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PvE Farming for AD

godlysoul2godlysoul2 Member Posts: 661 Bounty Hunter
edited March 2015 in PvE Discussion
Just curious to know how viable do you think running/farming PvE content is for making AD? It seems like as we progress further with artifact/profession based gear, there is less and less opportunity to make significant AD from running PvE content. Honestly, I don't know though, which is why I am asking. It seems to me that while running dungeons/farming PvE content used to be very profitable from getting set piece drops, but now the only way to make significant AD is to get extremely lucky with an artifact drop.

Or is there still good profits to be made? I have pretty much just always just played TR PvP and merched for any AD. I've been considering setting up a character for PvE, but with how expensive/time consuming it can be to get a really good PvE farming account, I am skeptical as to whether it is worth it or not with how PvE content has been progressing.
Post edited by godlysoul2 on


  • zephyrpillar1zephyrpillar1 Member Posts: 125 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    not hard to crack 100k per day but i wouldnt call it the easiest way to make ad.. maybe coupled with leadership profession
  • wildwolf8wildwolf8 Member Posts: 161 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2015
    if you are lucky enough to be on during dungeon delve times and you get lucky during the runs, it is possible to farm pve content by running some of the faster dungeons multiple times during the delve. however, you're not going to strike it rich anymore. it's more of a steady way to get ad.

    biggest issue i have is that while you can make ad by grinding dungeons in this way, where dungeons used to feel fun to me, now it is just a grind to speed through them as fast as possible. hopefully the new mod increases difficulty, so people actually have to slow it down and have what I would consider fun again. however, if the rewards do not increase along with the difficulty, then we're back to there really is not a great way to earn ad through pve. or at least, not a fast way. which, is up to you in terms of whether that is good or bad.

    personally, i used to like the chance at a big ticket item while running some of the more interesting dungeons. we don't have that 'woo hoo! check out what dropped!' moment anymore.
  • ironzerg79ironzerg79 Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,942 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    The Dragon Heralds are still a decent way to make some quick AD. The level 60 blue drops can sell from 500-1500 AD, purples from 5000-8000 (or salvage if you're not at the refinement cap), to coffers go for 1500+ and occasionally you might get some Artifact gear that goes for a little more. Not bad for 10 minutes of work, and you don't need to be in a group.
    "Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
  • vasdamasvasdamas Member Posts: 2,461 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    magenubbie wrote: »
    Provided they don't change BoE drops to BoP, I'm sure the new level dungeons will provide more than enough to sell.

    I wouldn't even bother running BOP dungeons more than once :D
  • rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    ironzerg79 wrote: »
    The Dragon Heralds are still a decent way to make some quick AD. The level 60 blue drops can sell from 500-1500 AD, purples from 5000-8000 (or salvage if you're not at the refinement cap), to coffers go for 1500+ and occasionally you might get some Artifact gear that goes for a little more. Not bad for 10 minutes of work, and you don't need to be in a group.

    you can do it in less than 2 min, take your mounth reach the dragon, 1 at will, go to the next one.
    you dont need more than that for a chance for the best drop.
    a bit sad maybe but i have enough of dragons.
  • rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    kalindra wrote: »
    Please explain your calculation at the actual situation where everything drops from Tiamat, prices are as low as full T2 sets for less than 100k, and very few doing any dungeons at all...
    ...are you assuming 8-16h ingame time per day or a full guild making coordinated farming efforts?

    As an european I'm usually banned from playing most of my evening hours and only seldom hit dungeon delve anymore, mostly around midnight; even if i'm not too tired, I hardly get anymore dungeons than a pirate king or two, resulting in less than 10k AD worth of loot.
    Add to that maybe 5k AD from blue 60ish equip from dailies by auction house, and you can see why I'ld be glad to know how to make 100k a day.

    i do 50k at least by leadership, 20-30k selling minor zen related stuffs in ah.. something that will sell, 10k of random rank 5, 10-20k of refining from tiamat, 10k of a purple at least...without playing if not tiamat its 100k more or less.
  • henry404henry404 Member Posts: 690 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    rayrdan wrote: »
    you can do it in less than 2 min, take your mounth reach the dragon, 1 at will, go to the next one.
    you dont need more than that for a chance for the best drop.
    a bit sad maybe but i have enough of dragons.

