic and advanced player/characters class, role, powers, gear, items, mechanics and dynamics across all 3x Cryptic games.
I have finally come to the end of my rope of hope, goodwill, tolerance and patience after enduring what seems to me to be a non stop and overwhelming greed driven steamroller type games economics systems thanks to PWI/PWE/Cryptics uncouth and relentless business tactics and strategies of repeatedly making major changes to the games, so that us good and faithful cash paying customers current characters are beaten, battered and left for dead on the side of the road. So PWI/PWE/Cryptic in the name of forever keeping a ongoing progression of the games, always moving forwards and onward in it's never ending R&D advancement of focusing and targeting in on that **** infamous class balancing but keep the game challenging and interesting conundrum.
While we all suffer the grief and aggravation of the never ending flood of 3rd party black marketing websites hawking their hacker scams trying to sell neiv newbie players illicitly ill gotten scammed game items, resources and currencies or how about all of us legitimate cash paying customer players characters trying to have legitimate game related information (none trolling, non spamming) conversation in the default game chat channels as well as the custom made chat channels who get repeatedly and unjustly accosted with the infamous automated anti-spam algorithm software that implements a 24 hour silence/mute on all chat channels in PWE/Cryptic/Arc/Games.
After this happened to my account several times I filled out a GM HELP Ticket and waited the average 7 to 10 days for a e-mail reply just to get some vague automated generalized message stating that all PWE/Cryptic customer support team members for account billing and technical support issues were currently backlogged but have been made aware of the issue/problem you have reported.
waiting 7 to 10 more days then I started to aggressively reply with daily additional email replies stating I have been receiving these account wide chat silence/mute 24hrs penalties every other 24 hour server day reset 4 times in 7 days for going on 3 weeks this was obviously some player or group of players abusing the chat systems /report spam & /ignore player system. finally after the 7th time I emailed/replied emailed the PWE/Cryptic customer service, I received a personal email from one of the department heads (and to be respectful and polite I will not mentioned any names) The customer support rep stated that he/she had review all of my e-mails with screen shots of chat window at 100% expanded to show a sold 5min worth of channel chat text showing my text game replayed information conversation with other players, showing without any doubt that their was no filthy, foul, obscene, obnoxious, belligerent or in any way hostile text verbiage or intent of any of my text verbiage conversation and that none of it was in any way in violation of any of the EULA, Terms of Service, Player Code of Conduct Rules and Regulations and that to the best of their ability to discern what may be causing this repeated 24 hour chat silence/muting was that I was type to fast at or over 120+ words a minute. IMHO 120 words per minute is not a super speedy fast typing skills set
My wife can type **** near twice as fast and she doesn't need to pause to use spell checker online every sentence I like sometimes have to do lol :P Anyways, I am just an average one finger chicken pecking 300lbs Gorilla abusing the keyboard and the games chat and this is why my account chat was tripping/causing the automated system to engage, OK NOW JUST HOLD ON ONE DARN MINUTE HERE STOP!
Please forgive my ignorance that seems to be empowering my stupidity and merely confirming my utter and total idiocy lol :P
OK I WIN! and PWI/PWE/Cryptic you lose one Cash Paying Lifetime Average Between $2,100.00 u.s.d. to $4,200 u.s.d. Customer.
I hereby surrender my formerly known as (ridiculed and despised by the fee to play non paying player/character community population) as being a well known armed and dangerous wallet-warrior-credit-card-confederate. I officially as of the implementation and launch of the new Mod6 patch/update major game changes on 7 April 2015. I herby so solemnly swear to never again spend one u.s.d. on any of the PWI/PWE/Cryptic/Arc/Games ZEN based currency systems and to forever more hold my head high, standing proud while endeavoring to endeavor and overcome all temptations to spend/invest any more of my hard earned blood, sweat and tears IRL money u.s.d. into PWI/PWE/Cryptic ZEN & ZEN Market Systems. To always and forever more be endlessly bowed face and eyes down and prostrated ever so humbly whilst working ever so diligently to 100% free to play 100% free farm grind ten times harder than ever before as a 100% Free to Play slacker, moocher, gimme gimme it all 100% free lowlife, scumbag, game resource, game currency leecher until PWI/PWE/Cryptic closes the game clients of CO, STO, and D&DNO and fips the power switch off and power down the servers for the last time and forever more so mote it be by eternal gods of the mmorpg gaming cosmos.
