He was a 22k (!) Cw by the way.Remember what you said . When you will see nerf threads in mod6 from CWs,about how tough Gfs are to kill...remember this video.
regards CW friend
yes i will my friend, i have bookmarked this page just incase
setimoseloMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 109Arc User
edited April 2015
Let's see what they do about the TR and their invisibility, stuns, slows, speed and insane damage comes to before we get started on the Guardian Fighters supposed brokenness.
Let's see what they do about the CW and their freeze, healing, force choking and insane class feats "storm spell" before we talk about the Guardian Fighters supposed brokenness.
Let's see what they do about the GWF's and their insane speed, immunity mode, healing and intimidation before we start talking about the Guardian Fighters supposed brokenness.
Let's talk about the Devoted Clerics and their insane invicimode shield (which is actually better suited for the Guardian Fighters or Paladins don't ya think?) healing and damage, lets not forget those killer dots before we talk about the Guardian Fighters supposed brokenness.
Let's talk about the Hunter rangers and those thorned roots and piercing damage before we talk about the Guardian fighters supposed brokenness.
My point is that even if the Guardian Fighter will probably be given a bone via your supposed stun locking it still only effects one person at a time and thats only true with that specific paragon. Balance is complex and right now the Guardian Fighter needs some teeth cause im gumming people to death... Let's please just wait and see if they do anything about the notorious classes first for gods sake!
rank9 ,perfect vorpal ,grim set armour and main hand + pvp cloak vs PVE specced CW wearing high vizier.The Cw dodges just one and then stands still.Even more he beginns his attack with att will against blocking GF.What he was thinking?This could be effective only at beggining of mod4.From then you cannot freeze GF while blocking.Imagine how much time he had to face GF :P
Gf has 10% (! ) Resistance ignored ,only 1800 power (+10%) and only 15-16% crit with out the capstone.Even worst he has only 40k hp.
Conclusion end result;
A bad pvp built won over a n over more abysmal bad player.Nothing to see here....CW had no shield on tab and only 1921 defence.........
I suppose, if i will split on your face you will say" oh it is raining!"
You just dont'w want to see aything.
rank9 ,perfect vorpal ,grim set armour and main hand + pvp cloak vs PVE specced CW wearing high vizier
Yes you have right, he is not probably full pvp spec. but he isn't paper CW, he has got 35k hp + and tabbed shield (what you didn't recognize, so maybe you dont really know how tabbed shield looks like?), anyway he is dying from 12k guy, show me 12k cw killing 23k GF.
yes he is making dodge and then he gets bull charge + 3x griffon thats why he is standing still maybe you dont know about this?
This is something what i am talking about, EVERY TOP PLAYER KNOW HOW TO STUN CW WHICH HAS AROUND 1 SECOND LACK OF MOBILITY AND HE CAN'T MAKE NEXT DODGE AND THIS IS MOMENT WHERE GFs AND GWFs SHOULD USE HIS STUNS- THIS IS 100% SUCCESSFUL LAND FRONTLINE, BULL OR ANYOTHER SKILL , this movie is just perfect example what i am talking about. CW dodge-> Bull charge->3x grifon-> daily-> and you have time to land any other skill + you have already next bull charge this is just 10 second perma stun from GF, swordmaster path is this same with crescendo and flourish.
Tell me, how do you think, if he will be 25k GF with no 1,8k power but full engame character with 7k+ power better crit chance and bigger arm pen, do you really think pvp set would provide that CW survive? My answer is- No, he is dead or almost dead in one rotation. Even if you cant kill him in 1 rotation ( doubtful with GFs dps) what du you think tank is doing? Shield and walk around point and wait for next rotation s odont tell me " if GF cant kill you in 1 rotation he is dead GF" that's bull****.
You guys, some of you really don't know anything about pvp but you are talking a lot of things. This is my last post, it isn't even funny to me to speak with guys who probably even don't know how to stun CW.