    You can indeed do that but bear in mind you have to stay in that instance until they are all dead (so unless you have other stuff to do you might as well fight) and you will not get any "great successes", which may not change the odds of you getting the big prizes but definitely will reduce the overall amount of other stuff you get. Those coins add up and eventually earn you a Linu. Woo hoo! A Linu! Only 14 more to go! etc etc
  • godlysoul2godlysoul2 Member Posts: 661 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2015
    So basically the most efficient use of time (aside from merching) is to just farm with dragon hoard enchants instead of try to run actual PvE content?
  • phoenix1021phoenix1021 Member Posts: 532 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Fighting those dragons gets boring for me after about 3 times, ugh! Also Well of Dragons is a very rude zone, should turn off chat.
  • rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Yes there is nothing worth to farm if refining points, pirate king and some random kessels
  • mh0rammh0ram Member Posts: 310 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    godlysoul2 wrote: »
    Just curious to know how viable do you think running/farming PvE content is for making AD? It seems like as we progress further with artifact/profession based gear, there is less and less opportunity to make significant AD from running PvE content. Honestly, I don't know though, which is why I am asking. It seems to me that while running dungeons/farming PvE content used to be very profitable from getting set piece drops, but now the only way to make significant AD is to get extremely lucky with an artifact drop.

    Or is there still good profits to be made? I have pretty much just always just played TR PvP and merched for any AD. I've been considering setting up a character for PvE, but with how expensive/time consuming it can be to get a really good PvE farming account, I am skeptical as to whether it is worth it or not with how PvE content has been progressing.

    I've recently taken to artifact hunting when I'm bored. Regulars drop everywhere, have had the best luck in CT of all places.

    Kessels is nice, that's worth an easy 3M.

    There's still stuff to do PvE wise, but I agree with the majority in saying that it's pretty **** limited.
  • rcn808rcn808 Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    kalindra wrote: »
    can't even remember when I last sold a purple for 10k or more; ...5-8k seems to be the most I can get salvaging - AH prices are even lower.

    Sold an ancient epic for CN (can't quite remember was it mainhand or offhand, also it was for either cw/dc/sw) for 70k+ just a few days ago - the buyout price I set was -1AD from the current lowest at that moment.
  • beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    RNG is totally your mistress, but random blue items can sell decently. If you get a ring with armor penetration and an offense slot for level 30-40, that's worth a good chunk of AD.

    Randomness makes it pretty much unfarmable though. Just stuff that's been good to me while I worked on my solo dungeon project. 50+ the value tapers off a lot and you don't get as many blue drops for level 20ish.
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  • healaryhealary Member Posts: 600 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Realistically, there is no viable and legitimate way to farm AD except a lot of non-botting leadership alts. This is obvious as there are very very few drops that can even be sold for more than 30k. Consider it a lucky day if you get a dragon gem or a dragon egg.

    T2 are mostly worthless too. A good portion of them sell for less than 10k each or even at salvage prices. Dungeons T2 drops are even more worthless as almost all of them are BOP and it means salvage food if you don't hit the 24k cap. GG dungeon T2 drops are not bound but it takes you a hour of efforts to get a chance to a piece of 8-25k <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> with 4 other players.
  • doriangreighdoriangreigh Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 707 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    rayrdan wrote: »
    i do 50k at least by leadership, 20-30k selling minor zen related stuffs in ah.. something that will sell, 10k of random rank 5, 10-20k of refining from tiamat, 10k of a purple at least...without playing if not tiamat its 100k more or less.

    This isn't much of an explanation nor answer to original posters question. I think the OP wanted to know how a casual player would generate AD and obviously you are not casual because if you are getting 50k AD in leadership you are obviously using more than 2 characters which is cumbersome to the casual player. Leadership to a casual player is probably more like 5 - 10k per day maybe 20k if using 2 toons and all AD tasks and monitoring it from Gateway but most casuals are probably only going to do this once a day so again back to doing 5k most likely.