OK Rant Over LOL :P
The End
Good to know but the real point I was trying to make is this: the game is a business, that business needs to make money to ensure further development, thriving virtual world etc. If they fail to sell there is no future. I have money for games allocated in my budget and Ive spent alot of them on Neverwinter. Im also with the game since the start ( this forum account is my 2nd) but truth is right now I dont feel like buying anything from them. There is no point to buy anything. I cant speak for other people but if that notion is widespread the game goes bye bye. They must figure out how to sell, how to make customers happy. So far they've been producing equal frustration and enjoyment. Just take a look at the feedback threads
Yeah I am in the same boat, in the past never worried about supporting the game but with how many times they nerf things its hard to want to support them.
Part of the catch 22 is, noone supports them, profits hurt then they have to try and FORCE support (artifact equipment anyone) leads to less support ETC.
They need to strike a healthy balance. As such probably the BEST thing they can offer that will help profits a bit:
- All transmutes now require 100 zen instead of AD. Boosts zen sales.
- Artifact Equipment needs to have its prices (for RP) slashed ALOT!
I started to aggressively reply with daily additional email replies stating I have been receiving these account wide chat silence/mute 24hrs penalties every other 24 hour server day reset 4 times in 7 days for going on 3 weeks this was obviously some player or group of players abusing the chat systems /report spam & /ignore player system.
Lol its norisman again.. wall of text yo~
Perhaps if you were not spamming annoying stuff about how much money you spend and how awesome you internetz / PC is and how effin mega pro you are when the truth is.. you are not o , o , nobody would of put you on ignore or report for spam. You do it every single day on WoD / PE zone chat, if I ever see you saying anything, its either how much $ you spent in game, how awesome internetz you got or how fast your computer is or some general class related spam which is far from spot on.
Feel sorry for you since you are simply... lonely old git in you dead guild looking for attention in zone chat.
I imagine about 50% of player base got you on their ignore list.
This is not your lawn, nobody cares how shiny is your car. Get real.
Well, I just did a Tiamat run for the first time in like a month. Even tho it was on a Legit timer I saw that people still stand near the clerics, there is zero aggro management ( ranged folks just shoot at everything creating chaos, when a single tank can easily control all adds into 1 cluster where they'll be easily handled ). People still over-dps the heads and most importantly people still dont use all gems, or just spam gem on top of gem without thinking. We beat Tia of course because of overwhelming dps but I felt pretty stupid the whole time ( the fps drop didnt help either ).
So, perhaps moving the difficulty slider to near impossible is indeed what we need. I know Im tired of braindead gameplay.
In that regard Ive decided to just accept Mod 6 with all its flaws ( and they are many ) without getting pissed at Cryptic.
Despite that my main is getting a nerf ( GWF in case you're wondering ), despite the non-existent class balance, despite the lack of response to our feedback, despite the ridiculos prices the new bis is hidden behind.
Im giving Cryptic a vote of confidence once more, they can do some major work in time for the first mod 6 patch. Maybe even fix some of the glaring issues we have reported over and over again. But here's the catch, you guys are not making me want to spend any money, quite the contrary. So, you better get your **** together.
They can adjust the difficulty level as high as they want, it's not going to change anything.
Because brain-dead mechanism makes for brain-dead game play.
silverkeltMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,235Arc User
Right there with you guys. There are so few things of actual value in the Zen Store. They just can't get it through their heads that volume trumps Gross Profit. GP is important, but without volume you are out of business.
Looking at how AMAZING the paladin class features are makes me want to plead for a Full heroic feat / encounter / class feature patch in the future. If they spent a reasonable amount on time on a balance patch, It'd really freshen up the game. also people would probably spend money on racererolls to reroll ability scores etc.
I totally agree with the volume > GP debate up there. If they reduced the cost of zen items by 25-30% . they'd probably sell far more stuff more consistently. Keys down to 75 each (700 for 10) coals down to 750 each. mounts can stay at the same price level as they are account wide, bags down 25-30%. race reroll down to 1k. A huge price rescaling might cause some outcry from people who paid original prices. but I don't think people will stop spending money if prices are DROPPING to a more affordable level, if anything they'd spend MORE. I already am a sucker when it comes to keys, but I'd probably have to hide my credit card if they were 75 each.