See you on pvp smashing you from my "StormSpell and ice knife hitting hard 50k" through your raised shield...........
First of all you said you will not respond to me anymore.Please keep your word
As a representative of the most 3leet jerk class,ah sorry i meant,as a reprsentative of the most reknown classy ,and most IQ demanded class,i expected to keep your word.Yet you failed ...: (
"you have right, he is not probably full pvp spec."
Ofc i am right!!!The CW was wearing high visier and had 0 tenacity (10% to be fair)
"but he isn't paper CW, he has got 35k hp + and tabbed shield "
Irrelevant.With 20% DR ,shield was no use.In any case he didn't dodged at the beggining of battle but used the freeze att will.Lol!!
Shield was wasted then>Notice the 256 damage.
"(what you didn't recognize, so maybe you dont really know how tabbed shield looks like?),"
I did,but i looked the video at 240p.i could not see well.The net dcns is 5km from my home i have problems in my connection.
"anyway he is dying from 12k guy, show me 12k cw killing 23k GF. "
That proves that the majority of the CWs that cry in the forums are complete abysmal bad players and are carried by their broken class.When they face anything other than Sharandar powries ,that start nerf threads.You recognize something familiar?
"yes he is making dodge and then ..."
bla bla bla blah....CWs need buff..blah blah...GFs are evil..blah blah....I am BIS CW...blah blah...none must speak excpet me in forums..blah blah...i am Obsydian the great....blah blah...i make nice videos (with awfull music) blah blah..CWs needs buffs..blah blah..we need stealth on tab..we are weak..blah blah"
"only 1921 defence.........
is it something wierd? this is normal CW defense."
normal PVP CWs run around with at least 32% Dr some reach 41%.ofcourse they are Cws that are carried by other skiled players or their guild.Who knows...
"You guys, some of you really don't know anything about pvp but you are talking a lot of things. This is my last post, it isn't even funny to me to speak with guys who probably even don't know how to stun CW."
If its is your last post i would be happy.But i know you don't keep your word cause you said it again.Anyway,time is 5.19 pm nearly morning.i guess you just returned from a polish club home and now you will flush the forum with your Cw whinning posts. unfortunately for me and any other poor player that he is still awake in EU
"See you on pvp smashing you from my "StormSpell and ice knife hitting hard 50k" through your raised shield........... "
Blah blah...I am BIS CW..blah blah..I ll kill you all...blah blah..I must only speak..blah blah..me the Obsydian the great...blah blah..nerf the Gfs...blah blah..nerf everyone except CWs...blah blah..none must speak except me....blah blah....
Have the gear and skills, but lack the friends to play with? Come and apply for Essence of Aggression. We have been here and strong since beta. (Immature, rude, and arrogant people will not be accepted)
This is an awesome thread. Reading people argue at one another in broken english is wayyy more fun than it should be. "Can I borrow from your weed". rofl...thanks for that! Good points all around to, a good read overall
ryoshinetteMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 488Arc User
edited April 2015
@overdriver So only pepople with perfect english language can disquss? Pathetic.
Anyway. Instead of arguing maybe some proposals: change capstone of defender. 20% debuff is nothing comparing to new lvl of debuffs coming from enchants. Maybe some extra bonus to CC and DR for party members and PROTECTOR? huh
I bet, easier way for devs is just close this thread than work on it.
I saw the video and is fun!!! A Gf playing against a dummy, like the ones in trade of blades. Lol.
Seriously, is not fair to kill an afk player, or a laggin one.
Question for the OP: is a problem if a class is able to kill another class after landing a perfect rotation? To me no, but is just my opionion.
I think that every class has to be able to kill any other, if well played.
guille23mxMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 340Arc User
First of all you said you will not respond to me anymore.Please keep your word
As a representative of the most 3leet jerk class,ah sorry i meant,as a reprsentative of the most reknown classy ,and most IQ demanded class,i expected to keep your word.Yet you failed ...: (
"you have right, he is not probably full pvp spec."