    Not sure what selling minor zen related stuff is ... you might want to clarify, to me this sounds like you spend real money to buy something off the zen market like say dye or preservation wards to sell at an AD price that would be higher than the 500:1 ratio ... again a causal player doing the total Free2Play thing is probably not going to do this.

    The only way to get R5 enchants is to have unlocked IWD or Kessel Retreat but it will take you awhile to get even 10 - 20 let alone a stack of 99 and I think most casual players can't solo the heroics in IWD to ensure getting R5 to drop from mobs but it is possible in a group you might get in enough killing blows to be the one to trigger the drop so maybe an hour of farming might get you 1 - 10 R5 black ice enchants. A guaranteed source of R5 dracaonics come from Epic Shores of Tuern but again requires unlocks and has a better shot of getting good pugs during skirmish hour which has the added benefit of getting you daily skirmish AD as well as skirmish hour AD.

    I'm with the OP that any casual player who might play 1 - 3 hours a day will NEVER hit 100k AD on 2 characters, at best you will get ~50k from refining and if they are lucky and get drops from dungeons or god forbid an artifact from Kessel they probably aren't going to get 100k per day even if they sold something decent on AH, most stuff you get right now won't sell for more than salvage so might as well salvage at least until you hit cap.

    Right now the best AD farming is run GG which is pretty easy to do even if you don't win the PVP stuff you still get coins for losing and even a triumph seal for losing via the daily PVP GG quest. Run the daily skirmish during skirmish hour if you can and maybe hit a dungeon, better still run a dungeon or two during dungeon delves and you will probably hit your 24k/ day refining AD cap and might go over if you get stuff to salvage to boot. If you are lucky you will get something worth selling for more than 10k on AH to add to the coffer.

    Now if you have all day to play NW then do as this person suggests farm Tiamat every hour, run heralds, if you can find people to run the blue heorics for neck pieces to sell on AH which will do wonders for fattening your wallet .... but all that is time consuming and not going to give a guaranteed pay off, Tiamat does NOT always give you anything worthwhile, most is just salvage but the occasional T2 piece can still fetch a decent AH price and most of the Herald runs will get you nothing but blue stuff, which yes selling all that will probably fetch maybe 1000 AD per piece on AH so if you aren't interested in refining that can help bump you up the AD ladder however again that is 1/hour like Tiamat and if you only play for an hour or two probably isn't going to get you as far as those that do it for 4 - 8 hours, those are the ones making bank on these things.
  • matthiasthehun76matthiasthehun76 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,184 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Zero currently and if it doesn't change players will get their AD only by micro or macro transactions or as many do it by building bot armies and farming Foundries and so.

    Only 2 dungeons are run, if you can get a group, PK (mostly boring, exploited runs) or eLOL for the books. Later has the disadvantage, that most (lower GS or item level, really doesn't matter, how we call the child) people can't get a group.

    Matchmaking is dead again, queue doesn't pop for an hour or more, if you try to run solo or with a non-complete team.

    I miss those old days, when i was low level and a beginner and did those many fun and rewarding runs in T1 dungeons. Boy did we have fun all night running doing T1s. Sadly T1s are empty as a desert, but most T2s too. :(
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  • thefabricantthefabricant Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 5,248 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    You can make 100k AD/day through dungeons alone assuming you with a decent group and you run CN. With a strong group, its 20 minutes per run and if you split the value of the drop 5 ways, then approximately 10 draco drops will net you 100k. This would take you 3 hours. Still, its a pitiful amount for such a large effort.
  • userutf8userutf8 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 270 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    ^^ exactly:-) but still CN is fun to run.
  • drakcertdrakcert Member Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    HAHAHA is pratically impossible to get more than 100k per day, led by more than 70 times elol and I've only seen it once throw the book and did not get it .....
    please someone tell me a method to get ad and not be confused by a bot hahahaha.
  • imaginaerum1imaginaerum1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 378 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Hrm. Hours and hours grinding out the same thing to get possible AD? No thanks.
    I work full-time in real life. I don't need to work in my off-hours too.
  • suicidalgodotsuicidalgodot Member Posts: 2,465 Arc User
    edited March 2015
    Well, everybody does it for Linu's... ...though those are guaranteed on a win, ofc.
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