Eventually I'm hoping they will also be able to lower some of the AD-Sink's in campaigns and such once enough of the exploit AD is banished from the game. maybe by mod 9-10 or so.
I saw in the patch notes that sharandar had some of its lower tasks made cheaper? can anyone elaborate what they reduced there? it really interests me as sharandar was always a campaign I avoided due to the magnitude of work required for tiny progress.
Indeed m6 might be a big change, I just hope there won't be another race to catch up with one certain class all over again, resulting in another power creep. Every class needs to fit their role and shape their stats to fit it.
I have leveled to 70 on my main on preview, all i can say is it was actually nice to have a challenge again. I had grown so bored with everything that running Heralds was the only thing that was interesting only for the chance of loot. Mod 6 will bring a bunch of changes, some may be good and some may be bad but at least some things will be interesting again if only for a while.
If the difficulty level is such that I am not able to solo most stuff (not epics or dungeons) then it will be a game changer for me. I will literally just change to playing a different game.
Games that try to force everyone into parties for everything are soooo old-fashioned. I want to play, not stand around waiting for guildies, friends and randoms to be ready. I know some ppl still yearn for that stuff but I reckon they must have more spare time than I have.
If the difficulty level is such that I am not able to solo most stuff (not epics or dungeons) then it will be a game changer for me. I will literally just change to playing a different game.
Games that try to force everyone into parties for everything are soooo old-fashioned. I want to play, not stand around waiting for guildies, friends and randoms to be ready. I know some ppl still yearn for that stuff but I reckon they must have more spare time than I have.
Exactly this, not everyone has 8 hours to vege in front of the screen. riiiiiiiiiiiiip casuals
every single person logged into the game adds value - because who would play on empty servers?
But on a more serious note, with (almost) all jokes aside I have been a Cryptic game/franchise enthusiast and cash paying/supporting customer since Cryptic's CoH came out of closed beta back in 2004, I was a hard core & hooked on the Cryptic CoH/CoV franchise enthusiast with a max character population of 50 characters all lvl50's with well over $500.00 u.s.d. invested in to the franchise via a combination of monthly payments and the C-Store micro transaction purchases.
2007 I then followed Cryptic when they split off from NcSoft and Paragon to do their own thing e.i. [Champion's Online].
I was an Early (signed up for the pre-order STO closed beta test) Bird Special, then started and completed the CO closed beta tests for a rewarded of a guaranteed spot in the STO and started the closed beta tests
2009 started my retail paid sub STO account
2010 Cryptic STO Lifetime Subscription Account aka [LTSA] for an additional $299.99 u.s.d.
I was for a short time a HAPPY AS A CLAM STO LTSA CUSTOMER, until that infamous day that Atari announced that they had put Cryptic's CO & STO up for public auction and Perfect World International a Beijing China based mmorpg/fps game developer/publisher corporation; offered a whooping $50,000,000 Million Dollars U.S.D. buyout and takeover of all Cryptic Software assets and mmorpg games and formed what we all now know and love Perfect World Entertainment and then later implemented the now as we know and love the current business model of the award winning Free to Play Account System.
((/emote: Grinds teeth, bits lip, shakes off a chill n shivers.))
We all tried to Get over the bad feeling that we all just been GIBBS-SLAPPED in the back of the head and beat over the bottoms of our feets with big old wet chinese egg noodle LOL :P. BUT! We kept our collective chins up and stiff upper lips and marched on like good little Cryptic Champion's Super Hero's and Star Trek Starfleet Officers and We Kept the Faith through all the mud, the much and mier.
2013 (3x years later with 9x lvl 50's characters, 3x of each faction, 3x of each class/role with an average minimum of $100.00 u.s.d. invested per character for an estimated round-about (sub-total $900.00 (total $1,699) u.s.d.)
2013. I so desperately needed a break from science fiction futuristic alternate timeline version of STO's Major game changing Module 7 aka Legacy of Romulus aka LoR and signed up for the up and coming new and shiny mmorpg based on the legendary fantasy fiction D&D-ed4 based
June 2013 started Neverwinter Online closed beta test;
I loved it so much I all but abandoned both of my CO & STO game/characters for the last 21+ months to focus primarily on D&DNO. Currently 7 level 60's characters with a min of $100.00 u.s.d. invested on each characters as in PWE/Cryptic ZEN and ZEN Market purchases of game items and services estimated around about $700.00 u.s.d.