Ofc i am right!!!The CW was wearing high visier and had 0 tenacity (10% to be fair)
"but he isn't paper CW, he has got 35k hp + and tabbed shield "
Irrelevant.With 20% DR ,shield was no use.In any case he didn't dodged at the beggining of battle but used the freeze att will.Lol!!
Shield was wasted then>Notice the 256 damage.
"(what you didn't recognize, so maybe you dont really know how tabbed shield looks like?),"
I did,but i looked the video at 240p.i could not see well.The net dcns is 5km from my home i have problems in my connection.
"anyway he is dying from 12k guy, show me 12k cw killing 23k GF. "
That proves that the majority of the CWs that cry in the forums are complete abysmal bad players and are carried by their broken class.When they face anything other than Sharandar powries ,that start nerf threads.You recognize something familiar?
"yes he is making dodge and then ..."
bla bla bla blah....CWs need buff..blah blah...GFs are evil..blah blah....I am BIS CW...blah blah...none must speak excpet me in forums..blah blah...i am Obsydian the great....blah blah...i make nice videos (with awfull music) blah blah..CWs needs buffs..blah blah..we need stealth on tab..we are weak..blah blah"
"only 1921 defence.........
is it something wierd? this is normal CW defense."
normal PVP CWs run around with at least 32% Dr some reach 41%.ofcourse they are Cws that are carried by other skiled players or their guild.Who knows...
"You guys, some of you really don't know anything about pvp but you are talking a lot of things. This is my last post, it isn't even funny to me to speak with guys who probably even don't know how to stun CW."
If its is your last post i would be happy.But i know you don't keep your word cause you said it again.Anyway,time is 5.19 pm nearly morning.i guess you just returned from a polish club home and now you will flush the forum with your Cw whinning posts. unfortunately for me and any other poor player that he is still awake in EU
"See you on pvp smashing you from my "StormSpell and ice knife hitting hard 50k" through your raised shield........... "
Blah blah...I am BIS CW..blah blah..I ll kill you all...blah blah..I must only speak..blah blah..me the Obsydian the great...blah blah..nerf the Gfs...blah blah..nerf everyone except CWs...blah blah..none must speak except me....blah blah....
I Love this Guy!!
guille23mxMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 340Arc User
See you on pvp smashing you from my "StormSpell and ice knife hitting hard 50k" through your raised shield...........
I know this Guy was a Jerk... from the start ... and HERE he let everyone knows his true colors.... This Guy Knows His Class is OP and still WANTS to NERF GF's...
What a J3rk!!! Really with THIS THREAD!!
@overdriver So only pepople with perfect english language can disquss? Pathetic.
Not at all! The broken english means someone is talking in a tongue not their own- something I cannot do- and making arguments for one side or the other. Like I said, it is a good thread. Entertaining also.
Really.....GF, GWF, OP, should rule melee range. They are tanks. You get within its reach and the tank will kill you. A ranged class like CW seems OP because it can fold and spindle you from far away. That is the chess game of shield/encounter cd's/gap closing and so on between the two classes in pvp, for the ranged class to stay at range and do its job and the melee class to close, cc and kill.
Sorry, CW's cannot rule at all ranges. The CW in that video failed to get to it's optimal range and paid the price.
There are a ton of high GS clueless players in pvp and one of the very best classes to take advantage of that is GF.
Sucks the calls to nerf this class are already coming in before their little buff even goes live.
You forgot to add in that that the regen nerf will hurt the GF more than any other class.
Just keep it occupied on a node and it will bleed itself to death.
PSA: You don't need to grind Spinward Rise for your Elemental artifact main hand if you have some AD lying around. You can craft it via the Tyranny of Dragon's campaign screen.
Better no becouse people can recignize how powerful tank in pvp really is. I made it last time and my 14k gs tank can easy kill 20-22k GS GWF and 20k GS CW wihtout any problem. For example look here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5NFaAkL7Ns&spfreload=10
I'll just put some info. Lothor and Obsy on his **** gf uses doulbe marks (Lothor usualy ITF, BC,AoD with double marks it have to hurt). Only IV can do it so no 2xM for SM. The situation was perfectly set up by Obsy. Close range, full ap, 3 gw. Obsy you are perfetly aware that your CW would survive hole rotation and you would have above half hp, and your gf wont have daily and 3 gws at next rotation, your CW would win easly.
I use SM for the long stun combo. Its not that hard hitting but it works psychologicaly at mid range.
I didnt defeat you yet in 1 vs 1 situation. We had few ocassions and you destroyed me. And im nr 3 GF in leaderboard. So its not like you show it is.
Some vs:
gf vs cw: GF wins at low gs, and with weak player. REALY balanced at top. 1 error for both sides usualy end fight (even if 1 ss from atwill do more dmg than gf encounters). I would say edge for CW
gf vs tr: TR with no problems. Low gs can win with bis gf, with no mistakes, but random bullcharge can end fight. EXE with sod bugging and sabos are destroing GFs everyday.
gf vs dc: gfs own dps dcs (usualy gfs ends with preaty low hp) healers are unkilable, we can drop them to soulforge but when full rotation is ready again they are ready to proc there healing
gf vs hrs: gf wins, but 1 error and it hr can win
gf vs gwfs: hard fight with edge for gwf
gf vs sw: fury will fall temp will not die. There are some broken sprint feats there i think.
I'll just put some info. Lothor and Obsy on his **** gf uses doulbe marks (Lothor usualy ITF, BC,AoD with double marks it have to hurt). Only IV can do it so no 2xM for SM. The situation was perfectly set up by Obsy. Close range, full ap, 3 gw. Obsy you are perfetly aware that your CW would survive hole rotation and you would have above half hp, and your gf wont have daily and 3 gws at next rotation, your CW would win easly.
I use SM for the long stun combo. Its not that hard hitting but it works psychologicaly at mid range.
I didnt defeat you yet in 1 vs 1 situation. We had few ocassions and you destroyed me. And im nr 3 GF in leaderboard. So its not like you show it is.
Some vs:
gf vs cw: GF wins at low gs, and with weak player. REALY balanced at top. 1 error for both sides usualy end fight (even if 1 ss from atwill do more dmg than gf encounters). I would say edge for CW
gf vs tr: TR with no problems. Low gs can win with bis gf, with no mistakes, but random bullcharge can end fight. EXE with sod bugging and sabos are destroing GFs everyday.
gf vs dc: gfs own dps dcs (usualy gfs ends with preaty low hp) healers are unkilable, we can drop them to soulforge but when full rotation is ready again they are ready to proc there healing
gf vs hrs: gf wins, but 1 error and it hr can win
gf vs gwfs: hard fight with edge for gwf
gf vs sw: fury will fall temp will not die. There are some broken sprint feats there i think.
ur not 3rd GF in leaderboard
lathor and bathraps are ahead of u, as well as the 2 other fake cheat gfs. but if we dont count them then yeah ur right ur 3rd
and also double mark is only possible when u slot enforced threat. bull/itf/anvil does not have double mark.
Its changes alot, yesterday i was. But we all fail to go above page 6 its seems. Theres only trollax above us. But all know how he got there. That gf didnt get any game since 4-5 months. (kv+perma Sos+Guarded assoult+red glif any1?)
Double mark for IV = tab mark+ threatening rush
And i dont even consider ET on pvp, like ever.
Double mark is possible with tab mark and Threatening rush mark...Only IV is capable of doing so,no Sm.
Double mark and greater tenes.Turtle gameplay and one big burst damage every 20 secs,But that's it.
Double marking+ITF+ G.tenes,is what some people misconcieve as adequate GF damage.is not.
Change Bull prone to a CC (that respects CC rezistance as well) (so we avoid the perma prone/stun chains to death.