Total lifetime Cryptic games franchise accounts monetary investment to date estimated to be about or around $2,399.00 u.s.d.
Currently I estimated my account lifetime: (84 months aka 7 years) of an average of $25-$50 u.s.d. per month invested into account across 3x Cryptic games CO/STO/D&DNO estimated to be around or about an average of $2,100.00 u.s.d. to $4,200 u.s.d.
And time marches on to present date, well then so here we are 7 years later and after rendering my very blood, sweat, tears, time and investing my hard earned money into the Cryptic Franchise as well as enduring time and time again so many major game changes to the very core of the Cryptic games basic and advanced player/characters class, role, powers, gear, items, mechanics and dynamics across all 3x Cryptic games.
I have finally come to the end of my rope of hope, goodwill, tolerance and patience after enduring what seems to me to be a non stop and overwhelming greed driven steamroller type games economics systems thanks to PWI/PWE/Cryptics uncouth and relentless business tactics and strategies of repeatedly making major changes to the games, so that us good and faithful cash paying customers current characters are beaten, battered and left for dead on the side of the road. So PWI/PWE/Cryptic in the name of forever keeping a ongoing progression of the games, always moving forwards and onward in it's never ending R&D advancement of focusing and targeting in on that **** infamous class balancing but keep the game challenging and interesting conundrum.
While we all suffer the grief and aggravation of the never ending flood of 3rd party black marketing websites hawking their hacker scams trying to sell neiv newbie players illicitly ill gotten scammed game items, resources and currencies or how about all of us legitimate cash paying customer players characters trying to have legitimate game related information (none trolling, non spamming) conversation in the default game chat channels as well as the custom made chat channels who get repeatedly and unjustly accosted with the infamous automated anti-spam algorithm software that implements a 24 hour silence/mute on all chat channels in PWE/Cryptic/Arc/Games.
After this happened to my account several times I filled out a GM HELP Ticket and waited the average 7 to 10 days for a e-mail reply just to get some vague automated generalized message stating that all PWE/Cryptic customer support team members for account billing and technical support issues were currently backlogged but have been made aware of the issue/problem you have reported.
waiting 7 to 10 more days then I started to aggressively reply with daily additional email replies stating I have been receiving these account wide chat silence/mute 24hrs penalties every other 24 hour server day reset 4 times in 7 days for going on 3 weeks this was obviously some player or group of players abusing the chat systems /report spam & /ignore player system. finally after the 7th time I emailed/replied emailed the PWE/Cryptic customer service, I received a personal email from one of the department heads (and to be respectful and polite I will not mentioned any names) The customer support rep stated that he/she had review all of my e-mails with screen shots of chat window at 100% expanded to show a sold 5min worth of channel chat text showing my text game replayed information conversation with other players, showing without any doubt that their was no filthy, foul, obscene, obnoxious, belligerent or in any way hostile text verbiage or intent of any of my text verbiage conversation and that none of it was in any way in violation of any of the EULA, Terms of Service, Player Code of Conduct Rules and Regulations and that to the best of their ability to discern what may be causing this repeated 24 hour chat silence/muting was that I was type to fast at or over 120+ words a minute. IMHO 120 words per minute is not a super speedy fast typing skills set
My wife can type **** near twice as fast and she doesn't need to pause to use spell checker online every sentence I like sometimes have to do lol :P Anyways, I am just an average one finger chicken pecking 300lbs Gorilla abusing the keyboard and the games chat and this is why my account chat was tripping/causing the automated system to engage, OK NOW JUST HOLD ON ONE DARN MINUTE HERE STOP!
Please forgive my ignorance that seems to be empowering my stupidity and merely confirming my utter and total idiocy lol :P
OK I WIN! and PWI/PWE/Cryptic you lose one Cash Paying Lifetime Average Between $2,100.00 u.s.d. to $4,200 u.s.d. Customer.