Crescendo/Lunging Strike range reduced . ( it's not normal that a melle class can outrange everyone and be able to catch without any speed ,another target that have over 50% speed.)
Anvil slighty less damage.
If bull was a cc then gf would have no prone other than daily. Bull also requires the gf to have very good move speed to be able to catch up to the enemy in time to strike again before they can get up and run. I have seen so many gf's fail there anvil on me after a bull because they can't do it quick enough.
Crescendo range reduced ? It's range is decent but anyone who uses that power knows that it can mess up because of it's range, if you use it and then someone moves another foot then your ap will drain and crescendo will do nothing. So less range would make this skill terrible.
Lunging strike is the gf's only real decent movment ability. Most other classe have ways to get around fast and since gf are slow with no dodge or any other good mobility skills I think this would also be a bad idea. Then everyone would probably have to spec IV just to catch up to people. Also gwf is melee class, they can sprint ? Rogue is melee who can dodge and appear behined people in a second so why should gf not have any mobility
As for anvil yeah I would be ok with that I don't mind making dmg a little weaker or something but if some other classes get the same because we all no rogues have way more. I just don't want to lose any mobility we have or options during fights because we need it.
If a GF was really so great we would see them running a 4 man team along with a DC .But of wait that is what we have with the CW class my bad.Oh well cant blame people for going the CW route they are the teachers pet after all.Hell I just got a new charter slot myself so might as well join them CW pet lovers I'm on my way.
If bull was a cc then gf would have no prone other than daily. Bull also requires the gf to have very good move speed to be able to catch up to the enemy in time to strike again before they can get up and run. I have seen so many gf's fail there anvil on me after a bull because they can't do it quick enough.
Like how GWF has no prone but daily? I agree with you though GF deserves their prone in PVP. But I think Takedown for GWF should prone again and have a bit more range / lunge to it.
Crescendo range reduced ? It's range is decent but anyone who uses that power knows that it can mess up because of it's range, if you use it and then someone moves another foot then your ap will drain and crescendo will do nothing. So less range would make this skill terrible.
Agree. The range isn't that big, and it can still be dodged /avoided as is.
Lunging strike is the gf's only real decent movment ability. Most other classe have ways to get around fast and since gf are slow with no dodge or any other good mobility skills I think this would also be a bad idea. Then everyone would probably have to spec IV just to catch up to people. Also gwf is melee class, they can sprint ? Rogue is melee who can dodge and appear behined people in a second so why should gf not have any mobility
Sprint is great for some things, but a good targeted encounter is far superior for actually landing damage, Sprint is a lot better for general mobility though except the stamina regen on it is horrible with the delay. I wish Punishing charge worked like a shorter range Lunging/bull strike, remove the charges, whatever is required. GF also has bull charge though which while not a mid range mobility spell, has a charge on it and is targeted.
As for anvil yeah I would be ok with that I don't mind making dmg a little weaker or something but if some other classes get the same because we all no rogues have way more. I just don't want to lose any mobility we have or options during fights because we need it.
Personally I think Anvil is a little strong also, But thats the charm of it, and it is single target. they could reduce its base dmg and it'd still be an amazing finisher due to its double dmg. and I agree out of melee classes rogues get the best of it all.
Hi guy's A.a here.
So what u think guys ??GF can be a strong candidate for beeing Over powered mod 6 ??
I vote yes.
My lil feedback would be:
Change Bull prone to a CC (that respects CC rezistance as well) (so we avoid the perma prone/stun chains to death.
Crescendo/Lunging Strike range reduced . ( it's not normal that a melle class can outrange everyone and be able to catch without any speed ,another target that have over 50% speed.)
Anvil slighty less damage.
May The bacon Bless.
??? What's wrong with you? Look at the Scourge Warlock. It was 'overpowered' in PvP because it did its job (maxed out damage) very well. The devs in charge of mod 6 destroyed the class because Control Wizards (Controllers, not strikers!) complained about not being able to keep up. Also, because those selfsame Control Wizards and Great Weapon Fighters were abusing the core lifesteal of the class- but I digress.
The GF now does its job (making bursty players cry in PvP, tanking in PvE without destroying the party's damage potential) very well. Please don't encourage the nerfhappy devs to take the very good place GF is in for PvP and PvE and NERF them again. Add prones to things Tenacity resists and don't touch the class. Also BUFF SOME OF THE OTHERS.
yes i will my friend, i have bookmarked this page just incase
Let's see what they do about the CW and their freeze, healing, force choking and insane class feats "storm spell" before we talk about the Guardian Fighters supposed brokenness.
Let's see what they do about the GWF's and their insane speed, immunity mode, healing and intimidation before we start talking about the Guardian Fighters supposed brokenness.
Let's talk about the Devoted Clerics and their insane invicimode shield (which is actually better suited for the Guardian Fighters or Paladins don't ya think?) healing and damage, lets not forget those killer dots before we talk about the Guardian Fighters supposed brokenness.
Let's talk about the Hunter rangers and those thorned roots and piercing damage before we talk about the Guardian fighters supposed brokenness.
My point is that even if the Guardian Fighter will probably be given a bone via your supposed stun locking it still only effects one person at a time and thats only true with that specific paragon. Balance is complex and right now the Guardian Fighter needs some teeth cause im gumming people to death... Let's please just wait and see if they do anything about the notorious classes first for gods sake!
I suppose, if i will split on your face you will say" oh it is raining!"
You just dont'w want to see aything. Yes you have right, he is not probably full pvp spec. but he isn't paper CW, he has got 35k hp + and tabbed shield (what you didn't recognize, so maybe you dont really know how tabbed shield looks like?), anyway he is dying from 12k guy, show me 12k cw killing 23k GF. yes he is making dodge and then he gets bull charge + 3x griffon thats why he is standing still maybe you dont know about this?
This is something what i am talking about, EVERY TOP PLAYER KNOW HOW TO STUN CW WHICH HAS AROUND 1 SECOND LACK OF MOBILITY AND HE CAN'T MAKE NEXT DODGE AND THIS IS MOMENT WHERE GFs AND GWFs SHOULD USE HIS STUNS- THIS IS 100% SUCCESSFUL LAND FRONTLINE, BULL OR ANYOTHER SKILL , this movie is just perfect example what i am talking about. CW dodge-> Bull charge->3x grifon-> daily-> and you have time to land any other skill + you have already next bull charge this is just 10 second perma stun from GF, swordmaster path is this same with crescendo and flourish.
Tell me, how do you think, if he will be 25k GF with no 1,8k power but full engame character with 7k+ power better crit chance and bigger arm pen, do you really think pvp set would provide that CW survive? My answer is- No, he is dead or almost dead in one rotation. Even if you cant kill him in 1 rotation ( doubtful with GFs dps) what du you think tank is doing? Shield and walk around point and wait for next rotation s odont tell me " if GF cant kill you in 1 rotation he is dead GF" that's bull****.
is it something wierd? this is normal CW defense.
You guys, some of you really don't know anything about pvp but you are talking a lot of things. This is my last post, it isn't even funny to me to speak with guys who probably even don't know how to stun CW.
See you on pvp smashing you from my "StormSpell and ice knife hitting hard 50k" through your raised shield...........
First of all you said you will not respond to me anymore.Please keep your word
As a representative of the most 3leet jerk class,ah sorry i meant,as a reprsentative of the most reknown classy ,and most IQ demanded class,i expected to keep your word.Yet you failed ...: (
"you have right, he is not probably full pvp spec."
Ofc i am right!!!The CW was wearing high visier and had 0 tenacity (10% to be fair)
"but he isn't paper CW, he has got 35k hp + and tabbed shield "
Irrelevant.With 20% DR ,shield was no use.In any case he didn't dodged at the beggining of battle but used the freeze att will.Lol!!