I hereby surrender my formerly known as (ridiculed and despised by the fee to play non paying player/character community population) as being a well known armed and dangerous wallet-warrior-credit-card-confederate. I officially as of the implementation and launch of the new Mod6 patch/update major game changes on 7 April 2015. I herby so solemnly swear to never again spend one u.s.d. on any of the PWI/PWE/Cryptic/Arc/Games ZEN based currency systems and to forever more hold my head high, standing proud while endeavoring to endeavor and overcome all temptations to spend/invest any more of my hard earned blood, sweat and tears IRL money u.s.d. into PWI/PWE/Cryptic ZEN & ZEN Market Systems. To always and forever more be endlessly bowed face and eyes down and prostrated ever so humbly whilst working ever so diligently to 100% free to play 100% free farm grind ten times harder than ever before as a 100% Free to Play slacker, moocher, gimme gimme it all 100% free lowlife, scumbag, game resource, game currency leecher until PWI/PWE/Cryptic closes the game clients of CO, STO, and D&DNO and fips the power switch off and power down the servers for the last time and forever more so mote it be by eternal gods of the mmorpg gaming cosmos.
OK Rant Over LOL :P
The End
Yeah I am in the same boat, in the past never worried about supporting the game but with how many times they nerf things its hard to want to support them.
Part of the catch 22 is, noone supports them, profits hurt then they have to try and FORCE support (artifact equipment anyone) leads to less support ETC.
They need to strike a healthy balance. As such probably the BEST thing they can offer that will help profits a bit:
- All transmutes now require 100 zen instead of AD. Boosts zen sales.
- Artifact Equipment needs to have its prices (for RP) slashed ALOT!
Lol its norisman again.. wall of text yo~
Perhaps if you were not spamming annoying stuff about how much money you spend and how awesome you internetz / PC is and how effin mega pro you are when the truth is.. you are not o , o , nobody would of put you on ignore or report for spam. You do it every single day on WoD / PE zone chat, if I ever see you saying anything, its either how much $ you spent in game, how awesome internetz you got or how fast your computer is or some general class related spam which is far from spot on.
Feel sorry for you since you are simply... lonely old git in you dead guild looking for attention in zone chat.
I imagine about 50% of player base got you on their ignore list.
This is not your lawn, nobody cares how shiny is your car. Get real.
Best read I've had in a long time. if this was Reddit That would be getting gold. lol
Drunken Goose of MidNight Express. - 3.3k Paladin , 3.6k GWF , 3.1k GF,
They can adjust the difficulty level as high as they want, it's not going to change anything.
Because brain-dead mechanism makes for brain-dead game play.
Sadly, they dont really seem to listen to playerbases.
They cant even seem to bother PUTTING one pass through a class. Good grief to the DC testers this round, we shoudnt HAVE even bothered!
Looking at how AMAZING the paladin class features are makes me want to plead for a Full heroic feat / encounter / class feature patch in the future. If they spent a reasonable amount on time on a balance patch, It'd really freshen up the game. also people would probably spend money on racererolls to reroll ability scores etc.
I totally agree with the volume > GP debate up there. If they reduced the cost of zen items by 25-30% . they'd probably sell far more stuff more consistently. Keys down to 75 each (700 for 10) coals down to 750 each. mounts can stay at the same price level as they are account wide, bags down 25-30%. race reroll down to 1k. A huge price rescaling might cause some outcry from people who paid original prices. but I don't think people will stop spending money if prices are DROPPING to a more affordable level, if anything they'd spend MORE. I already am a sucker when it comes to keys, but I'd probably have to hide my credit card if they were 75 each.
Eventually I'm hoping they will also be able to lower some of the AD-Sink's in campaigns and such once enough of the exploit AD is banished from the game. maybe by mod 9-10 or so.
I saw in the patch notes that sharandar had some of its lower tasks made cheaper? can anyone elaborate what they reduced there? it really interests me as sharandar was always a campaign I avoided due to the magnitude of work required for tiny progress.
Drunken Goose of MidNight Express. - 3.3k Paladin , 3.6k GWF , 3.1k GF,
WTB Class Reroll please
Games that try to force everyone into parties for everything are soooo old-fashioned. I want to play, not stand around waiting for guildies, friends and randoms to be ready. I know some ppl still yearn for that stuff but I reckon they must have more spare time than I have.
Exactly this, not everyone has 8 hours to vege in front of the screen.