Shield was wasted then>Notice the 256 damage.
"(what you didn't recognize, so maybe you dont really know how tabbed shield looks like?),"
I did,but i looked the video at 240p.i could not see well.The net dcns is 5km from my home i have problems in my connection.
"anyway he is dying from 12k guy, show me 12k cw killing 23k GF. "
That proves that the majority of the CWs that cry in the forums are complete abysmal bad players and are carried by their broken class.When they face anything other than Sharandar powries ,that start nerf threads.You recognize something familiar?
"yes he is making dodge and then ..."
bla bla bla blah....CWs need buff..blah blah...GFs are evil..blah blah....I am BIS CW...blah blah...none must speak excpet me in forums..blah blah...i am Obsydian the great....blah blah...i make nice videos (with awfull music) blah blah..CWs needs buffs..blah blah..we need stealth on tab..we are weak..blah blah"
"only 1921 defence.........
is it something wierd? this is normal CW defense."
normal PVP CWs run around with at least 32% Dr some reach 41%.ofcourse they are Cws that are carried by other skiled players or their guild.Who knows...
"You guys, some of you really don't know anything about pvp but you are talking a lot of things. This is my last post, it isn't even funny to me to speak with guys who probably even don't know how to stun CW."
If its is your last post i would be happy.But i know you don't keep your word cause you said it again.Anyway,time is 5.19 pm nearly morning.i guess you just returned from a polish club home and now you will flush the forum with your Cw whinning posts.
"See you on pvp smashing you from my "StormSpell and ice knife hitting hard 50k" through your raised shield........... "
Blah blah...I am BIS CW..blah blah..I ll kill you all...blah blah..I must only speak..blah blah..me the Obsydian the great...blah blah..nerf the Gfs...blah blah..nerf everyone except CWs...blah blah..none must speak except me....blah blah....
Have the gear and skills, but lack the friends to play with? Come and apply for Essence of Aggression. We have been here and strong since beta. (Immature, rude, and arrogant people will not be accepted)
Anyway. Instead of arguing maybe some proposals: change capstone of defender. 20% debuff is nothing comparing to new lvl of debuffs coming from enchants. Maybe some extra bonus to CC and DR for party members and PROTECTOR? huh
I bet, easier way for devs is just close this thread than work on it.
.Suicide Squad.
Seriously, is not fair to kill an afk player, or a laggin one.
Question for the OP: is a problem if a class is able to kill another class after landing a perfect rotation? To me no, but is just my opionion.
I think that every class has to be able to kill any other, if well played.
I Love this Guy!!
I know this Guy was a Jerk... from the start ... and HERE he let everyone knows his true colors.... This Guy Knows His Class is OP and still WANTS to NERF GF's...
What a J3rk!!! Really
Not at all! The broken english means someone is talking in a tongue not their own- something I cannot do- and making arguments for one side or the other. Like I said, it is a good thread. Entertaining also.
Sorry, CW's cannot rule at all ranges. The CW in that video failed to get to it's optimal range and paid the price.
There are a ton of high GS clueless players in pvp and one of the very best classes to take advantage of that is GF.
Sucks the calls to nerf this class are already coming in before their little buff even goes live.
Just keep it occupied on a node and it will bleed itself to death.
the cw stand to get the attacks so is invalid.
I use SM for the long stun combo. Its not that hard hitting but it works psychologicaly at mid range.
I didnt defeat you yet in 1 vs 1 situation. We had few ocassions and you destroyed me. And im nr 3 GF in leaderboard. So its not like you show it is.
Some vs:
gf vs cw: GF wins at low gs, and with weak player. REALY balanced at top. 1 error for both sides usualy end fight (even if 1 ss from atwill do more dmg than gf encounters). I would say edge for CW
gf vs tr: TR with no problems. Low gs can win with bis gf, with no mistakes, but random bullcharge can end fight. EXE with sod bugging and sabos are destroing GFs everyday.
gf vs dc: gfs own dps dcs (usualy gfs ends with preaty low hp) healers are unkilable, we can drop them to soulforge but when full rotation is ready again they are ready to proc there healing
gf vs hrs: gf wins, but 1 error and it hr can win
gf vs gwfs: hard fight with edge for gwf
gf vs sw: fury will fall temp will not die. There are some broken sprint feats there i think.
Steel and Magic
ur not 3rd GF in leaderboard
lathor and bathraps are ahead of u, as well as the 2 other fake cheat gfs. but if we dont count them then yeah ur right ur 3rd
and also double mark is only possible when u slot enforced threat. bull/itf/anvil does not have double mark.
Double mark for IV = tab mark+ threatening rush
And i dont even consider ET on pvp, like ever.
Steel and Magic
Not true Ofnie.
Double mark is possible with tab mark and Threatening rush mark...Only IV is capable of doing so,no Sm.
Double mark and greater tenes.Turtle gameplay and one big burst damage every 20 secs,But that's it.
Double marking+ITF+ G.tenes,is what some people misconcieve as adequate GF damage.is not.
can´t say if its fake or if these two CW guys just made a contract with the GWF and GF, but they look really sad against the CW´s
all in all this thread is BS btw. since everybody who reads forum and preview knows very well what CW is in mod 6
If bull was a cc then gf would have no prone other than daily. Bull also requires the gf to have very good move speed to be able to catch up to the enemy in time to strike again before they can get up and run. I have seen so many gf's fail there anvil on me after a bull because they can't do it quick enough.
Crescendo range reduced ? It's range is decent but anyone who uses that power knows that it can mess up because of it's range, if you use it and then someone moves another foot then your ap will drain and crescendo will do nothing. So less range would make this skill terrible.
Lunging strike is the gf's only real decent movment ability. Most other classe have ways to get around fast and since gf are slow with no dodge or any other good mobility skills I think this would also be a bad idea. Then everyone would probably have to spec IV just to catch up to people. Also gwf is melee class, they can sprint ? Rogue is melee who can dodge and appear behined people in a second so why should gf not have any mobility
As for anvil yeah I would be ok with that I don't mind making dmg a little weaker or something but if some other classes get the same because we all no rogues have way more. I just don't want to lose any mobility we have or options during fights because we need it.
Like how GWF has no prone but daily? I agree with you though GF deserves their prone in PVP. But I think Takedown for GWF should prone again and have a bit more range / lunge to it.
Agree. The range isn't that big, and it can still be dodged /avoided as is.
Sprint is great for some things, but a good targeted encounter is far superior for actually landing damage, Sprint is a lot better for general mobility though except the stamina regen on it is horrible with the delay. I wish Punishing charge worked like a shorter range Lunging/bull strike, remove the charges, whatever is required. GF also has bull charge though which while not a mid range mobility spell, has a charge on it and is targeted.
Personally I think Anvil is a little strong also, But thats the charm of it, and it is single target. they could reduce its base dmg and it'd still be an amazing finisher due to its double dmg. and I agree out of melee classes rogues get the best of it all.
Drunken Goose of MidNight Express. - 3.3k Paladin , 3.6k GWF , 3.1k GF,
??? What's wrong with you? Look at the Scourge Warlock. It was 'overpowered' in PvP because it did its job (maxed out damage) very well. The devs in charge of mod 6 destroyed the class because Control Wizards (Controllers, not strikers!) complained about not being able to keep up. Also, because those selfsame Control Wizards and Great Weapon Fighters were abusing the core lifesteal of the class- but I digress.
The GF now does its job (making bursty players cry in PvP, tanking in PvE without destroying the party's damage potential) very well. Please don't encourage the nerfhappy devs to take the very good place GF is in for PvP and PvE and NERF them again. Add prones to things Tenacity resists and don't touch the class. Also BUFF SOME OF THE OTHERS.
yes dont blame mumy....it's dady fault..always.
May the bacon bless